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I spent 3 hours in the ER on the 15th. I just got my $11,000.00 bill in the mail.

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posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:01 AM
Vicky- The only idiots are the ones buying the BS being shoveled by certain posters.


1) I love it now suddenly the bleeding is from a hernia, something you did not mention previously, only talking about a broken ankle. Kind of convenient how you mention this after getting called out for talking about crapping blood after discussing a broken ankle.

2) BS. I have known many people who have walked after having ankle surgery and it did not cause them to not be able to walk again. Hell I know one guy who broke his ankle and walked on it for a week with a splint before he had surgery. Why? Because he needed the money and kept working, something you refuse to do.

3) The OP stated many things but you are too lay to read them or go back and find them and expect others to do it for you. That tells me a lot about you and some of the other things you are saying.

4) You did not give me any ways why someone who allegedly makes $50 a month can't be eligible for help, so don't say you did, because that would be a lie.

5) Are you really going after me because I am not willing to just believe anything posted, regardless of facts or inconsistencies? Only a complete fool buys everything without thought.

The hole is getting deeper dawnstar, are you going to keep digging or be smart and run away?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:28 PM
I've mentioned the hernia quite a few times, throughout many threads on ATS,,,,
Don't know where you've been....
Like I said, the feet were deteriorating for over a year before the one ankle broke..
how did your friend break his ankle? Because all I did was stand up and step on it and heard a snap! no fall, or trip, or accident....

and this, depending on how far back they keep the threads in these forums, is probably documented here...

too lazy too look for them, oh welll.......

believe what you want...but don't be surpised if it happens to you someday..

and well.....try to stay healthy....the ankle cost me over $20,000 dollars to fix. And that doesn't include all the doctor's bills I rung up before I quit the job and lost the insurance. Can't wait to see the bill for the hernia.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Another bit of news from the insured world:

once again, I get billed for what I already paid for. Whether it's a plan to skim patients or sloppy paperwork, it's quite typical and quite unacceptable. We have a whole army of people dealing with billing and sorry, that's just not productive work.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

we have a life insurance company that is headquartered in the city I live in. Our company carried a life isurance politicy on all of us employees there, till, well, the company went into state conservatorship and a notice was sent that they would not renew the policies when they ran out. It seems that they had too much of their reserve funds stashed in the wrong investments (cdo's) and well lost too much money when it blew up.

that is one company that I know of, if there is one, there is more. Could the health insurance companies have been doing the same thing? and, if they are....wouldn't that explain the rush to pass obamacare? the only ones who do benefit from obamacare are the insurance companies, I mean, even with the insurance, the deductables are high, and you usually still walk away with a bill that is gonna nearly send your to bankruptcy court if anything major happens, and it it's not major, the money that you give the insurance to carry the policy would probably be close to what you would need to pay the bills.
I can't help but get the feeling that that was all it was about.....funneling more money into the system, or admit that that sector is crap along with the iras, stocks and everything else.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by Xiamara

I cannot move. I live with my elderly father and he depends on me to take care of him.

he lives with an elderly father, who probably gets a pension or social security.

it is possible for him not to be eligible, since I do believe they will consider his father's income....unless it has change in the past few decades, it depends on the state he lives in, on THE HOUSEHOLD INCOME, and the resources they have (home value, ect.)

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:02 PM
What I have seen in this discussion is the real reason why emergency room care is so high.

Emergency room costs are so high because of Medicaid policies which allow possible illegal immigrants to get free medical treatment, so that our emergency rooms have become the free healthcare plan for anyone who can pass as a possible illegal. Under paid Medicaid patient costs are subsidized by everyone else.

Medicaid is one of the largest fed budget items, and mainly what it does is subsidize illegal immigration, and their population growth.

Why more people aren't clued in to this reality of the situation, and why they don't scream at congress to change this extremely unfair system of discrimination is beyond me.

Either they should give everyone free emergency room medical treatment, or they should give no one free treatment.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Medicaid patients care isn't free to the's paid for my our taxes...although the gov't will put a limit on how much it pays. but, it's not free, the providers do get paid something. And, there is money being funneled into the healthcare system through so many funnels by the gov't....
the taxpayers probably already all pay for the cost of their healthcare through the taxes...then the insurance premiums, and then with the overinflated bills on top of it all!

to say it's just the illegal aliens driving up the costs, doesn't really explain the whole picture to me. it smells of scam!

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
Either they should give everyone free emergency room medical treatment, or they should give no one free treatment.

That sounds nice in theory, but in practice ERs are located mainly at hospitals. The latter will have to recoup the costs, and the only way to do it is by jacking up rates for all other services at the hospital. And that already ain't cheap, I hope you understand.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

It was an either or question...guess you would prefer the other one.....
no taxpayer money going into the system in any way?

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I have indeed applied for state aid and have faxed the requested tax returns and financial docs to the agency responsible. Now they are requesting doctors information and tax returns going back ten years. I can provide the tax information, but I do not see doctors so I cannot provide any more information there. We will see what happens. I have yet to call the hospital and update them on my application process, but will do so next week. Thanks for everyone who has been supportive and to the nay sayers I cannot expect anything less on ATS. We all come here for the truth whether we like it or not.

