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Americans fascination with guns and the military

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 02:27 PM
My boyfriend, when he visted from England, Fred, actually was thinking Id show up at the airport with a pistol. He thought wed be attacked by thugs. He was also expecting to see some serious blood, guts, and gore. The worst thing he witnessed here was a low level drug deal that got out of hand, with the buyer calling the dealer a name, flipping him off, and storming away. He actually was standing there waiting for one or the other to pull out a gun and shoot them.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Exactly and your point about people overseas think we swagger around with gun belts on hips ready to draw at the slightest provacation. My Brother in law when he visited from France. He actually seemed disapointed that we did not see any "violence" during our stay here. as it would have confirmed his opinions. Alas most peoples opinions are influenced by movies and televison which basically portray the US as a modern Wild Wild West.

Well, now I think you perhaps exaggerates how much people abroad exaggerates the use of guns and violence in the U.S. There are very few indeed that thinks it's still like the wild west
However, media reports frequently about fired employees gunning down former colleagues and children shooting their siblings when playing with daddys gun that they found in a drawer and stuff like that. As you say, news and media aim for the sensational, and so we get a lot of it.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 02:46 PM
haha, actually, i am 6 foot 11 inches tall, wear spurs on my boots, have a big white stetson, chew redman tobacco, and ride a horse named giddyup.

and for real, AZLS1


n 1: a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun [syn: cartridge holder, cartridge clip, magazine]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by EyesOfTheFuture

Well, now I think you perhaps exaggerates how much people abroad exaggerates the use of guns and violence in the U.S. There are very few indeed that thinks it's still like the wild west

Sorry I was exaggerating next time I will use my Level II Sarcasm Font

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:02 PM
Well, for Europeans, cars kill more than guns. Knives kill more than guns. Both are legal in Europe, so for you, watch out for cars carrying knives, lol.

Anyways, guns aren't as "bad" as they are made out to be in the media. Yes things like Columbine happen but the kids were pissed about something. And this is not the wild west, anymore. Hell, the wild west wasn't the wild west you see in movies. The wild west was wild because the land hadn't been tamed. You were far more likely to be eaten by a bear than shot by a gun, unless you are someone like Billy The Kid or Butch Cassidy.

Why do we like guns? Well, for me they keep the rodent problem down in the basement. No, I am not blasting away with a 12 gauge, rats require a .22 rifle. And fully carpeted floor so no richochet problems. Also I like to shoot guns at shooting ranges because I have become a pretty good shot and like to shoot paper people in the groin. For others? Well, to each his own. Or her own.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:17 PM
Guns are necessary to keep the balance with the government and our founding fathers were not stupid that's why they made it the 2nd amendment god bless them guns forever

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:21 PM
D@mn law Clinton and his attempt to violate my rights by saying I can't have an assult rifle.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Guns are necessary to keep the balance with the government and our founding fathers were not stupid that's why they made it the 2nd amendment god bless them guns forever

I thought that was what voting for and our founding fathers were not so stupid that's why the 2nd admenment says "a well regulated milita "

How do you write like that? It would drive me nuts. I think the poster was asking about our fasciination with guns, not the corruption of the 2nd Amendment.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 03:29 PM
I own several guns that the laws says other people can not. (pre-ban) I own a wide assortment of other weapons and yet I have not killed anyone.

Nor do I go out shooting gophers, rodents, birds, rabbits, deers or any other animal or insect.

But I can shoot a target at over 600 yards. With less then a 2.5" group. While I am not an expert marksman I am more then capable of hitting my target.

I am more prone to seriously injure an intruder with a baseball bat or a 6- cell maglite then I am with a handgun.

BUT, if anything serious were to go down, like a civil war etc. I have the training and firepower to ensure my safety and hopefully that of my family.

Ignorant people, kill people.

And sometimes people kill people out of desperation.

And people die, during war, its unavoidable.

But weapons (by themselves) do not kill people.

