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BAN GUNS and SUSPEND the Constitution!! This needs to be done NOW!

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by mydarkpassenger

See my previous post for an answer to your claims regarding Swiss gun laws, the restrictions are tighter

Swiss gun laws are more restrictive than those in the US

anyway Im off to bed now, defend your ridiculous right to bear arms all you want its killed more people than its saved America's gun massacres

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by dreamseeker

I know in the 1700s they had to protect themselves more; our society is slightly more civilized than that now?


When I lived as a lone female in a city I slept with a shot gun under my bed. There is no way I would have felt safe living in a city otherwise.

Seems a lot of these anti-gun folks never lived in the real world. Big surprise, huh?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by TheSkinRipper

I could dismiss this thread as outright trolling, but I'll play along here for a second. Do you really understand what suspending the constitution (aka Martial Law) would entail and the kind of environment it would create? Under such a situation the military would be able to kick in your door (assuming that you are in fact a US citizen) and arrest or kill you for any reason what so ever with no recourse for any of your surviving family. Are you honestly telling me that because of this specific incident that its worth throwing everything away for an ideal that honestly is not founded in reason and logic.

People are imperfect creatures given to doing both terrible and great things, just because a lone nut kills a few people I'm certainly not ready to throw away the entire system; even the forefathers were smarter than that.

...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed...

Beyond all that the issue of banning firearms is a hot-button issue, and the very act of banning them could cause irreparable damage to a nation already on the verge of hemorrhage thanks to a huge number of factors. The task of reclaiming the millions of firearms in the US would lead to countless lives lost both civilian and law enforcement alike; are you honestly saying that those lives should be forfeit to carry out such a plan founded on raw emotions and irrationality?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by TheSkinRipper
All Im saying is that America has a BAD rep when it comes to gun crime, and needs to be dealt with. The answer.

Many people in many other countries may perceive that, but it is difficult to prove a majority consensus. We'll pretend that perception is prove-able truth for a minute though... Unfortunately, the only way to support this (alleged) "bad rep" is with a comparative analysis of gun crime statistics from several countries. This can be done however. Proof please.

Originally posted by TheSkinRipperAnd the Bill of Rights IS OUTDATED and meaning less in todays world.

You are entitled to your opinion. However, stating an opinion over and over will not make it fact (no matter how much you squinch up your face and wish while you do it).

Originally posted by TheSkinRipperWe now have guns that can fire hundreds of rounds per minute...

"Hundreds of rounds per minute" eh...? Well yes I suppose; and if you are in the military and trained in the use of a 50 cal machine gun you can fire off that many. However, such weapons are difficult to get a hold of for even your not-so-average-criminal-mastermind, and not available to law-abiding citizens. Any fully automatic weapon is already illegal there cupcake. So you're a little late.

Originally posted by TheSkinRipperImpose really strict punishments for those who break the law.


Originally posted by TheSkinRipperBring back hard labor for life

Depending on the crime I could see that.

Originally posted by TheSkinRipperand bring back public whippings and public punishment.

Kaayyyy.... Gettin' a little wobbly on that one, but everyone has what they do for kicks I guess.

Originally posted by TheSkinRipper90% of the problem will be solved.

Institutionalizing the truly deranged (Jared Loughner) would have solved the problem that instigated your little rant here, but let's not get too caught up in the details I s'pose.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Versa

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
They have the highest per captita gun ownership in the world and one of the lowest gun-related crime rates in the world. Kinda blows the bottom out of these antigun nutters doesn't it?

they also have much tighter gun laws "Swiss gun laws are more restrictive than in America. Unlicensed people are not permitted to carry weapons except under special certain circumstances such as travel to military training"

Nice "side step".

You switched from "most guns - lowest gun related crime rate" - - - to gun restriction and licensing.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by TheSkinRipper

Originally posted by itsawild1
The remark about suspend the constitution is very funny?? Its already suspended. I cant believe you dont see this!!! As far as gun banning goes--i am laughing my ass off at your ignorance.
I put you under this jared kid. You are even more uneducated to human rights than he was.

Thats fine. But you people are ill equipement mentally to own them. I would rather be surrounded by Hitler's henchmen then by American citizens with guns.

At least the Nazis had a plan, you people just shoot anyone for nay reason when you dont understand why things are the way they are.

If people like you made something out of your lives and could afford a decent life like those of us who deserve our way of life then you too would not want to little people armed.

Wow!!! I mean WOW YOU HAVE NO FRIGGIN CLUE!!!! I actually hope you get robbed at gunpoint! Not killed or even shot, maybe pistol whipped like a red-headed step child. you may change your distorted PSYCHOTIC view of Americans. UGH!!!

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:28 PM
I take exception to what you are doing in this thread, with this thread.
I have read your introduction, you claim to be a psychopath, 'your words' not mine.
Taking advantage of a tragic situation to thrust upon yourself flags and stars is truly pathetic.
There is no way I'm taking anything you post as serious, it is simply drama from a noob.
Ban guns and suspend the constitution?
YOU are perhaps someone who should be observed more closely, just as Jared should have been,
to attack and label law abiding citizens as you clump them all together under the umbrella of potential
psychopaths, as you have introduced yourself as, is in fact, to me, ALARMING.
This is trolling 101 and I give you an F.

edit on 10-1-2011 by HappilyEverAfter because: sp

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:31 PM

edit on 10-1-2011 by mandella1099 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Annee
Nice "side step".