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
I've mentioned the hernia quite a few times, throughout many threads on ATS,,,,
Don't know where you've been....
Like I said, the feet were deteriorating for over a year before the one ankle broke..
how did your friend break his ankle? Because all I did was stand up and step on it and heard a snap! no fall, or trip, or accident....

and this, depending on how far back they keep the threads in these forums, is probably documented here...

too lazy too look for them, oh welll.......

believe what you want...but don't be surpised if it happens to you someday..

and well.....try to stay healthy....the ankle cost me over $20,000 dollars to fix. And that doesn't include all the doctor's bills I rung up before I quit the job and lost the insurance. Can't wait to see the bill for the hernia.

1) Let me get this straight, you can't be bothered to read the thread you are posting in to know all of the details but you expect others to read every thread you post in to know all about you? Keep digging that hole deeper.

2) Perhaps you should have taken better care of yourself if your ankle just breaks from standing up. Clearly that was 100% neglect on your part.

3) It won't happen to me because it doesn't happen to anyone who actually gets off their ass and tries to make money and/or get the aid needed.

4) Still going back to costs when I have not discussed anything about them.

Any other stories you want to change, false claims you want to make, or contradictory statements you want to make. The hole you have dug is the deepest I have ever seen on these forums. I am bored of discussing this with you since it's like boxing with someone with no arms.

Feel free to get in a last word, I am sure you will need it.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

sounds like you are applying for disability? I wish you luck, I really do...
If I remember right, and this was about 7 or so years ago, so I might not, they will use your medical well as the opinion of one of their own doctors?? maybe....
so well, if I am right, their doctor might find you unable to work.
My problem was that disablility didn't cover the condition I was diagnosed as having, and the doctor was too lazy to send in the paperwork they were required by law, and I just decided it wasn't worth fighting for. There was other ways to make money that wasn't so hard on the feet that I could do. I just didn't anticipate the problem getting worse like it did, and ending up with a few broken bones in my ankle. which then laid me up for 6 months..
by then we had relocated and I found a less physically demanding job that earned me more money.. now, I am just waiting to see how the hernia does with that work, and what problems clear up and what don't connected to that, and then I will decide if I need to get me a even less physical job...
ya know, you might also want to do a search for car pooling online, I've noticed that there are a few sites out there that serve to link up commuters for car pools...find yourself a job that doesn't demand too much physically. what the heck, a good portion of the workforce now just sits at a desk and pushes folders around all day....

there are also sites for telecommuters out there. The one that I am signed up on has tests on many different subjects that you can take to prove to the perspective businesses that you know what you are talking about. For the ones that I would feel comfortable with taking at the moment the pay isn't too great. But, well, I have spent time learning about website design and such, even have a site about ready to go, I could probably pass a few of those tests in that area.

don't give up, keep trying, technically, I think I am disabled now, I think that I at least deserve one of those little signs for my car so I ain't got to walk a mile into a store..I mean I see people jumping out of those cars and running into the store....I can't run, wouldn't even be able run from a burning building...
but there are plenty of jobs out there that I can do, if they give me a chance. and I know it. I also know that that disability check ain't gonna be enough to meet my needs, is gonna cost me most of the money that I get in doctor's bills to continually prove that I am disabled, and well....just ain't gonna make the grade.
one of my coworkers has a daughter that has two fake wrists, one was put in when she was a kid, the other was put in recently, and they just did one of her ankles. she was born with a problem with her joints...
she has gone to college and has a rather good job.
can't imagine what the bills would be like though....

okay, back to the real issue of the cost of the medical care....

the cost of it is ensuring that we all, don't think it matters weather we are rich or poor, are more than likely gonna die in debt! whatever we accumulate to pass down to our kids will more than likely have to be sold off to pay that debt off, or as much of it as's just a part of a much bigger scam to defraud the people and gather the wealth into the hands of the few. you have an economic system now where the cost and demand ratio has been artifically twisted...since somewhere in that cost and demand ratio, one should have to include the ability of the people to pay the cost, or well, in normal circumstances, too few people would be able to buy your product. thus, you product is infeasible and you should find another product to peddle.
our healthcare is an infeasible product, it's only there because of the ponzi schemes that are propping it up...medicaid, medicare, and insurance companies.
in the long run I think we will find that we would have been better off with a less advanced system that was kept within the bounds of our ability to pay for it .

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by backwherewestarted

1) Let me get this straight, you can't be bothered to read the thread you are posting in to know all of the details but you expect others to read every thread you post in to know all about you? Keep digging that hole deeper.

just playing the game back at ya...and well, in a way being kind....alot of the people on ats that would visit the threads concerning the healthcare system know that I've been telling this same story about six or seven years, and well, didn't make it up just for this particular conversation, like you seem to be implying.
go ahead, now, you can have the last word...

