posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:39 PM
What I can tell you:
God is a name that the Human race gave to Beings that came from the skies.
Before I became Human I was a Grey (a good) Grey there are also Grey's that are not so good and this may shock you but the Grey's are what Humans
call Angel's .........the good and the fallon.
Before I was tranferred here (I do not recall how this was done) I was asked by who you call God(s)......they are actually known in the Universe as
the Elders our Creator's if I would come to help the Human race when it was time, I agreed to do so.........I was told that when I was transferred to
Earth I would become stupid and they wanted me to understand that...I was told that they would come to me throughout my Human life whenever they could
and I would learn what I needed to know....hence experiences.
Now I know how what I just wrote sounds but actually I don't care what anyone thinks I am beyond that in my old age.
The Elder's your Creator's (who you call God) are extremely tall Grey/whites and yes they use the ships. They are aware what is happening here on
Planet Earth and the Human race has to solve their own issues this is just the way it is.....HOWEVER,.................... they know an event is going
to happen here that was not to happen and they feel this race is worth saving because they say: (you have intelligence)...... also others like myself
have been sent here to grow as a Human and learn/observe. Many of us are programmed with info that they will not releash until the event comes ......
I am 63 and it will be in my lifetime of course. I have been observing events that are occuring now and it is all the forfront of what is to come.
When I see what I feel is the lead in to the event I will let you know again........I get tired of writing about it.
We are a wee bit past the Beginning of the old