posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 02:04 PM
While I do, regretfully, agree that we seem irreconcilably opposed on these matters, mwm1331, I'd like to thank you for your contribution to this
thread - and not just because it gave me a chance to exercise my rhetorical muscles!
On it's most basic level, I believe our conflict arises from a question of responsibility. You, as you have stated, believe that it is everyone's
legal and moral duty to take responsibility for their own welfare - I, on the other hand, believe that the concepts of civilisation and humanity
demand that we take collective responsibility for those who are laid low by accident of birth or tragic misfortune. Individuals are still rewarded
for their efforts and skills, and any person - any person - may, through dedication and hard work, become whatever they want to be. The
difference, of course, is that in a liberal state, the individual has achieved a personal triumph which also benefits society - in the Republican
state, any success is achieved at the expense of one's neighbours and countrymen.
While Republicans fear the potential for evil found in all men, I prefer to nurture the potential for good.