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Where do the primitive white cultures live?

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posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Since the definition of "white" is being of European descent, um ...I dont know? Have you seen Mexico?

One common definition of a "white person" is a person of primarily European ancestry.[1]

You're either White, Black or Asian.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by JustCurious1
America wasn't it?

Jokes aside,
with my very brief knowledge of history I would take a guess at it being because the "white man" was the race that suppressed others into servitude & slavery thus keeping other race's cultures back while we progressed.

Are you serious? Europeans enslaved themselves for years ...decades. The white person has been enslaved longer than any other race on this earth.... and now just because we decided to purchase a few black slaves with a few bottles of rum the black person is the one we feel sorry for?

God help me people just dont understand history anymore. Its just this bullcrap that the tv tells them and they believe it.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:57 AM
If the "white" man is a slave to anything its money.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:21 AM
Blame or thank the wars for this. Europe, where all the white people originally resided, has seen countless wars. Europe's history is basically a succession of wars. Hence, any primitive tribes would have been ran over by another marauding tribe a long time ago.
edit on 6-1-2011 by wavemaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by EssenSieMich

I have some contention with what is likely an Amerikan concept of "white" race. I know it isn't exactly upon target for getting what you're after; although, proper definitions and understandings may reveal more accurately truths instead of filter-filled concepts.

As already discussed, there are places throughout the Western world where you would see primitive living of people you considered "white". From the movie Deliverance, to the pauper homes in Eastern Europe, there are folks still living with horse and buggy.

I do wish to note, outside of the question itself, the immense conditioning one has been subjected to, in order to even inquire thus. There is the matter of collectivism... seeing Friesh, Danes, Jutes, Saxons, Welsh, Scotts, Goths (and the many variants therein), the Rus, Vulgars, the Celts and the Greeks without any unique qualities, as some homogeneous blanket of DNA, the divergent cultural histories, the complex social structures, the terrible wars in history.... all as the same? That alone is evidence of some form of conditioning (and without malice, I imagine some public skewl somewhere).

Then to concepts of "primitive." This is highly suggestive. Might this be moral depravity, as can be seen by institutionalized slavery via Wall Street? Primitive in that people will beat money out of their neighbor in order to feed and indoctrinate strange children? Primitive in that they wear hand-me-down clothes, and eat other people leftovers? (seen a thrift store or food bank around?). Or, is the suggestion of "primitive" merely stone implements and nomadic wanderings?

Lastly, irrespective of the denial of unique ethnic, racial and historical uniqueness of diverse populations; irrespective of the subjective nature of a loose adjective... for what reason on the Earth might someone be inclined to weigh this question, and ponder its significance? If you're a budding anthropologist, I can totally understand the honest question offered from heaps and piles of blackened publik skewl filters... I really could...

although, if I may, I believe the answer is more complex. I believe such a query offered, under the guise of innocent curiosity, is a feigned agitation for the purpose of directing attention to a pre-postulated theory. For me, these are collectivist jabberings, that in the end, offer no greater understanding, no furtherance of evidence... but agitate opposing collectivist groups to mobilize, harass, and eventually counter-attack basic premises.

Of course, I state so without malice of people who see not their individuality, but their place amongst the ranks of their group. Similarly I state so freely, without personal animosity to you Essen.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by davespanners

what's wrong with walmart. u can't beat .99 cents for a bottle of hienz ketchup.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Really? What have I been taught? Do you know where I am from? Where I went to school. Where I work? I could be from madras for all you know. I will let you in on a secret my name handle is a Lakota family name. As far as being racist I don't think so. I just said wealth and technology go hand in hand. Traveling around the world I have seen many cultures all of which having genius. Do you know what race has the most inventions? What is an invention. What about technology? Are Egyptians white they loom brown to me. What about Chinese are they white? Japanese? Croatians Serbians? What is white. Where is the line? Tesla has brownish skin is he white? What about hindus. You make no sense

Yes your right wealth and technology do go hand in hand but it is the development of technology/inventions/products which generates wealth not wealth producing technology at least from the outset anyway.

What constitutes an invention is anything you could seek a patent for, but in ancient times I guess it would be anything that is a tool, a man-made thing that has a practical application.

To produce an invention you need two ingredients :

A) The natural resources available to you

B) Inventiveness , the ability to produce a design.

Taking the natural resources you turn them into items which you can use to enhance your life and trade with others to generate wealth. That's how everyone started out trading Inventions/products, if you cant invent you got nothing to trade.

As for the Egyptians, do we know who built the great pyramids??? Do some research into the pyramids in china and who built them.

edit on 6-1-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 06:22 AM
The Irish, Scottish and Welsh were discriminated against by the Romans because they found them a little hard to handle due to their slightly, lets say fiery nature. Those peoples generally described as Celtic (the word basically translates as strange or weird people). The celts were fierce in battle, even the women would fight in battle which is a rather unique trait. Some celtic peoples had such disrespect for Roman might that they would go into combat with them absolutely naked and there skin painted blue.
The discrimination against the celts basically stems from the fact that they were generally hard to handle and considered a pain in the ass by the Romans.
edit on 6-1-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 06:49 AM
very funny -

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by RRokkyy

I am really getting tired of the racists on this topic. I believe you have the right
To be racist but the ignorance is ridiculous. You are exactly like the intelligent design people. You ignore all facts and hide behind some mass government conspiracy to make white guilt. Every modern study shows iq can be changed.

I am sure you will site some conspiracy but I really don't care it will expose how ignorant you are. And yeah thinking one race is more intelligent than another with absolutely no knowledge of what you are talking about is racist. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a white supremacist. Look I believe you can be a racist just don't hurt anyone. That's the beauty of personal liberty. Don't tread on anyone else's liberty and you have the right to think what you want. But don't be a coward and hide behind some pc bull. I am well aware the world is too pc but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about your ignorance of the subject and assumptions that white people have higher iqs. Iqs are completely based on environment. They also don't mean anything.

