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What did the Catholic Church ever do to You?

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

No such thing as a Catholic Christian....its all one big religious coup. Any belief in a mythical character known to cause more wars, famine and plagues is not my idea of a a true religious " truth ".

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

they have done nothing to me that William Tyndale and Martin Luther has not already ratified...

but I was not alive back then so I personally do not have any opinion on it.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
Seriously, 99 % of all you posters out there seem to have beef with the catholic church. The Church Jesus Christ himself established. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ? The Church has always been there though out the ages always giving and supporting people in need.You cant always turn toward your family but you can always count on the Catholic church. (hypocrites)

Mods, please post this where you seem fit. Thanks OO
edit on 27-12-2010 by oliveoil because: (no reason given)

Woa... didn't know the Catholic Church also had TROLLS, or have they?

If not then you might be worth an answer, coming from a real Roman Catholic, who even had faith and read the "good book" for a long time....

You have been misguided, lied to, and this is one of the two main things that the Church did to me as well. As Jehovah, or Jesu, did NOT established the Catholic Church. Roman Emperor Constantine did, in early 4th century A.D., while little is known for HISTORICAL FACT on who Jesus was and how his religion emerged, before being imposed by the Empire. It's a big lie, that's within the same category as "teaching" the people for centuries that the Earth is flat and at the center of the Universe, while Greek, Chinese and American Native scientists already proven it wasn't as such, a long time before.

The other wrong that the Church did to me, as to many people in the Western world, is to implant deep in my brain an idealistic, abstract mindset, that always equates to control, if not repression of anything that's concrete or comes from the material, natural world. The Church never teaches us to observe nature, and human behavior as well, and to try comprehending it... they always merely enforce an abstract view of it taht seems to come down from the skies. This is a typically Western mentality, and has to do mostly with what's wrong with our broken Western civilization.

Every power top-down power structure has the effect of keeping the people (that I'm part of) from evolving, becoming intelligent and autonomous. While pretending to bring us high in the skies (once we are dead of course), religion actually keeps us low on the ground, so low that it crushes us underground, in the grave.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Griffo

Here is the latest news...which you failed to post. Pope Benedict wants to focus on the abuse in an effort to make amends....

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by TerribleTeam2
reply to post by FlyersFan

The amount of contradictions in the Bible is astounding. And on top of that, people are still willing to believe it.

I am curious what contradictions are you referring to? Please do list them I am curious it really shouldn't be to hard because as you claim they are astounding.

I'll wait...

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by todbodman
I remember that the head priest made us come up to be refused Communion because we were less then dirt in the Catholic Church's eyes.

Um .. no. Non catholics are refused communion in the catholic church .. not because they are 'less than dirt' in the eyes of the church. That's absurd. The act of communion in the Catholic Church is more than just getting a snack. To take communion in the Catholic church is making a statement that YOU ARE IN COMMUNION WITH THE CHURCH ... Communion as in - YOU BELIEVE WHAT THE CHURCH TEACHES. Get it? Obviously, if you aren't catholic then you don't believe what the church teaches, and therefore you are not in communion with the church, and therefore you shouldn't want to be taking communion and making the statement that you agree with the church.

As for the 'making you go up to be refused' .. hogwash. The pews in the Catholic church empty up to communion from front to back in an orderly manner. Being a non-catholic you probably were not aware of that. If you were asked to move with the flow it was probably so no one would be tripping over people still sitting in the pews. For the sake of keeping things flowing, the church will sometimes ask people just to file up in order so as not to disrupt everything.


He also made a threatening statement that if anyone tried to take Communion who wasn't a member of the Catholic Church, "He would know and action would be taken". .

... either there were disrespectful people in the pews and the priest was taking measures to insure that the Eucharist (Holy Communion) wasn't desecrated OR the priest went over the top and being an imperfect human being this could happen OR what you described just didn't happen.

As for the bus rides being paid for ... if that is what really was happening ... so what? The kids would be on the buses anyways. Their parents pay taxes like everyone else and those taxes paid for the rides. Big whoop.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

Ah, finally someone asks. Well, I live in the Republic of Malta, so you should start by asking what the Roman Catholic Church (RCC for the rest of this post) hasn't done to me. You see, the RCC is the official state religion of Malta, therefore there are a lot of implications.

