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Originally posted by pfunkarocka
You also imply that by scaring countries like Taiwan that should tremble by the words and just become part of China. Sounds like a communist of totalitarian way of thinking to me.
Originally posted by Soul Reaper
China was once the super power of the world......this was before
almost any other nation was on the planet. Respect people...respect.
Originally posted by FredT
Past deeds do little to gnerate respect for a country that has brutaly supressed people of Tibet, Massacred 30,000,000 people during thier social experiements, threatend a small island with total destruction, Murder anyone who dares protest the oppressive government, Jails Docotors who let the world know about SARS etc etc etc.....
Originally posted by zcheng
SARS was the biological attack of a nation to disrupt Chinese economy and kill as many Chinese as possible, in its preparation of Iraq War. My fellow Chinese will remember those atrocities.
Originally posted by FredT
Please, explain why your government tried to cover it up. If all citizens in your country are such zealots as you claim, how could a bio-warfare attack even occur? No doubt any spies would be quickly found.
Please show me the proof that SARS was an attack. If you had proof how come your government did not let loose the fury of 1.3 billion chinese as you often like to claim? More likely the provence that the outbreak occured in (also the bird flu also started there) contains a slave labor bio warfare plant.
Originally posted by zcheng
That is insidious nature of biological warfare. After this attack, Chinese government are now building labs, and measures to prevent such attacks.
No proof is possible now, that is why US dare to attack. It is extremely easy to initiate. A few person is enough to initiate such attacks.
TeChina possesses an advanced biotechnology infrastructure as well as the requisite munitions production capabilities necessary to develop, produce and weaponize biological agents. Although China has consistently claimed that it has never researched or produced biological weapons, it is nonetheless believed likely that it retains a biological warfare capability begun before acceding to the BWC. China is commonly considered to have an active biological warfare program, including dedicated research and development activities funded and supported by the Government for this purpose. There is essentially no open source data on the subject of Chinese BW activities, and many legitimate research programs use similar, if not identical equipment and facilities.
Originally posted by FredT
Originally posted by zcheng
That is insidious nature of biological warfare. After this attack, Chinese government are now building labs, and measures to prevent such attacks.
No proof is possible now, that is why US dare to attack. It is extremely easy to initiate. A few person is enough to initiate such attacks.
Please, China is the innocent victem and while having no proof, has initated a program to build labs??? Seems your propaganda manual has left out the small fact that China has had bioweapons for years.
TeChina possesses an advanced biotechnology infrastructure as well as the requisite munitions production capabilities necessary to develop, produce and weaponize biological agents. Although China has consistently claimed that it has never researched or produced biological weapons, it is nonetheless believed likely that it retains a biological warfare capability begun before acceding to the BWC. China is commonly considered to have an active biological warfare program, including dedicated research and development activities funded and supported by the Government for this purpose. There is essentially no open source data on the subject of Chinese BW activities, and many legitimate research programs use similar, if not identical equipment and facilities.
Geneva - US and European intelligence agencies are reporting mounting evidence that Russia and China have massively violated the 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention, and subsequent international and bilateral agreements to control biowarfare weapons.
The convention, signed by 169 nations, prohibits development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, transfer, or use of chemical and biological weapons. All signatories with biowarfare arsenals are pledged to eliminate such weapons over ten years. While Russia and China appear to have ceased adding to their huge stockpiles of chemical weapons, both are developing new strains of highly lethal biological toxins.
Originally posted by FredT
Show me the proof that China did not have biowarfare prior to the SARS outbreak?
Originally posted by zcheng
You are same like Bush asking Saddam to show that he does not have WMD. You should show the evidence of Chinese biowarfare. List the victims, time and place.
Originally posted by zcheng
Originally posted by Muaddib
who and why first brought to light the SARS problem in China?
Glad you bring SARS up. SARS was the biological attack launched against China by US in preparation for Iraq war and disrupt Chinese economy. It is similar to the bombing of Embassy, and will be remembered by all Chinese.
Jiang Yanyong, a 72 year old Chinese physician who exposed the Chinese government coverup of the SARS epidemic last year, is being detained in a room under 24 hour watch, and is being threatened with confinement until he changes his thinking and raises his level of understanding about the Tiananmen massacre.
Originally posted by zcheng
SARS was the biological attack of a nation to disrupt Chinese economy and kill as many Chinese as possible, in its preparation of Iraq War. My fellow Chinese will remember those atrocities.
