posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Ezekial
Man, I wish this film would hurry up and get released in Australia, even though I AM pro-bush, I always like to see both sides of a story, who knows
it may even turn me.
- so download it mate. It's on the networks so you should be able to see it ok. Don't worry MM is cool with download for non-profit can
alway buy the DVD when it shows for the up-dates and extras. That's my method for it.
(The story of how it got there is pretty funny too if you're interested)
Certain individuals on the US right thought they'd be very clever and put it up for free download seeing as MM had said he find the current copyright
laws dumb.
So they did. Brains at work, huh?
Far from annoying anyone the fact is that now F 9/11 has an even larger audience much faster than it would have had, MM has still made a shed load
from the movie, so has everyone else connected with it and more folks than ever have seen the film and are talking about it.
.....and no doubt the Disney folks (those who originally refused to distribute the movie) will be 'getting told' by their shareholders at some
Very funny.