You switched from "most guns - lowest gun related crime rate" - - - to gun restriction and licensing.

Annee, you have to consider the source. You're talking about the same person that thinks that if guns were illegal, they'd be less accessible, just like drugs are not less accessible while they're illegal. Go figure.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:33 PM
I am not even going to take your bait due to your "trolling" and respond. I wont change your mind and you cant ever change mine. Please, re-think your statement and read the Constitution before you mention suspending it; this would lead to anarchy and complete chaos for it is the very threads of our society in the US. Also, another wild guess..but I am guessing you have had NO experience with any type of firearm. Please, take a safety and shooting class and learn that 99.99999% of Americans that own weapons are safe with operating them and intend to do no harm to another individual unless them or their family is endangered. All I am asking is please research the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and what they entitle the American people too along with having experience in the world of firearms before you start to rant. Your OP does nothing but ignite heated responses and achieves no educated goal or insight.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:33 PM

In a past post, you also said that "Its a disgrace that we can accuse without having all our ducks in a row"

Have you changed your stance on this or do you have all of your ducks in a row to make the charge that "Americans will always resort to shooting people"?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by TheSkinRipper
you people are ill equipement mentally to own them. I would rather be surrounded by Hitler's henchmen then by American citizens with guns.

Says someone who can't even spell, or makes racial comments. I'm glad you don't have a gun. What you've typed here today proves you're too dangerous to society to own one.

Funny isn't it? It is not uncommon for the mouthbreathers to be inarticulate and uninformed with regards to the 2nd amendment, but what is uncommon is to have someone advocate that our entire Constitution be suspended. I think this would be Fuhrer missed his mark by about 75 years.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by TheSkinRipper

One man does not represent 300 million. Thanks for your rant. But I'm detecting ignorance levels of over 9000.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by TheSkinRipper

The right to bear arms will never be out-of-date,
because history always repeats itself.

Hence the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by TheSkinRipper

Originally posted by itsawild1
The remark about suspend the constitution is very funny?? Its already suspended. I cant believe you dont see this!!! As far as gun banning goes--i am laughing my ass off at your ignorance.
I put you under this jared kid. You are even more uneducated to human rights than he was.

Thats fine. But you people are ill equipement mentally to own them. I would rather be surrounded by Hitler's henchmen then by American citizens with guns.

At least the Nazis had a plan, you people just shoot anyone for nay reason when you dont understand why things are the way they are.

If people like you made something out of your lives and could afford a decent life like those of us who deserve our way of life then you too would not want to little people armed.

C'mon now. Moroon alert! SkinGripper is an obvious troll, as many have already said.

Let's stop the madness. No more response on this freaks thread.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Blazer

not just machetes from a post a few months ago i remember they were burning people not a nice watch and if you wanna go that way then look for your self all people do bad # but the key is not every single one of us is some one like that

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by TheSkinRipper

SkinRipper, you just said:

"I do not own a gun. I do not need a gun. I along with everyone else DO NOT need a gun."

All I can say is "wow." Haven't we just seen this style of argument and logic recently in the media, on YouTube, in the ATS community, etc, from another former troll here on ATS...?

edit on 10-1-2011 by mandella1099 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by TheSkinRipper

Are you insane. Guns are what keep every American safe. It gives us the power t protect our family and friends. Yes people hate them, because of a very very small percent of people with guns who make terrible desicions. But if you want this to happen, then you are a fool, because you are wishing death on many many people. Because they WILL NEVER take our weapons. That would be the stupidist and quickest way to start a Civil War. And I can tell you that at least 80% of Americans would back us. So good luck getting this done.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Versa

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Versa

So now you are advocating a whole country full of trained killers with guns? How many times has a gunman killed multiple victims in America without once being taken down by your gun wielding heroes?

WHAT the heck do you think Switzerland is? A land of trained killers BY LAW! And they have the highest number of guns per capita and the lowest crime rate in the world. Shooting guns is the national sport with women and children competing too.

Thanks for that back up of my original post.

They have the highest per captita gun ownership in the world and one of the lowest gun-related crime rates in the world. Kinda blows the bottom out of these antigun nutters doesn't it?

they also have much tighter gun laws "Swiss gun laws are more restrictive than in America. Unlicensed people are not permitted to carry weapons except under special certain circumstances such as travel to military training" Swis gun laws so actually all your claim does is validate the tightening of gun ownership laws.

Read along further; that concerns full auto weapons.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by TheSkinRipper

Ban guns? for real? are you serious? Hmmn you know I think all citizens should be armed in case the US is invaded. Some would say we are being invaded and that is why we are being encouraged to put down our guns. Anyway I never owned a gun so it wouldnt matter to me, still I fee safer knowing a bunch of mid western white people and black people down south own all the guns we need to fight any oppressor.

Plus do you really think if the US banned guns it would stop violence? That would just mean more bombs and extreme violence increasing. Guns are more civil compared to thee alternatives, remember the samurai. The sword was a civil instrument of retribution and justice until the gun came on scene. Then the mass killer became an enigma. Now its the terrorist.

Stopping violence is easy. First of all introduce anger management into all education systems. Maybe a form of life skillz conditioning that teaches principle and a higher regard for self which translates into a higher regard for everyone else. But violence is inate in man and although these are movies plz see "Equilibrium" and " Demolition Man" for what the most likely scenario would be if TPTB attempted to clamp down on dissent.

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