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Jewish conference calls for "building Third Temple on ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque"

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
Eventually it will be built. Additionally it will lead to world war. This is all a given, it is just a matter of time.

Jews only care about Jews
Israel only cares about Israel
The rest of mankind are Goyim, Cattle to serve them.

Truth is not a factor to Israelis.
They want what they want, when they want it, and there are no other considerations.

Get it yet People ?!!?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by buddhasystem

If it was 'won' by the Jews by ousting the native Canaanite inhabitants (who contrary to pagan practice, were humanely given the choice to evacuate or make a treaty, as explained in Talmud Bavli)

There are plenty of other sources (besides the History Channel which characterized this as extermination).

The previous sections examined the characteristics of biblical genocide as well as the scriptural reasons for its existence. This section focuses upon surfacing twelve factors that help the biblicist better explain divinely sanctioned genocide to the critic. Many of these factors, when considered by themselves, do not necessarily exonerate Israel's genocidal actions. Rather, they merely furnish an appropriate historical context for viewing Israel's annihilation of the Canaanites

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:31 PM
Reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Are you making God what you think he is or want him to be? Because this post goes against the attributes of God as given in His word.

Read His word more, and you will find that you are flat out wrong in every single sentence you wrote.

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by PGTWEED

Its amazing the order that the reestablishment of the kingdom of Israel and the 3rd Temple is following.

Some onlookers will look and find all thats going on to be chaotic and fortuitious. But, on the contrary, its actually following a carefully prescribed order....

Also, my understanding is that the Temple institute is not planning to build the '3rd temple', or that which Ezekiel envisioned, but a replica of the 2nd temple to serve as an intermediary between now and the coming of Moshiach.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
Also, my understanding is that the Temple institute is not planning to build the '3rd temple', or that which Ezekiel envisioned, but a replica of the 2nd temple to serve as an intermediary between now and the coming of Moshiach.

Dude, I totally dig that. My point it that the US should stop providing any support to Israel, because we pay with our money and lives to support somebody else's religious beliefs, which is not fair. If you want to do the temple spiel, go it alone, otherwise you are a parasite.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:26 PM
I'm going to go against the crowd here. Lots of religionists, being pulled along by the nose, IMO.

First of all, Israelis are not real "Jews", for the most part, they are not the people from the bible. Arthur Koestler, a Jew himself, identified modern "Jews" as the "thirteenth tribe" for a reason, because they are mostly of Khazar origin. Yes, this matters, and all the more recent attempts to negate this fact, through illegitimate genetic testing have actually failed.

That being said, it "should" make the whole Temple issue moot. But because it doesn't, perhaps we should listen to "rumors" coming out of Israel, that suggest the real Temple was NOT located where everyone thinks it was. Israeli archeologists have possibly located the ruins of the "real" temple in secret excavations, possibly as much as two miles away from the Temple Mount. Of course, it must be kept very quiet, because they have gotten a lot of mileage out of the Wailing Wall, which may have been a convenient way to simply counter Christ's prophesy that no stone would be left upon stone. Yeah, that pesky prophesy that 90+% of "Christian" Fundamentalist (Zionists) ignore in favor of the politically correct (Jewish) version of history. "Jesus must have been wrong about THAT!"

Yes, it is a "conspiracy theory", but wouldn't it be interesting if the 3rd Temple was suddenly introduced as something quite unexpected, and half-built already. There would likely be some opposition at first, but Jews historically, tow the line. They are a cohesive group, and if the consensus is that the new site is the "true" temple, then they will obey. Period. And don't worry, they will no doubt have considerable evidence to support the claim, so no worries, no one will have to submit to lobotomies to buy into it.

Armageddon? Why not. These religious nuts will get their way. Read about it in your Bibles! The blood will flow. Sure makes for a neat endgame for our masters. Let us kill ourselves off. They'll have their Utopia I guess, and if all the religionists are gone, maybe it won't be such a bad place after all...


posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Are you making God what you think he is or want him to be? Because this post goes against the attributes of God as given in His word.

Read His word more, and you will find that you are flat out wrong in every single sentence you wrote.

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The question you should be asking yourself is:- Are you presuming the Almighty is what you yourself presuming Him to be, based on the teachings of flawed man corrupted over time and greed?

The Almighty created us with the gift of life and love, and the intelligence to rationalize called free will, and gave us simple guidance to fulfill our role and destiny amongst the stars.

Religion is only a flawed man made construct, that sought to differentiate each other, and perform evil deeds to each other in the name of greed and lust for power. When we use the computer to seek for answers, is computing therefore considered a religion? No. It is but a way for progress. Similarly too, as we sought out the Almighty, the Supreme Being who created us, for answers.

Like a retiring father that has entrusted his company to his son, so that he can seek out his interests, such as performing social works, so too had our Heavenly Father entrusted us to fulfill our destiny with our gifts. There will be many situations the son will face, at times moral dilemmas, but being the officer in charge and the person on the ground, he has to make critical decisions on the spot.

