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There will be no Disclosure

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posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
It's being 'disclosed' on a (sub?) conscious level.

Yes, on a personal level... to those that, to quote an old CB saying, 'have their ears on'

Truth is discovered not disclosed.

Yes, but the truth that you discover that satisfies you, may not be the same truth that I discover that satisfies me. How then do we convince the other guy which truth is the truth?

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by The Shrike
The Shrike: "Do not include me in your "all" 'cause I know that there will never be the kind of disclosure that believers expect. Instead of disclosure, I'd say disappointment."

Well I do include you and other skeptics, because skeptics, no matter how much they deny t, are here for the same reason as believers... to discover the truth about Aliens
Because if they were not, the only other plausible reason would be being here to troll

And personnel applying for that position are accepted only if they are good hypnosis subjects.

On that point I will agree... employees to secret projects are not chosen for their free thinking abilities.
Now the 'enigma' Bob Lazar was chosen because they ran into a snag and needed someone with a wild way of viewing things, somepne who approached physics from way outside the box, but that didn't work out so well in the end.

Then, when the being(s) say they're really interdimensional, Vallee would turn to the cameras and say "'I told you so!'"

What real difference does it make whether the Aliens are coming via ship from a distant star, or from our future, or from another dimension?

I do however agree with the possibility that they are 'popping in' from other dimensions... When I have time I will make a thread and let you have at it to try to debunk it

edit on 31-12-2010 by zorgon because: Phage has been EATEN by Aliens

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Well I do include you and other skeptics, because skeptics, no matter how much they deny t, are here for the same reason as believers... to discover the truth about Aliens
Because if they were not, the only other plausible reason would be being here to troll

The Shrike: "As long as you don't lump me in with all of the close-minded skeptics who don't accept the reality of UFOs. However, since I doubt very highly that the truth about aliens will be revealed in Aliens and UFOs then that is not even a consideration as to why I'm here. I also troll for like-minded views so, guilty."

On that point I will agree... employees to secret projects are not chosen for their free thinking abilities.
Now the 'enigma' Bob Lazar was chosen because they ran into a snag and needed someone with a wild way of viewing things, somepne who approached physics from way outside the box, but that didn't work out so well in the end.

The Shrike: "Do you really think that a possibly unstable person would be brought into what was claimed was America's most secret area that its existence was denied in the face of everyone knowing about it because it really was not secret? Huh?"

What real difference does it make whether the Aliens are coming via ship from a distant star, or from our future, or from another dimension?

The Shrike: "If aliens are from out there, so to speak, then we'll come up with a set of questions. If from our future or another dimension, then we may have a connection and we'll come up with more familiar questions."

I do however agree with the possibility that they are 'popping in' from other dimensions... When I have time I will make a thread and let you have at it to try to debunk it

The Shrike: "Back in the '60s and '70s when I used to ingest psychedelics I used to see beyond the physical. Not with my eyes closed, imagining, but with my eyes open at movies for example. And when you see the "afters" that moving people see it is physical seeing. The "afters" are still there, I'm sure, but not visible. Meaning dimensions that we cannot experience with limited vision so that we can have a "normal" life. I've seen many authentic photos showing "invisible" things that, somehow, a camera can see. So if you create thread about dimensions and if it isn't over my head (how could it be if you create it!
) I may join in but not necessarily to debunk it unless bizarre mental behavior is offered by those attending."

edit on 31-12-2010 by zorgon because: Phage has been EATEN by Aliens

edit on 31-12-2010 by The Shrike because: correct quoting

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Ommm, she looks very much like the human form of that Alien I met in Oak Creek after switching to a being she felt would not be so alarming. Only dark hair.

I personally thought that the alien body was much more interesting.

I have to say that the most impressive witness's have been the average person or people. I loved that story of the school children in Africa.

I would have to say that children are the most credible of all witnesses. I think contact should be to them first and then when every child in the world simultaneously awakens one morning and gives vivid accounts of the same message we will then be forced to listen for further instructions.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by The Shrike
The Shrike: "Do you really think that a possibly unstable person would be brought into what was claimed was America's most secret area that its existence was denied in the face of everyone knowing about it because it really was not secret? Huh?"

Yes... for one simple reason... I have seen and verified his current Los Alamos badge
No I cannot prove it but you asked what I think...

The Shrike: "Back in the '60s and '70s when I used to ingest psychedelics I used to see beyond the physical.

AH... that explains much

And when you see the "afters" that moving people see it is physical seeing. The "afters" are still there, I'm sure, but not visible.

Well Shaman from around the world and throughout history have uses substances to see beyond our physical plane. To dismiss what they say out of hand is foolish... though I would imagine the control of amounts is critical.

