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Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Pole Impacts Tampa Airport

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posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by FeralMonkeyMagic
reply to post by Human_Alien

Relax mate,

Oh, I'm relaxed m'friend. Thanks.

I just get a little excitable when on this forum when dealing with certain people. Because for the life of me, on the most very basic fundamental level, I don't understand how we're all not thinking alike. I mean, on the smallest most minuscule scale.
But.....c'est la vie.

We all have our own (exaggerator or under-estimated) rendition of what a potential Pole Shift might do and whether it's magnetic or physical.
So in all due simply don't know. Your understanding is YOUR truth. Not mine. And that's okay.

I want to keep this thread as 'scientific-like' as possible so I'll spare all the ancient alien theories that for ME....have a lot of influence and impact on my expectations of this (potential) event.

So like I said much earlier on....we're all on different levels of understanding, acceptance, reality and truth.
But, we're all in it together. We just need to get along and accept different points of view.

That's all

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:19 PM
This is the best one
Night guys and girls


posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by SeaWind


posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:22 PM
This is the tourist season in Tampa so waiting till January 13th for paint to dry is rather strange.
There are already reports of people being irritated by flight noise in south Tampa due to the changed runway assignments. Late last year Mcdill was overflying Pinellas county with low level military flight in December so I can sympathize about the noise. No idea why they would be doing low altitude training over a highly populated area. Those planes don't show up well on ordinary radar but probably have more than the standard fish line gyros so I'm not sure how they could have strayed off course? On the bright side we are learning about the effects of the earth's core shifting towards Russia. Wish I had some more evidence to support a conspiracy theory but I didn't bother to get my camera.
edit on 6-1-2011 by Bordon81 because: edited for clarity

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

OK i'm no avaiation expert, just a humble lurker on this site and apologies if anyone has already posted similarily to this however, my understanding is that there are 2 points for North to reference. Geographical and Magnetic.

Given that the Geographic north hasnt changed, all destinations are still in their current position. Do all planes still use a modern compass? I thought it was all done by GPS and radarnowadays. I'll look into it.

It doesnt make sense to me that this would even be headline news. If they have other runways to use then the impact would be the cost of some paint and maybe a new brush.

Maybe the magnetic pole shift is a cause for concern, maybe not, it has been shifting since the early 1900's i am led to believe so airports i assume, would have to have done this on a number of occasions.

Happy to be schooled though.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by SeaWind
reply to post by Human_Alien

Human_Alien, thanks for the OP. Edgar Cayce (died 03 Jan 1945) predicted that the earth would experience an eleven (11) degree pole shift at the turn of the century. Many of his predictions have been delayed, but this one seems to be coming true. There could be major changes on the surface of the planet -- some catastrophic. He saw flooding along the East coast. Major flooding in the SE (Florida practically disappears under the sea).

He foresaw a series of earthquakes. By 2150 AD, the West coast has disappeared and the US is cut in two by a greatly enlarged Mississippi River.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the birds dying?


Have any of his 'delayed' predictions come to fruition yet or would this be (the possible) first one?

Eleven years is quite a 'delay' and I am not too familiar with his track record so how does this rank??

If you know more about him and his 'delayed' predictions, would you mind sharing and shedding some light on this fascinating man? I think many will find it interesting and if not, I will at least and....... it's my thread

Thanks a lot m'friend!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:31 PM
Has the shift hit the fan yet?

sorry I had to

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by convinceme
reply to post by Human_Alien

OK i'm no avaiation expert, just a humble lurker on this site and apologies if anyone has already posted similarily to this however, my understanding is that there are 2 points for North to reference. Geographical and Magnetic.

Given that the Geographic north hasnt changed, all destinations are still in their current position. Do all planes still use a modern compass? I thought it was all done by GPS and radarnowadays. I'll look into it.

It doesnt make sense to me that this would even be headline news. If they have other runways to use then the impact would be the cost of some paint and maybe a new brush.

Maybe the magnetic pole shift is a cause for concern, maybe not, it has been shifting since the early 1900's i am led to believe so airports i assume, would have to have done this on a number of occasions.

Happy to be schooled though.

That to me was the biggest point of interest. WHY MENTION IT?
If it's no big deal....then....?
And if it IS a bigger deal....then....?
Either side of the argument presents more questions. It's like one of those Russian nesting dolls where you open one to find another...and another and another.

It's not making cohesive sense.

They've been discussing and printing things never before mentioned like: possible missile launches and UFOs. Can't wait for Chemtrails to make the Cosmopolitan cover!

So is it a 'fear fear fear' campaign?

Do they want us looking left when we really should be looking right?

I mean the rhetorical questions are endless.