And thats where free will/conscience comes in, for we are not robots. Even robots do not have commands to solve EVERY single problem it faces. And that free will can only be true and correct if we adhere to His guidance for us - to harm and hurt no one - in whatever solutions we put forward necessary.

Unfortunately, religion, created by flawed mortals, attempted to create robots out of humans and our Almighty's gift to us. They create more and more incomprehensible laws to cover EVERY single situation, which is impossible, which only resulted man being confused and gridlocked.

Those men are not be blamed, for our ancestors were mere children, young, naive and uneducated, made worse when those mortal teachers decided that only they have the intelligence to create laws and did not teach the masses, and even forbide them from reading such texts.

But today, we, male and female, have full access to such texts readily, and with our divine gifts, are fully intelligent to understand His divine words for us, as well as His nature, for in His likeness were we made. And that understanding is to have a personal relationship with Him, the way a son is to his father, within our hearts where the TRUE temple is,and to fulfill our destiny.

edit on 7-1-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem


Get your facts straight. The US gives aid as well to Palestine, The US gives even more aid to Egypt. The US gives aid to Lebanon which than gets funneled to Hizbollah. The US gives aid to Israel AND Israels enemies. Even moreso to them. What do you think the West (EU and America) and the arabs world are trying to Israel (the Jews)? This entire matter was entirely carved out and what we see everyday is the living out of the "process". Anyone who read the oslo accord treaty understands what the UN and the palestinians plan to do to Israel. Its all there. Israel is gonna give more and more land for the sake of "peace" to an enemy that is entirely implacable. From Arafat to Abbas the palestinian leadership have admitted on various occassions that when they say "peace" they exagerrate it, meaningly only "a cease fire".

Why again is the world community even pushing for a palestinian state. So another Muslim dictatoship can be established? Or are they crazy enough to beleive the Jihadist muslims who cheered on 9/11 want a western style democracy. Its ABSURD what the world is doing to Israel, that only democratic state in the western world (even if they are poor example, atleast theyre capable of reconciling religion - Torah, with democracy. Islam is as far from democracy as religious fundamentalism with a imperialist goals can be) is being deconstructed by western and arab interests. The oslo accord has simply enabled the mendacious arabs (and they lie ALOT. Some scholars have regarded deception as 2nd nature to Arabs. The very word Arav is Hebrew implies dispute and deception in Hebrew) to be in a position where they can completely overwhlem Israel.

The plan is essentially to get an Arab state in Judea, Sumeria, West Bank and Gaza and essentially surround Israel on every side. As every zionist scholar has pointed out, the arabs DO NOT want a Jewish state, PERIOD. They will not settle or embrace peace - this violent people who espouse a violent religion (take these numbers as proof. The Egyptian invasion of Yemen left 250,000 dead. The Algerian civil war left 1,000,000 dead. the Lebanese civil war left 100,000 dead. the Libyan dispute with chad left 100,000 dead. The Iran-Iraq war left 1,000,000 dead. Iraqs invasion of Kuwait and the ensuing gulf war left 100,000 dead. the number dead from sectarian civil war in Sudan has left atleast 2,000,000 dead. And the western media wants us to believe Islam is a religion of "peace". A people who have been invading and conquering since its religious inception... wants us to believe they want peace? Deception is a rule in war. These 'clerics' and imams have no other goal other than manifest destiny. And so will lie their way to the colloquial bank) only intend to be a position of leverage where they can than do away completely with the "Jewish problem" with the complete sanction and support of the Arab league.

So. The US doesnt help Israel. Israel helps the US. Israel provides very important technology and information first of all to the western world which nobody in the west seems thankful of. Israel is responsible for the cherry tomato - which is my favorite tomato!.

Another Arab theocracy will not be good for the world. Contrary to what people like you thin, Israel is a much greater friend - albeit, one with many internal political problems (like having a twisted 'proportional government' where MKS are not elected regionally but instead elected by party elections. This in essence separates a district - the people, from its delegate. An absurdly easy to corrup system. This is why 90% of Israelis hate the Israeli media, yet cant do a thing about it - its state owned. The entire system needs to be scrapped. Israel needs to write a constitution similar to americas, they need a netherlands or australia like parliamentary system).
edit on 7-1-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:08 PM
This is probably the third time I've posted this on this site. This may be the design of the future temple. They would not demolish the dome but make it the center. Yes, Jews and Muslims shall be friends again.


Here's the pope during a visit to the dome on May 12, 2009 - the first Vatican pope to ever do so.
Quite possibly, 'confirming the covenant with many for one week (7years)'


posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
So let it be written,
so let it be done.

Come on, the Dome of the Rock is built on the ruins of the 2nd Jewish Temple, so there should be no doubt who it belongs to. The Temple Mount has been the ONLY holy place the Jews have since Solomon built the first temple thousands of years ago, and they should be allowed to do with it as they please.

I have, however, seen plans to build the temple alongside the mosque, so it doesn't necessarily have to be destroyed. I think this is how the Antichrist will get the Jews to sign a peace treaty with the Palestinians: "recognize a Palestinian state and you get to rebuild your temple."