Okay I will try not to go over your head
but a few days ago I heard an hour long presentation on something related to this that was to me like a sudden revelation that tied everything I have been looking at into one nice neat package... It will take me some time to put it together in order.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:55 PM
I do not know why people care so much.

I would like to say that disclosure is like the word hope. It keeps you going without actually fighting to hard.

The best way is to just believe if you want to. Its like religion. To believe in a god you neither need to see it or hear it, just know its there.

Same with aliens and UFOS. With the info out there right now, you should be able to come to a view that suits you perfectly. That Is YOUR DISCLOSURE.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

The Shrike: "Back in the '60s and '70s when I used to ingest psychedelics I used to see beyond the physical.

AH... that explains much

And when you see the "afters" that moving people see it is physical seeing. The "afters" are still there, I'm sure, but not visible.

Well Shaman from around the world and throughout history have uses substances to see beyond our physical plane. To dismiss what they say out of hand is foolish... though I would imagine the control of amounts is critical.

I would say that what shamans experienced after ingesting psychedelics was more atuned to what they wanted to experience based on their lifestyles and beliefs. What I saw one time was different from what I saw at other times. I used "afters" as an example because they were always "there". But what I saw at other times had to be a creation of my mind so one has to know where to draw real from unreal.

To end the year on a "high" note, here's a bit of my psychedelic trivia:
I ingest Asthmador powder (belladonna and stramonium) and have unbelievable hallucinations. One of them, a white bird carrying what looks like a white pearl on its beak enters my vision from the left side of the room and as it centers itself in my field of vision the pearl explodes making me turn my head at the unwatchable brightness. In the film "YELLOW SUBMARINE" you see the "light" almost as bright as the exploding pearl. In 1978 a music group is formed called "THE TEARDROP EXPLODES" but none of them connects to each other except maybe my pearl and the "light". How can the brain produce such an extremely bright flash?

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Little green aliens around a plastic flying saucer photo

I don't want to share or disclose knowledge of aliens

Zorgon is correct, disclosure will never willingly happen.

Some day you will discover the only truth you can be sure of is your own.
edit on 103131p://pm3106 by debris765nju because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:08 PM
Good post Zorgon...

I don't believe disclosure will happen as we know it. No way; you won't ever get it on CNN anyways, and even if we did, most of us here would still be inclined to question it.

I don't trust any current whistleblowers, one person I dislike immensely is ole' Bob 'The Fraud' O' Dean. The guys acting in everything he says and does, tears on cue and everthing. If you don't believe me, go and look at his project camelot interviews, they are cringe worthy; truly. He may be articulate in the way he talks, but the guys taking everyone for a ride. He's right up there with Greer and Hoagland.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:31 PM
Ahhh, I was hoping that there would be more answers to the Op's question about what event was the tipping point for your belief in the UFO/alien phenomena, or 'who' has made such an impression on you that it changed your mind or validated what you already knew?

I kind of answered it in my first post, but have mulled it around tonight and really even with all of the great people I have seen present their piece of the puzzle it all comes back to my own experience.

JL has stated that disclosure would have to be on an individual basis and I must agree, unless it is your own experience in one way or another it is only circumstantial at best.

For most skeptics and educated individuals blind belief is just not part of their constitution.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:35 PM
zorgon I am beginning to think that there may be an aerial show in the future which will be an attempt to force people to conform in one way or another, but it will be a display of our own black ops technology and not from any off worlders AVC.

This could help unite the global communities to a common goal, but that goal will be full of political and religious trickery.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Ok there will not be a so called Obama hugging an Alien on International tv type disclosure but isnt it all ready happening in dribs and drabs for a few years now.

I mean how many more military witnesses on nuke missile bases do you need to come forward, also airline pilots, astonuaghts, and how many more ufo documents need to be released and the list goes on.

I will not waste the time posting links as everyone here should be aware anyway.

Disclosure is already happening but it will take many years to come to its grand finale

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Out of all the stories over all the decades, and even over all the centuries, it just takes a tiny percentage of reliable witnesses to make it a true phenomenon. And it is. I've seen with my own eyes, and have been obsessed with the subject ever since.

I don't, however, believe that any one person has the ultimate answer. There are far too many weirdo new-age space hippy types out there trying to sell you books, DVDs and seminars (looking at you mister Greer!) lining their own pockets on the naïvety of others and they should be questioned and not just believed blindly!

I actually stopped posting on these forums for roughly 2 years because of the amount of support the likes of Greer, Hoagland, and all those other phonies out there were getting. It goes beyond rationality and reason to ever consider these people as whistleblowers. They are full of BS simple as that; yet the argument never seems to die....

