posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 12:25 AM
ishred...IMO, I think you are getting some VERY bad advice on this thread.
So how would revolting against your coworkers, or 'tricking' or 'messing' with them help you any? I am going to take a really big guess here and
assume you need your job. Then I am going to take an even BIGGER guess here and say that it seems like it might matter to you what your co-workers
think about you?
Those are two very normal things. The fact that they have talked with you about their concerns seems that perhaps they even care about you, or at
least worried enough to be concerned for themselves.
I would think that now is the time to show them just how sane you are, by acting what they consider to be normal. This simply means to NOT talk about
conspiracy theories at work, which most likely isn't exactly appropriate anyways.
If you were to behave how the majority of the posters on this thread suggest, you will only be proving thier case against you. You will be causing
yourself harm, and making it that much more difficult to get your opinion out there.
Best thing to do is let this blow over. They are communicating a concern to you. Whether you agree with it or not you need to recognize that you are
making people uncomfortable. Since you are at work, that could be a problem. Unfortunately, the realty of this life is that if we want employment
and comfort than we do need to conform to a degree. Work may not be the place to get through to people. Show them that you are very much sane, that
you care about what they are saying to you and back off. Then, after this has all blown over, maybe someone will be willing to listen to
you....outside of the workplace. If this opens up a dialogue with even one person, (and saves your job and reputation)...than I think it would be
worth it.
What you do outside of work is your own business.
edit on 15-1-2011 by westcoast because: (no reason given)