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

there is money being funneled into the healthcare system through so many funnels by the gov't....
the taxpayers probably already all pay for the cost of their healthcare through the taxes...then the insurance premiums, and then with the overinflated bills on top of it all!

You might be right there. I think most of the money goes to bureaucracy, who pinch everyone coming and going.

The thing is, the cost of medicaid patient care isn't fully covered by the fed, so it is a huge drain on Hospitals, which is why so many hospitals near the borders are going broke.

See the post below this one I am responding to here, and next.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

ERs are located mainly at hospitals. The latter will have to recoup the costs, and the only way to do it is by jacking up rates for all other services at the hospital.

Yepper, that is exactly what I am talking about. This is the biggest reason why our health care costs are so high. U.S. citizens are being forced to subsidize illegal immigration their their taxes and their healthcare costs. Get down on your luck, lose your health care, and you kid gets injured and has to go to the emergency room?

The fed government will take the money right out of your account if you have any, while anyone with an accent can get their kids taken care of for free.

Just thinking about the fact burns me up.

The people who created this system should all be locked up, and throw away the key. They have destroyed to public trust.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:38 PM
God I'm overjoyed I don't live in America. You're health system is a joke, nothing more. Had you lived in a country such as Australia or Canada or the UK we would not be having this conversation.

You couldn't get me to live in America, in it's current state, if you paid me (and to pre-empt those who are about to whinge and moan and say things like "we wouldn't want you anyways", you just keep getting ripped off by your health system and I'll sit back here in Australia enjoying my free healthcare).

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Kryties
God I'm overjoyed I don't live in America. You're health system is a joke, nothing more. Had you lived in a country such as Australia or Canada or the UK we would not be having this conversation.

You couldn't get me to live in America, in it's current state, if you paid me (and to pre-empt those who are about to whinge and moan and say things like "we wouldn't want you anyways", you just keep getting ripped off by your health system and I'll sit back here in Australia enjoying my free healthcare).

There is a point that you are missing. For many Americans, the issue is not one of taking care of one's is a constitutional issue of what is and what is not appropriate for the Federal government to administer.

I don't quite get it...but I will acknowledge the issue. Then again, there are those who are simply selfish and that is not confined to America. All in all, I prefer our ways.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
U.S. citizens are being forced to subsidize illegal immigration their their taxes and their healthcare costs

I don't think that's the sole reason of the situation we are in. There is a complex and powerful extortion machine at work, who will brainwash people into saying that having a functional public healthcare system is a communist (or diabolical) plot. It's not.

Suppose you take the illegal immigration out of equation. Somebody overstayed a visa, patch them up and deport in 24 hrs. Will it change your argument?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

No, it is not the sole reason U.S. healthcare is in such a horrible condition, but it is a big factor. Like so many other problems in the U.S., it is all a big scam.

It is hard to believe things have gotten this bad in the U.S., but they have.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by poet1b

child health plus is part of the medicaid program I believe, and well, do a little research, you'd be surprised at just how many kids, in families with very decent incomes qualify for it. don't think it would be right to say that they are all on it, but well.....
I think, overall, the number of illegal aliens crossing the border that are draning the medicaid system is relatively minute compared to how many US citizens are on the rolls. Although I do acknowledge that they may have a profound effect on those communities that have a large population of them.
To me, the number one reason the gov't should do something about the flow coming over our borders is that they are claiming that there is such a danger out there, such a mass of people, that want to blow us up, that they have to delve into our personal emails, monitors our posts on sites such as this, blast us with radiation, molest us in front of strangers, and so on....
And, yet, they have no idea who is walking over the border? Kind of tells me that they don't feel that the danger is that great!!

but, as far as medicaid, the best thing they could do to bring down the number of patients using it is to get the actual cost of the services down so the the working class can afford to pay for their own kid's healthcare,.
this is the new york program for child health plus..

and even then, I don't know if it would help much, since the insurance companies often make similar deals with the healthcare providers. If I go to a certain healthcare conglomerate in the city, the conglomerate will give me a discount on the don't think that they are increasing the fees for those who's insurance doesn't have such a deal with them? Don't really see much of a difference between the state doing this and the insurance companies. the one's who are really getting screwed are the uninsured, since the are getting strapped with full, inflated bill, Which, of course, they can't pay, and so well....around the circle we go...
then at the end of the year, the hospitals and conglomerates can all add up those uncollected debts and run to the gov't to whine about how they need more money, and around the circle we go again!

sooner or later, one is gonna have to admit, this doesn't make sense. american taxes have helped build the best healthcare system in the world, according to some, but the taxpayers are finding more affordable to jump on a plane and fly to brazil or some strange place to have their needs taken care of. the bills are so high, that it has been accepted practice to cut deals to give some a reduced rate and using that as an excuse to raise the base rate even higher for those not selected to enjoy the reduction. the administrators are making out like bandits, the taxpayers are being drained more every year, and more and more people are finding themselves in the ranks of the non-preferred.

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