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Just great, now I am a Danger to society

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:52 AM
So everyone i work with knows i'm into conspiracies cuz i try and tell them stuff about it but they just thought i was dumb and gulible. But today, they were reading about Jared the AZ killer and how he was obsessed with conspiracies and the government being evil and such, and how that probably fueled his attacks. So now they associate me with him and say i need to find help, and need to stay away from conspiracy websites and subjects.

I aint a phsyco, i just see beyond what MSM says, and my co-workers cant do that.

**didnt know what forum to put this in**

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:55 AM
You are a MONSTER.

Jokes, ignore those people, they are being very ironic, i would even call them "sheeple". You know how sheeps act when there is a black sheep in the herd.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:57 AM
give it up dude,

it will only end bad if you want it to.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:59 AM
Don't despair, instead redouble your efforts. If they think that you're a CT Wack Job, show them what a real CT Wack Job can do with words, instead of a gun.

Print articles, bring them in, distribute them. Make sure they are from sources that will be readily accepted by them like Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, ect..

Burn DVD's of movies and attatch them to the articles if they are in relation to it once you've piqued their interest enough.

If they just shut you down, tone down the info you share. A good example of something no one can argue with is the Radioactive Water in Harris County, Texas, the Christmas Tree Bomber having the bomb created by the FBI, the German bombs being created by an unknown firm, and so on. Things that really aren't CT, seem CT to them. So you have to nudge your way in, and then instead of telling you that you need help next time, they might ask you what news you are bringing.

I used this strategy at my PTSD group, held inside a VA Hospital. Now it's all we talk about.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

Yeah man. They all want to see the size of the black sheeps package. You'll be alright. Youve got a lot to share.
edit on 10-1-2011 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:01 AM
You describe exactly what indeed half of brainwashed TV sheeple will think.

Its a real result, and it will be worse.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:01 AM
Tell them:
"hey guys, can you tell that I forgot to take my cogentin,
-hey guys, don't tell anyone that I forgot to take my haldol; knife!"

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:02 AM
If you feel that a support group type environment may help you find like minded individuals who are dealing with the exact same kind of misguided predjudice you should visit your local mosque and talk to some folks.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

Actually, in addition to what I said before OP; Harden the # up. Tell them to shut the # up and leave you alone. It's that simple.

reply to post by asperetty

I have a lot to share.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by iSHRED
So everyone i work with knows i'm into conspiracies cuz i try and tell them stuff about it but they just thought i was dumb and gulible. But today, they were reading about Jared the AZ killer and how he was obsessed with conspiracies and the government being evil and such, and how that probably fueled his attacks. So now they associate me with him and say i need to find help, and need to stay away from conspiracy websites and subjects.

I aint a phsyco, i just see beyond what MSM says, and my co-workers cant do that.

Check your contract, find out what you can and can't get sacked for, and then just have fun with them...freak the narrow minded little people out. It's great, I do it all the time. It's much better than telly.

Although, if you're the ambitious type...not advisable.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:06 AM
Please walk outside and put your hands behind your head,

The local authorities have been dispatched to see you get the "treatment" you require.

really though ..... screw those people, they just found a new angle to "dig" you on is all.

tell em to get their git damn heads out of the sand and take that big mac outta their mouths.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:07 AM

u must get angry!

people will be afraid if u are angry!!

you will rule!!

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

I've actually talked about lucid dreaming to some of my friends at work, and now that I see they have also mentioned that in the article (as if it was unatural) I'm wondering what they think now? Something was wrong with this guy without a doubt, but they seem way too forceful on the stereotype. I just have a weird feeling about the whole thing...but then someone will read this and be like "see look, another conspiracy nutjob"

Its obvious though when looking at his posts and videos that this isn't your average guy though. Something went wrong somewhere.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:21 AM
have a little fun with em.. theyre probly a little scared of ya?? soo goooo with it. tell em if your was gonna start killing people... there would be none of ya left. hahahahha jokin....... iSHRED your name means melting faces on the guitar right? lighten up and talk to em about music instead of conspiracy junk.

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:24 AM
I think OP wants to eliminate his co-workers.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:24 AM
I want to eliminate this double-post.
edit on 10-1-2011 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:24 AM
Uhh show them the posts, and how almost everyone told him he was a tad LOOPY.

then get your gun and show them who's the goddamned boss.. whodo they think they are.

You have a gun and they attack you, they know thy are dead.

They attack you they know they are dead.

Therefore they know they are dead.

*me waves to fbi agent* HAI!!


edit on 10/1/2011 by badw0lf because: freanmwarenanshouldbe.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

I know how op feels. I have never committed any crime or did anything to anyone in my life.

They have made up so many things about me to wreck my life, and they keep pretending i am doing this and that, and not one thing was ever true.

Its like they are preprogrammed to just obsess with the idea that if you want to find any truths out your a loon, and a danger, lol.

I laugh about the police involvement in my life for nearly 19 years, and i have not done 1 thing.

There is definitely something weird about the word conspiracy and how they have used that word for programming the masses. Tv and this word really show how stup1d the public are, they never even think about the truths, they just follow the herd.

They have been saying for 19 years since i found out they where using electronic mind control at school i would do this and that, but nothing, i have never done anything, and the police where absolutely desperate to get me to do something, but they never got there wish.

Amazing how they do control publics opinions of individuals, just on 1 word like conspiracy, lol.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

I wouldn't worry too much about what people think of you, it will pass and some other person will become the subject of their scrutiny as time passes.. such is human nature!
The fact that an individual has committed a heinous crime is truly appalling. The fact that the alleged individual had an interest in conspiracy theories is probably as irrelevant as the attire he chose to wear on a daily basis. If a person walked into a room where the normal dress code was say... mono chrome.. and they were wearing a multi coloured T-Shirt.. and the same multi coloured clad person was to commit a crime .. that wouldn't lead to the conclusion that all multi coloured t- shirt wearers were criminals or at least it shouldn't. Perhaps people would be wary for a time as it's in our nature to be wary of anyone who appears to be different from the 'norm'.
This whole sad scenario seems to stem from the fact that the alleged individual had some very deep mental health issues and that is the issue which should be addressed.

As far as conspiracy theories go.. I for one take an interest in current events and choose to try my best to take a balanced view of reports. I would like to think that I am of reasonable intelligence and as such research as much information as possible before forming my own opinions. In discussions with colleagues and friends I present facts as I find them and leave others to draw their own conclusions. I am not generally known for being a 'conspiracy theorist' but rather as someone with a broader out look of events. I generally find that if something is of interest to folks they will approach me and ask me my thoughts.

There is nothing wrong with forming your own opinions and researching information which you find to be interesting. It is worth considering though that a lot of people may not share your interest and to an extent, trying to get others to understand your opinions may not always be easy or for that matter, worth the effort!

If you are genuinely concerned about your colleagues' responses to you it might be worth just 'letting it go' so to speak. Why bother? Just join in the chat about the great weekend out or fab gig you've been to! Save the good stuff for your posts on this site or friends with a genuine shared interest.

It is also worth considering that not everything in life is a conspiracy - sometimes things just are what they are!

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by lovesfood
reply to post by iSHRED

I wouldn't worry too much about what people think of you, it will pass and some other person will become the subject of their scrutiny as time passes.. such is human nature!

Not sure that is true, as the uk gov and police have targeted my life for 19 years nearly now. I doubt they will ever stop. I doubt they ever stop once it starts, and i am just accustomed to it now, and as long as people do not come near you why should you care. I gave up being interested in what people think along time ago.

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