Rebuilding the temple is not an "if" question, but rather one of when and how.

Won't buddabug be surprised if Obama initiates a treaty for all of this to happen.
Had to give you a star.!
SnF to OP.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by iamnot

You are deranged if you think the Temple institute intends to modify or include the current dome of the rock in the future Temple complex.

No. It will be destroyed, just as the Waqf have been removing evidence of the first and 2nd temples so they can continue denying the existence of even the first and 2nd temples (yes, yet another example of muslim mendacity)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Your discrimination against the arab people is most regrettable. For centuries they had been robbed and misled, first by the Ottoman Turks whom cruelly carved up an empire and made them slaves, after the freedom that the great prophet Muhammed, blessed be his name, had given to the community after destroying evil men that ruled and bullied the arabs.

He left no heirs, as is every true prophet, for he was a messenger of the Almighty, and the only one during his time. His line was not. But others whom were more cunning and ruthless twisted his message, left no social expenditure to the masses, grew rich and allow the masses to rot even till today.

They know not much and easily succeptable to influences by baser others, for that intellectual numbers are not strong enough to challenge the senile old clerics, unlike the western world with its centuries of enlightenment.

The only way is for more education to uplift the arabs. And for that to happen is for peace to come.

It will never end if you continue to hate the arabs, for they in turn will hate you.

Instead, embrace them, teach and guide their young, and in time, they will know and be able to discern truths from fallacies, and would stand by your side against animals that sought to hide behind the cloak of religions to achieve their lusts for power and wealth.

What are a few pieces of ground today in exchange for more permanent safety and progress of a nation and people? Know yourself, know your TRUE enemies, a thousand battles fought, a thousand won.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Buddy, Palestinians mother gleefully send their children into Israel to kill Israeli citizens. The man drinking a coffee reading a newspaper gets his internal organs smashed and limbs blown off because an arab joyfully blows himself up for allah to kill all the jews he can.

As long as Palestinians are being taught and groomed to embrace these sort of ideas, than Israel should take a SOBER, not completely naive and self defeating stance and carpet bomb the gaza strip and destroy all of Israels enemies.

As Harsh as this sounds, its unfortauntely completely necesary. Israels own government allows Arabs to speak ill about Jews. Not just in palestine - where their taught to deny the holocaust and to despise Jews, but in Israel itself. When an ara blows himselrf up the Israel Arab newspapers ENCOURAGE more acts of that nature. And this is completely sanctioned by israels government and their "demophrenic" idiocy in wanting to be liberal even at their own peril.

I dont have anything against Islam Per se. I do think there are good muslims. But in the highly intense and politicized middle east in a constant state of turmouil, it appears they WANT war and destruction and wont stop until someone stiops Them.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Sadly, you again over generalized the arabs. Would EVERY arab mother send their child to be killed or kill themselves? A muddled handful perhaps, and hardly to be blamed when they see their abject poverty and treatment by both the jews as well as their fellow power lusting arabs.

But many are just like you, seeking only for peace and love within their hearts, for they are human, just like everyone of us.

For war to happen, it needs cannon fodder, and its the masses. When the masses refuse to fight, would war happen? Why let a few evil men dictate how the majority should live?

No doubt power comes from the barrel of guns, but it is reason and logic that rules the hearts and minds of mankind. And the Jewish people, whom had suffered much for centuries, are the best people to help the arabs, instead of, as you say, wipe them out, just as your kind had almost been wiped out had not the Almighty and educated free mankind stepped in.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth

... since the formation of Israel the mosque has been protected and imo should remain so if for no other reason the historical importance.

Jacob, the son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham, is born in Canaan. Jacob's name (the formation of Israel) is changed to Israel about 4000 years ago. Waaaaay before the mosque.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by dontreally

These aren't my designs. They are designed by an Israeli Moshe Komsky.
Architect author of Temple consent of all religions on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Obviously someone intends to do this.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by iamnot

Well maybe the new Age illuminists. Seeing every religion has its own 'entrance'.

that is a far as possible from the biblical perception of the temple mount. it is not the authentic Jewish dream.

If youd like to get an idea of what the Jewish temple would be like,

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Ok. Im going to say this slowly for you.

It is the ARABS who want to wipe the Jews out.

The only rational response to this is an equal reaction, otherwise these warsome barbarians will not stop.

read up on the Arab intifadas.

What youre prescribing would result in suicide. Israel would KILL themselves if they took your attitude.

The world is so much more complicated than your docile, simplistic sentiments.
edit on 7-1-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:19 PM
After knowing the history of israeli false flags on american and british targets I have no sympathy for whatever happens to them.

They get caught dressed like arabs creating terrorism, then have the nerve to say Arabs are terrorists. lol.

Whoops off topic.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by mayabong

You realize more than 1000 civilians since 2001 have been killed by Palestinian terrorist attacks.

If over 1000 americans had been killed i weonder what the US response would be. To a people far away.

Yet when it happens to Jews... No response? Theyre not allowed to defend themselves?

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