It suppresses my rights. According to multiple legal statutes, any vilification of the RCC, whether it be based in fact or not, is punishable by imprisonment. Blasphemy is also illegal. And yes, people do get prosecuted under them. I know nearly 700 people were prosecuted for this exercise of free speech in 2008 alone. Now, this might not seem like a lot, but we have a population of around 400,000.

One particular instance was at a celebration of carnival (that very flamboyant thing they famously do in Brazil, only nowhere near as awesome over here), in which an individual dressed as Jesus and was held in prison for simply dressing as this figure.

What's more, it affects the artistic material that can be produced. A play by the name of Stitching was banned from the islands because it was deemed offensive under the archaic, RCC centric code. This was appealed in court, but held. It is currently going to the European court, where my nation will now be made a laughingstock of.

Oh, and they're the reason why Malta is one of only two countries in the world where divorce is illegal.

They also wasted somewhere around 1000 hours of my life.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
Seriously, 99 % of all you posters out there seem to have beef with the catholic church. The Church Jesus Christ himself established. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ? The Church has always been there though out the ages always giving and supporting people in need.You cant always turn toward your family but you can always count on the Catholic church. (hypocrites)

Mods, please post this where you seem fit. Thanks OO
edit on 27-12-2010 by oliveoil because: (no reason given)

Jesus did not establish the Catholic church....Catholocism began with the Romans i believe....

Maybe this is why we have so much beef with them (other than the fact that they rape any young boy who steps foot inside the vatican) :

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:17 PM
I don't know, maybe because they sell lies constantly. Get it straight; Jesus did not establish any religion. The people followed after him and created it when he died, although he protested organized religion. The entire religion has become total hypocrisy of what Jesus actually preached. We idolize a man, which is the opposite of what Jesus said to do. Plus, the religion censored him. There is no longer spirituality; it is a cult.
I was raised Catholic, and every time my peers and I did some foodmaking for the homeless, I questioned whether or not it went to the homeless. It's what they said, but who knows?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Is this about Roman Catholics or Catholics in General (Anglo-Catholics/Eastern Orthodox Catholics etc)

Picking on Roman Catholics, as one, they are the reason I got into conspiracies since they where intent on teaching me that Christianity only came to these Isles hundreds of years after it really arrived..

So in my opinion any church willing to teach children lies as truth in Schools can not be trusted to tell the truth on any topic.

edit on 28/12/10 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

Link please. Thank you.

Originally posted by Echtelion
Woa... didn't know the Catholic Church also had TROLLS, or have they?

The person opened up a discussion with a question and some comments. This isn't trolling.
Ya' wanna' see trolls? I can link you to some trolls here ...

Originally posted by Evil3unnie
I am curious what contradictions are you referring to?

You can start with the beginning .. two versions of creation.

As for errors .. the whole Noah's Ark is one big mistake. If there were penguins and kangaroos and elephants (etc) living in Turkey now you might be able to make a case for Noahs Ark. But since there isn't .. then obviously there was no big boat full of critters that landed there.

Originally posted by 8fl0z
Jesus did not establish the Catholic church....Catholocism began with the Romans i believe....

Ya' didn't read the thread. Matthew 16:18. Then ACTS for succession.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:22 PM
I spent 12 years getting a catholic education, not my idea but my catholic parents choice for me. The catholic church is a church full of hypocrites, power hungry, money hungry, chauvanistic males that are at best self serving and teach nothing but fear of God to control people to hand over their money and is devoid of any sprituality. I left the church as soon as I was an adult. I learned nothing from them about God that felt right and refuse to bring up my children in that church, which opened me up to a ton of criticism from both my family and my ex husbands family. I then spent 10 years searching for the true meaning of God and although I found many sources of great information from many other religions, I found that the truth of what God is lies within my soul, and meditation was the best way to learn from this divine source of wisdom.

