posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 09:40 PM
Originally posted by IrishTruckie
Cool picture! But why are the shadows off? it seems like he is looking north and the sun is coming from the east but the picture has the sun in front
of it. look at the hydrant.
I think the foreground was only taken once, and the "Suns" added in later. If the foreground was actually photographed 36 times (there are 36 Suns),
it would not be as sharp and clear, becuase items would change over the course of a year -- such as the trees and the flowers in the window boxes.
Also, there is only one cloud in the sky. Was the sky perfectly clear on the 35 other occasions?
Another "wrong" shadow is the shadow of the photographer on the left hand side. If the Sun was in front of the camera, we should not see the
photographer's shadow. Also, the photographer shadow would be blurred if it were truly photographed 36 times -- nobody could be in the exact same
position 36 times. Plus, by the very nature of the photograph, the shadows should overlap in 36 slightly different directions, due to the Sun being
in 36 slightly different locations.
Due to the unchanging shadows and other unchanging items in the foreground, I'm convinced the foreground image was added later, and NOT really part of
the actual analemma images.
HOWEVER...Having said all that, it is still a beautiful shot of the Sun's analemma, even if the foreground of the image was artificially added
Let's call that "Artistic License".
edit on 12/29/2010 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)