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whats up with all the pro-islam sentiment in the US... heres a little reminder of what were up again

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Is this also fake?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by filosophia

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by filosophia
You can really tell how they dulled down on the propaganda. While this video is fake for many different reasons, the lack of resistance on the part of the prisoner, the editing a moment before his head is removed, the fake looking head with the extremely small amount of blood dripping out of it, however it is still more exciting then what they are pumping out these days: Bin laden decrying man made global warming. Sheesh. The war on terrorism is becoming the war of retardism.

Oh that's ok.

Google Eugene Armstrong then, if you want to be sure what happens.

Really, google Eugene Armstrong Beheading.

And then worry about it.

I did google it

And once again the camera cuts away right before they remove the head. Just one question though. If that much blood spills from this guy's head, why doesn't it do the same for the other one?

They're fake. The MSM wouldn't show it if it was real, plus every video I've seen cuts away right before they remove the head. I'm guessing the establishment assumed people wouldn't watch the whole thing because it would churn their stomach, so they would not put the little bit of effort into scrutinizing it and seeing it is a fake. Or they would tell people to "tone down the rhetoric" and not question it because it is a horrible murder. A horrible FAKE murder.
edit on 12-1-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

You are obviously offended by these videos, you came back to my thread days after anyone had replied to it, these videos must be sticking in your head like a fat girls leftover cake. let me ask you a question filisophia, are you American? have you ever beheaded someone? NO, i didnt think so. and since you were so attimate about the legitimacy of these videos, go and find a video where someone is really getting beheaded, SHOW your evidence and quite stating opinion. PROVE that these are fake, because until you prove otherwise; your opinions are nothing better than a steaming pile of dung left to rot in the microwave.

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