I am sorry did i just hear you say we brought SARS to you.....???? .......
I see, so i guess that's the reason why Jiang Yanyong, the Chinese doctor who broke the Chinese government coverup of the SARS epidemic is under arrest, with several other people......
The one you referred is scum. The Whistleblowing was staged by the West media. I have no sympathy whatsoever for him.
Originally posted by FredT
Originally posted by zcheng
You are same like Bush asking Saddam to show that he does not have WMD. You should show the evidence of Chinese biowarfare. List the victims, time and place.
You are the one who has claimed that China developed biowarfare capacity after SARS was inflicted on you buy the US. Hmmm does not seem to be true does it. More food for thought
Okay please show your proof as to who save Saddam Hussein the chemical weapons?
Originally posted by Muaddib
I am sorry did i just hear you say we brought SARS to you.....???? .......
I see, so i guess that's the reason why Jiang Yanyong, the Chinese doctor who broke the Chinese government coverup of the SARS epidemic is under arrest, with several other people......
Here let me give you an overview of the thread i posted on this subject.
Jiang Yanyong, a 72 year old Chinese physician who exposed the Chinese government coverup of the SARS epidemic last year, is being detained in a room under 24 hour watch, and is being threatened with confinement until he changes his thinking and raises his level of understanding about the Tiananmen massacre.
BTW has the media in China already reported the latest arrest of Jiang?........
Excerpted from.
BTW see if you can access this site.
Originally posted by zcheng
First of All, he is a member of PLA in PLA hospital.
I am proud of the leadership of our Chinese government.
Third, SARS is specifically targeted against Chinese
He violates the rules of the PLA, and deserve what he got.
Originally posted by zcheng
Those cited are suspicion of American or West media. Do you think they will suggest it is done by US? If SARS is produced by China, China would not know the threat it posed, and not responded at the first moment?
In a scathing report released in Beijing last week, the World Health Organization said the Chinese government was in a poor position to deal with the SARS outbreak, especially in rural areas, once it occurred; that Beijing failed to provide timely and accurate reports of the spread of the disease; and, worst of all, that there was strong evidence the government covered up its failures
Worst of all was the coverup, apparently imposed out of the fear that full disclosure would hurt foreign investment and the tourist trade. In fact, the government would have done itself and the rest of the world a big favor by being candid; the inevitable discovery of the truth demolished the government's credibility, rendering it powerless to knock down rumors and making it look corrupt and unreliable.
TAnother winter, another virus, another coverup? Last year, much of Asia came to a standstill because of the SARS outbreak, which started in Southern China in the winter but didn't capture the world's attention for months because of successful efforts by provincial Chinese authorities to keep the virus a secret.
Now the worry is avian flu, which has hit many countries in Asia and killed over a dozen people so far. Most, if not all, of those victims were in direct contact with infected birds. Disease experts' main concern is that the virus will mutate and jump, not just from bird to person, but from person to person. If that happens, the experts say, the whole world could be in major trouble
Murky origins
It's still not clear how and where Asia's new version of avian flu � H5N1, as it's known � got its start. But given China's track record, it's not surprising that some people in Hong Kong are looking at the mainland as the likely source � and saying officials there may have again tried to cover up the extent of the problem.
According to The Standard, a Hong Kong daily newspaper, H5N1 struck two large chicken farms in the southern province of Guangdong last fall, killing about two-thirds of their birds. The Standard, picking up a report from its Chinese-language sister publication Eastweek, says farms throughout China have suffered from avian flu for several years, a fact that local authorities worked hard to conceal.
What did Chinese officials know about H5N1, and when did they know it? Good luck trying to find out. In China, no free press exists to ask these questions. And the country has no political opposition that can demand investigations. In many cases, that means the government gets a free ride.
Originally posted by superpyz
When I worked in hospital, there is no Chinese official media claimed that SARS is a bio attack. I studied Molecular Pathology, and toxiology, there is no evidence that SARS is generated by man. It's molecular analysis shows this virus is mostly from rodent animal, or other kind of animal.
I think SARS is a virus which lives in animal, some people eat them, and in the intestine, part of virus chain broke or mutate. If SARS is designed by US, then their tech is too advanced.....
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Originally posted by zcheng
superpyz, SARS is a ethnic virus targeting the immune system of some ethnic Chinese. Following is the Taiwan report on this topic in Chinese, your system need to support Chinese to read it.