Thanks for posting

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I've never heard of re-designating the runways for a major airport. Pilots don't like changes like that and think of the edits on all the aviation pubs!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Bordon81
This is the tourist season in Tampa and waiting till January 13th for paint to dry is rather strange.
There are already reports of people being irritated by flight noise in south Tampa. Earlier this month Mcdill was overflying Pinellas county with low level military flights so I can sympathize about the noise. Those carbon planes probably had more than the standard fish line gyros so I'm not sure how they could have strayed off course? On the bright side we are learning about the effects of the earth's core shifting towards Russia. Wish I had some more solid evidence to support a conspiracy theory but..

I'm not following this. Sorry.
Why is there a flight noise issue all of a sudden? Because they're painting the runway?????

I am totally lost with all the different planes you're mentioning while trying to fit it all into Tampa airport shift.
Sorry. It's probably me but can you please explain?


posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Human_Alien

It's simple trigonometry.


LOL! Wow! Trig for Dummies???

Love ya Weed!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Terrormaster
Interesting that you mentioned people having trouble with compasses. I'm not sure how accurate the electronic compasses in smart phones are supposed to be. But my compass app on my Android phone has been telling me that true north is to the west. I tried recalibrating it several times even in front of witnesses at the office at it still does the same. For the record, it USED to accurately point to the north. This shift is somewhat recent behavior.
edit on 1/5/2011 by Terrormaster because: (no reason given)

Actually, I was planning on trying to find a "real" compass this weekend. The ones I have around the house have been pointing quite a bit off from what I would expect recently but they are barely not child's toys. I figure that electronic compasses are set by programming and not actual magnetic North. So I was going to find an excuse to head down to the local hiking gear shop and pick myself up a real compass.

I also would like someone to comment on this:

40 miles a year drift in Magnetic North is NOT gradual. In geologic time, which should the time measurement that this phenomena is judged by, that's pretty significant. Under what circumstance is 40 miles a year gradual??
edit on 2011/1/6 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by HAMMERAX
this is really scary stuff.

Only problem with that theory is that we crossed the Galactic Plane 2 million years ago and are moving 'up' and away from the current 50 light years above the plane to 250 light years above before we turn around.

The Milky Way - Welcome to your New Home Galaxy!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Posted some comments on my blog, a few things are hitting the fan lately.........

Trying to keep it simple on there - new member to this forum, hopefully contribute like the rest of you amazingly talented people!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by zorgon

This is why science is so ridiculous some times. We don't even know where we are. Are we in the Milky Way? Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy? And these are the same scientist you're counting on to give you the heads up on (what might be) in our near future?
Well, good luck with that.

While I'm at it......still want to think Nibiru is bunk? Really?

I think it's time to reconsider your entire ideology.

News flash: Everything you thought was right is wrong.
edit on 7-1-2011 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by willcoverting
Posted some comments on my blog, a few things are hitting the fan lately.........

Trying to keep it simple on there - new member to this forum, hopefully contribute like the rest of you amazingly talented people!

Is that your blog ....Covert News?
Very cool whether it is or not. I'm going to bookmark it.

If this is yours, would you consider using larger fonts? Little too hard to read (for old relics like myself)

Thanks for turning us on to that and welcome!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Human_Alien

You rang????

Really....nip this in the bud, if I were you...your own thread, ya know...

( such thing as "chemtrails". Learn the science)...

Oh, and ummmm....speaking of "science"....magnetic pole movement or "wandering" is NOT the "end of the world" either.

It is not "HAARP"-induced, it is not man-made. Doesn't kill birds in Arkansas ( they fly into cloaked ET motherships, remember?

Doesn't kill fish. Might....might, if it gets extreme (long after you, I and everyone alive today is long dead) cause some confusion in migratory animals.....those who utilize some innate magnetic sense, likely (as science is determining) in concert with Sun position angles...for their navigation. Might confuse some, and as usual in Nature, further the cause of evolution, as those that don't adapt...or their offspring don't adapt....those lines of genetics die off. BUT, often the species as a whole thrives, as adaptations occur

Honestly Weed, are you God and know it all or something.??
I'm not in a panic over the increase in pole movement but it is worth watching...

But for you to come along and rant about nothing being wrong with ZERO proof to back up your statement is just what I said, a useless rant..

Now a fact..It has been shown that at one point in earths history the magnetic poles shifted 80 degrees in 13 days..
That's pretty darn fast. A LOT faster than your rant mentions..
SO, it's happened before but we were obviously not around to see it's effects..

Obviously you are free to give your OPINION on what a rapid shift like that may induce..

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
I'd like to see anyone try to predict how and where the magnetic pole will move next.


posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by jpsdasnake

heck I'm not clairvoyant....just basing on Magnitosphere reading from days to stick with data......but if you must I have to say San Andreas Fault is so ripe and bay area has been seeing activity...tic toc, my meter is running

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
It's one of two things (select one)

3. Slow News day for a local reporter

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