Hi There,
Just chipping in some thoughts here, as someone who has been a Member of ATS for over 10 years now...and a Mod/SuperMod for much of that as well.
Firstly let me say this: The following
doesn't always happen...it
should, but again it doesn't always as ATS Staff are also - despite
some rumours of us being Bots/Aliens/Alphabet Agency COINTELPRO Operatives etc etc - inevitably human...which means we're just as flawed in our
actions and reasoning as the next person. We
try not to fumble the ball, but it does happen...
However...the best bit of advice I can give you is to support those who have advised
Alert anything you feel is over the line and please, as
hard as it can be when someone is all up in your face or otherwise, please please don't step over the line in any response to them.
What happens then is that it can sometimes get mucky on both sides of the exchange and chances are you may also wind up getting stung for any
responses to that person.
Generally - again, not always, as mistakes DO happen - Staff will read the
context of the exchange and
generally see if its a case of
rising to bait tossed at you by someone else...in which case we're likely to ping the instigator (if Staff feel they have instigated anything)
...but...as said...when people are exchanging shots in-thread then chances are everyone or noone or even potentially the *wrong person* ends up
wearing it. Best bet is simple not to take it there in the first place by responding 'in kind' to any attacks.
Another thing: The
Terms and Conditions of this site are what guides/governs
Staff Actions.
Bear in mind however that ultimately those T&Cs are
interpreted by Staff.
Ultimately its the
Staff call on whether something is seen as 'Off-Topic' or 'Uncivil' etc...
Again others viewing the very same reply, or making the reply, may not see it as such...and may not at all agree with the Staff call that is made (or
not as the case may be).
The only available recourse then is to query the Staff Action taken - either via the generated u2u that accompanies Staff Actions, or via sending a
message to Staff via the Complain/Suggestion link...or alternatively you can always u2u any Staff Member directly (click on any one of our names on
the side of the main page there).
That doesn't of course garauntee that the action taken will be overturned...though in saying that I've seen a few Staff Actions revised/reduced or
outright overturned over the years...again, mistakes and wrong calls DO happen. What one Staff Member may see as completely uncivil other Staff
Members may well see lesser or quite acceptable - again that has happened previously in the past.
One more thing to toss in here:
Please also bear in mind there is much that happens behind the scenes and via u2u exchanges.
Believe it or not (and given a decent percentage of the core community of ATS are likely to be somewhat conspiracy focussed, lol!) Staff aren't paid
to further anyones agenda...we're not paid at all.
We come from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures, creeds, age-groups, countries.
We don't always agree with one another...so its certainly not a case of everyone just 'backing the company-line' or sticking up for their Mod mates
*behind the scenes*.
Oh no, we do disagree and quite verhmently at times...so please don't feel that everyone wearing a 'Mod Badge' is any ATS-Shill...thats pretty far
from the truth of who we are...
So too, with much happening behind the scenes, there is much that Members aren't privy to when it comes to the more extreme Staff Actions such as
banning people.
There have been numerous requests in the past as to why X, Y or Z has been banned...however it
is our standard procedure not to publically
discuss the hows and whys of specific bannings made.
Its a huge thing to ask of course...I completely appreciate that, given few ATS Members actually know any of the ATS Staff on any personal level...but
is a level of *trust* required when it comes who simply understanding there were VERY good reasons (again, as perceived by Staff) for
that person being banned.
Usually any banning results from some pretty extreme posting on ATS, and/or often due to the levels of abuse the Staff receive via u2us when engaging
with those now-banned Members.
Bottomline: Some people are just buttheads.
They may well be knowledgable. They may well be great thinkers. They may well be great contributors. You may well be their #1 fanboy. BUT if they
can't keep it within the T&Cs and can't keep their butthead level down...then ultimately no matter how fantastic you may personally think them to be
they're destined for bans-ville if they can't pull their heads in and keep it clean.
U2U Responses:
Again, this is what
should happen - but doesn't always unfortunately.
Any Alert that goes 'unactioned' should be responded to via u2u by Staff.
should respond to the complainant to at least provide a rationale as to why their Alert isn't being actioned. That is certainly the
expectation amongst Staff...that we should at least show enough courtesy to respond to those who have taken their time to Alert things to us.
Again, it could come down to Staff interpreting the alerted post as not being a breach of the T&Cs (remember, the reality is the call on it rests with
us)...or there is even the possibility that the Alert itself was overlooked/missed. There are times they
do come streaming in thick and
fast...so occasionally one can slip past us sorry.
You can always re-Alert it.