As an example, when my mother was dying a couple of years ago, during her last few days, I asked for a priest to come to her hospital room and talk to her to prepare her for her transition, because at this point I was 30 years removed from my catholic education and couldn't remember how they handled death, but wanted her to find the comfort in the religion she still believed in. Instead of just talking to her and helping her to find peace and trust in the process, the priest said a few prayers and left. I was boiling mad, as this was not what she needed, as I could see there was some fear for what she was going to face. Where was the emotional and spritual support she needed to help her through this? The nursing staff did a better job talking to her and preparing her. I have so many more examples, but they are deep and personal and I don't wish to go there.

Jesus didn't start the catholic church, man did. The romans used it to launch a power crusade to further control its citizens. The teaching that the catholic church is the only true religion and all others will burn in hell is the biggest load of crap they instill. As with all religions, I feel it is mass brainwashing that they do. But that's my opinion. There are those people that need organized religion to follow. But the truth of who were are lies within each of us, and that is a huge threat to any religion.

This is all my opinion, and obviously the catholic church was not the right path for me. But, I was once told in meditation when questioning why there is so much spiritual diversity on the planet, that there are as many paths to God as there are people on this planet, so yeah, I have to respect that and anyone's choice to follow what they feel is right because we are all at different points in our soul's journey. But, I still have nothing good to say about the catholic religion.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I dont cite the bible or its verses as credible sources or grounds for arguement.


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

WOW! That's frightening. Sounds a lot like Islamic behavior. This is what happens when spirituality becomes religion and religion becomes the rule of the land. I'm glad you posted this information. It was very informative and enlightening. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by 8fl0z
I dont cite the bible or its verses as credible sources or grounds for arguement..

I, too, have difficulties with the bible. However, if you are discussing what Jesus did, then the only record of anything he did (or might have done) is in scripture and therefore that's where we have to go for information. But I do hear ya .. scripture isn't the best source. Unfortunately, in this case, it's the only jesus source we have.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:25 PM

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Evil3unnie

The Catholic Church was started by the Roman's. Over the centuries , laws were issued that made possession of the Bible illegal for any Christian layman. During those centuries of the Inquisition in Europe there were appalling penalties, including burning at the stake, for anyone found to possess a copy of the Scriptures. During the Dark Ages even priests were unable to read Latin manuscripts of the Bible themselves. As a result of their ignorance of the Bible they were unable to compare the false doctrines that were wide spread in the Medieval Roman church against the Word of God. Few Christian today realize that it was illegal to possess a copy of the Bible in Italy until 1870 due to the hatred of the apostate church officials for the truth of the Scriptures.
edit on 28-12-2010 by Evil3unnie because: (no reason given)

Can you please offer some links to substantiate these claims?



posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by 8fl0z

but we are exploring the Universe...

it's all Christianity and even the red in this pie is a part of the monotheism.



The numbers here in the second image from Gallup/com are not all that great either considering half of that 16% are theistic but non-religious via the first graph image.

tear down the walls...
edit on 12/28/2010 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:44 PM
I was almost broke, hurt in a car wreck and trying to get help to feed my family. The Catholic Church GAVE me rent money and food money for 2 months to tide me over until everything was worked out. No one else even tried.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:45 PM
I was brought up as a catholic. Attended a catholic private school, was an alter boy and attended church everyday of the week including weekends when I had to serve weddings and Sunday masses. I have experienced first hand the cruelty of catholic school by nuns and priests. These so called "nuns and priests" hold themselves above the average church goer. Behind the scenes, these priests and nuns can be as cruel and swear as much as the person on the street. (Yet you have to confess your sins through them to be forgiven by our creator.) The ridiculous ideas they peddle to their congregation is truly not based on fact, but a self prescribed interpretation or embellishments based on the bible. They have their holy sacraments and prescribe themselves the power to establish saints from their set of saint criteria. Which they justify to pray to even though it goes against the 1st of the 10 commandments. The only facts people of faith have, come from how they interpret the bible to fit their own beliefs. There is a lot of hypocrisy and BS in all religions and it's used to control the masses.

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