Skin tone doesn't mean anything if you understood genetics I could have a real debate with you but just like a intelligent design person you ignore facts saying they are their to mislead people. We are not talking about the media here or the average college student reading liberal propaganda we are talking about science. Studies, and research labs.
edit on 6-1-2011 by Movescamp because: Eror

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

Reall? Where did you come up with that?' how do you manufacture without money? You really do live in a fairy tale world. Why don't you look at why foreigners came to america and the Uk to have their inventions made. It's because of banking investors and aristocrat money. People like jp Morgan
And Westinghouse. My goodness man. They also exploited the raw materials from the third world. Do you deny the British empire existed too?
Not to mention science and engineers come from nearly every country in the world. India one of the worlds largest impoverished nations (talk about dirty) produces amazing geniuses.

You have zero proof of anything you say. It's all to support your skewed world view.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 07:35 AM
primitive white cultures live in our recent historical past. high technology is a relatively new addition to human culture on a historical imeline.

dont mean to be blunt, but there is a truck load of ethnocentrism in the assumptions behind the OP.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by urmenimu2

Yep but be careful you will be accused of "white guilt" and pc terrorism. You should read some posts on page 8 and see how not just ethnocentric but down right racist some comments are.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Movescamp

No I think I’m right actually, to invent something without the help of other countries, it can only be done using native raw materials and native skills.
This is a gradual process, starting with simplistic tools and skills such as metal forging/casting, wood craft, fabrics etc These are the items early cultures traded with each other to produce wealth. Gradually overtime the sophistication of the goods produced increases along with technology and wealth (they go up the scale step by step). Tell me where did the British import steam engines from to make trains from or cannons or any other invention for that matter did they need someone else to help them do it?

We can see this happening in china and it is the reason for their rapid growth, first they started trading simple goods and by ploughing that money back into the economy the sophistication of the goods produced in china has increased and is still increasing.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

Being an island the Uk had very limited recourses. Part of the reason of imperialism was to get more recourses. I would like to provide for you a list of black inventors. Take note that many of these inventions came at a time when blacks could not go to college and many when blacks lived in segregation.

Should I do native Americans, Latinos (having native and moorish bloodlines), Indians, etc.
How about a black scientist list? Was tesla white. I don't know Serbians have kinda dark skin sometimes. I just want to point out how ridiculous your arguments are.

Cannons came from china.
edit on 6-1-2011 by Movescamp because: Oops

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:22 AM
I see it all the time, that we as a society(well, the US anyway) have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by the socialists and communists in the colleges and school systems to believe race is a myth and everyone is the same. This is just not true. And it's wrong to think this, because it just seeks to drag the world to it's lowest common denominator. Like communism, it just makes everybody equally poor. There are differences of races, generally speaking, as there are able and unable, dumb and smart in all races too, but there are general differences in areas of IQ, industy, ambition, government systems, values, ambition, etc., and these are not bad things, and no one race is better than another. But trying to say everyone is just a carbon copy and race has no part is simply not true. Every race has their certain areas that they excell in more than another, and that is what diversity is about. And to those that keep trying to say whites are bad and enslavers, the Black African slave trade was going on long before whites bought slaves from them to work in the new world, and the Arab slave trade has a long history as well. I know many people, sometimes I think most, have been brainwashed to hate honky, but this is the vile racism that needs to be overcome.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by tom502

As i stated i am a thinking libertarian. I don't want everyone to be the same. But you are mistaking race with culture. The other thing you are not aware of is neurological science. The brains of humans are all the same. The environment you are raised in however makes them brain physically develope differently. I enjoy going to other countries and seeing their culture. I have been lucky enough to have travelled the world. That is an entirely different issue from saying people of x culture aren't as smart as x culture. That is ethnocentric. Your binders Due to the load of new age pc is keeping you from using reason and being objective. To truly be unbiased you need to honestly look at a culture from it's eyes out and from your eyes in. How is that pc? You still use your mind to make a decision about your beliefs you just due it with informed instead of with your assumption. How can you learn if you are not willing to be wrong?

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by LUXUS

Being an island the Uk had very limited recourses. Part of the reason of imperialism was to get more recourses. I would like to provide for you a list of black inventors. Take note that many of these inventions came at a time when blacks could not go to college and many when blacks lived in segregation.

Should I do native Americans, Latinos (having native and moorish bloodlines), Indians, etc.
How about a black scientist list? Was tesla white. I don't know Serbians have kinda dark skin sometimes. I just want to point out how ridiculous your arguments are.

Cannons came from china.
edit on 6-1-2011 by Movescamp because: Oops

So you think the British imported all their canons from china lol

You ever heard of something called Sheffield steel? amongst others that is where the raw materials plus native coal came from to produce the industrial they did not need others to help them, they do happen to be very good at inventing.

So your saying the reason for the lack of Black inventors is because in their own native lands they weren't allowed to go to their own collages to learn and people stopped them from inventing, like maybe the white people stopped them from inventing things?

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

Are you aware of how many foreign inventors came to the us and Europe to work on inventions? Does that mean they are not inventors. Einstein? Tesla? Two of themmost important inventors in history came to the us from other countries. We import tons if not most of our resources today.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

There is no lack of black inventors. But yes it would imply that if blacks came to the us and they start inventing that would be the case right?

No but gunpowder was. And it was invented in china.

The imports from hong kong, India (gems gold and silver tea spices)

And Africa (gold silver diamonds) funded the industrial revolution. As well as the empire taxing the people in their own country. Seriously man you really come off as uneducated. Do you understand imperialism? How the British FUNDED the industrial revolution.

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