posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:56 AM
Child abuse is a challenging community issue. I do not want to justify, condone or dispute it. It happens so there is a reason for it and would rather
help explain it. Conflict has been a part of life here on Earth for as long as anyone can look back and remember. Circles of violence develop to help
promote the cycles and diversity of life. Life has always been on a quest to improve and competition is an important part of this. The strong flourish
and weak fade away, always looking for new ways to combine attributes, build a better species and way of life. This has lead us to humans.
Conflict has still played an important role as we fight against nature and each other for survive and to flourish. Wars, natural disasters, disease
and many other challenges have all played a part to make man the strong, capable and adaptable race it has become. The success of man has also
presented a problem as the world has become more interconnected and interdependent place. The conflict that was so important to the creation will also
become its destruction if a resolution is not found. Competition is still important to continue the search for improvement. It is the responsibility
of the law to make the distinction between conflict and competition.
Child abuse is a global problem, it is at our heart of our conflict. These cycles of violence have lead some to overcome the challenges while others
fell to embraced it. When raised in a community where hate and fear is the order, the conditioning is self perpetuating. While the young grow without
the support they need and with little other options, the conditioning imprints and is accepted in the definition of who they become. The mind is
adaptable and this can be overcome, but not without the support to confront these many painful, horrific and terrifying experiences. The only was we
can live without fear is to confront it. It is up to the community to decide where to draw the line.