I am still fairly passionate about the subject, and do think about it just about every day, and those who claim to have all the answer, or at least come across as having all the answers, are the ones to be the most wary of.

edit on 31-12-2010 by Smugallo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 11:56 PM
There will be a disclosure to carry out their fake alien invasion agenda that will happen 2012-2013.
edit on 31-12-2010 by HazyChestNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:04 AM
I beleive the Westall UFO incident cos the kids and teachers, its just an unlikely place for a lie to start and they still beleive it to this day.

I think I believe Bob Lazar, I notice that his Los Alamos pass has been seen by Zorgon but every security pass I have ever been issues has been removed and returned to the site security (the passes are the property of US Department of Defense or whoever) so if he had one, why wouldnt it be taken off him after he left.

I think hte problem I have is its hard to beleive anything unless you see it for yourself, its a shame, I liked to beleive people, i would always struggle to understand why people would lie and take things people said as true, then your seen as gullible. So now you dont know what or who to beleive because noone is straight with you, and when you back someone and they let you down time after time you become pretty hard to convince and sceptical about everything.

Probably been lied to so many times, mechanics, politicians, the police, the army, your teachers, your parents, the church, when everything and everyone you beleived as a child has let you down, how do you trust or beleive anyone, its a bloody tough question.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by zorgon

As a collective, I tend to buy most highly respected military people and pilots. Both have seen some crazy s*it and only negative things are typically used against them when they come out and say something. The Rendelsham Forest officers really stick out to me, but there are countless others who I fully believe when they come out with these stories--when you have a high rank in the military, or worked your entire life to become a commercial or military pilot, disclosing the information you have on UFOs only presents an opportunity for the most part to be ridiculed.

Bob Lazar has a major catch-22, in that if what he's saying is true, I wouldn't put it past the government to attempt to erase him from the face of the earth. But unfortunately he can never prove that. I'm still undecided but I certainly wouldn't put this past the US Gov.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:43 AM
Indeed, Gordon Cooper in my book fits to a T on what a top tier credible witness is. I mean seriously, here is a guy who had damn near the best credentials a person can have on this planet. If he were alive today, I doubt even someone like James McGaha would have had the balls to tell him across a table that he was delusional in his observations because he wasn´t trained as an "aerial observer" or some crap like that. Just to jolt the memory a bit;

Another guy who is absolutely credible is John Callahan, who is speaking about one of the most famous UFO incidents of all time: JAL Flight 1628.

edit on 1-1-2011 by fockewulf190 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 05:01 AM
Oh God..the first "disclosure" thread of 2011 and by Zorgon no less!.

The point about secret stuff is it is secret. No one person or even a group will have all the info on all of it, or know how that info actually fits into the whole. When it gets to really, really secret stuff, it won't even be recorded anyplace but held in human memory between a select few who won't even know who the other "few" are. The point being to cover off any leaks. Anyway, Zorgon's point about the "janitor" classes is more accurate though. You are more likely to hear stuff from say an air con repair guy who may have seen something whilst making a temporary visit to a site than from someone who worked there for 20 years. Janitors sadly to say, are always escorted and aren't likely to see anything.

You also have to separate what you see in movies from the actuality (for example try sticking a USB stick into a secured server and see how far you get, even if you got that far in the first place). The plucky computer geek/muscled hero/whatever who finds the "truth" after a long struggle against a tyrant/government/whatever is an entertainment format designed to make money, not a blueprint for how the world works.

Secret doesn't work when it's stamped "SECRET" it works when it's banal, not noticed, not being important. People love normality and will grab it without question because the opposite is scary. Even people on ATS love "their" normality because "normality" is scary. That way "secret" can stay in the shadows and unobserved.

There will never be a thing called disclosure because the system works without disclosure, so there is no point.

rant over

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 05:26 AM
I love reading your thoughts/analysis/evidence/presentations Zorgon. While most of us here are wishing & pushing for disclosure, you go further in that quest than most & despite all our/your dreams for a big sudden disclosure of some sort, your realistic enough to realise it's not going to be layed out on a plate by any president or prime minister in the near future. Your studies (Which is always backed up with source material & excellent evidence gathering) have helped me learn more on the subject & I hope you continue to provide some great thought provoking write ups, Here at the start of a new calander year you present another, to the point no holes barred interesting thread. I wish you well for the year ahead & please keep up the informative work Zorgon, there's plenty of us here who appreciate all the effort & information you share.
edit on 1-1-2011 by DarthPhobos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:08 AM
I think Disclosure will come. You see i ascribe to the theory that there was an agreement between Earth and ailens to have not reveal things for a set time period. I beleive that time period is now well past it's expiry date and world Govts are now obliged to tell the world at least the basics. I dont think ailens will be patient for that much longer and may well reveal themselves to us in due course if the world Govts do not hold to their end of the bargain. So i think the next few years will be exciting indeed

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