People kill people.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:26 PM
Well, I don't know much about Sweden, but if you don't have a law that allows anyone (with certain laws/licenses, of course) to wield a firearm, then where is the freedom? Indeed, the Right To Bear Arms was included in our Constitutition! It is a freedom that we have, just like the right to free speech, right to protest, etc etc.


posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Cure im was mentioning the 2nd amendment because our fascination with guns goes back to our founding fathers even they knew the importance of guns so they put it in the connstitution.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by curme
I thought that was what voting for and our founding fathers were not so stupid that's why the 2nd admenment says "a well regulated milita "

How do you write like that? It would drive me nuts. I think the poster was asking about our fasciination with guns, not the corruption of the 2nd Amendment.

This is something I've never understood about my fellow libs (and maybe it's just because I live out West) but why shouldn't the 2nd amendment be given the same liberal interpretation that we insist others give the 1st amendment, etc. This is the one major hypocracy of the Demo party that keeps me from voting for their candidates in most National elections, in spite of the fact that I remain a registered member.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by curme

I thought that was what voting for and our founding fathers were not so stupid that's why the 2nd admenment says "a well regulated milita "

well voting is but guns too see as the rest of the amendment says "being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

i personally believe it is specific and reffers to any weapon and none should be illegal, it is pretty clear that it means that, and yes artillery, explosives, full automatic guns, mortor, etc count.

i think the national guard should be disbanded and true civilian militias should be established and operated similiar to military(but not as strict nor any obligation to the government) except it should only be allowed to operate on US soil, territories and such and neither should such militias be subject to foreign peace keeping, but it should be a required duty to join a militia in each state you live in, to ensure people dont forget their purpose of upholding freedoms and protect eachother.

hell the constitution(and state constitution of that persons state) should be required learning when joining a militia.

hmm im getting an idea on a new amendment to boost the powers given in the 2nd amendment...

[edit on 6-7-2004 by namehere]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:01 PM
When are americans going to stop using this hackneyed, false and logically flawed notion of "the people must have guns because the government has them".

Come on guys, wake up to the world reality, do you see any countries in western Europe, or oceania suddenly becoming tolatarian regimes because their citizens don't carry guns? No, you don't.

How about aknowlodging the truth. If America DID become tolatarian and you had guns what difference would you be able to make? Any? Nope, none, you would just die like flies. whether or not you had a pistol. This fantasy of gun ownership is merely an excuse to indulge in a national obsession.

Originally posted by crmanager
So if the government is the only one with the guns then how would a populace keep the government from expanding into... totalatarianism?

England forbade its citizens from gun ownership for one reason. You can't fight back. So America greww up thinking guns are not only a right they are necessary for a free people to stay that way.

We grew to be the most powerful country on Earth and love and respect for the power that comes from the end of a gun satyed and flourished.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by NetchickenHow about aknowlodging the truth. If America DID become tolatarian and you had guns what difference would you be able to make? Any? Nope, none, you would just die like flies. whether or not you had a pistol. This fantasy of gun ownership is merely an excuse to indulge in a national obsession.

maybe if liberals didnt try to restrict the 2nd amendment and limit weapons you might say otherwise, its no fantasy nor an excuse to obsess, it is needed and the reason given in the constitution is to maintain freedoms, you cant dump an amendmend because you think its feutal, with your logic the 1st amendment should be dumped because the government could easily stop you from talking if they wanted....think about what you just implied.

ps: i'd die rather than live without freedom so feutal or not i'll go down fighting like im sure many other americans would if pushed.

[edit on 6-7-2004 by namehere]

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:22 PM
Hey I don't want a gun to kill my fellow Americans or the government people(unless they go to far) I just want a gun just in case I see some terrorist motha...walking down the street or about to do something I would blow his brains in the next countryalso to shoot birds

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:32 PM
I have a 22-250 rifle and 20 gauge shotgun. My family armory
includes a several 22 rifles, a 12 gauge shotgun and one of the 22's actually holds 20 bullets and is semi-auto. I don't think we have a license for any of them lol. However I've only fired a total of 15 or so bullets/shells. The biggest thing I ever killed was a turtle, but that's because they always take my bait when I'm fishing! I shot one on land, and after I walked over and looked at it, I wished I hadn't looked. I hone my skills with a BB gun on turtles since only a shot to the eye will kill them. If you invade rural America, prepare to be sniped at from every single house/bush/tree. There are probably twice as many guns in the county as people.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:42 PM
Westpoint is right to a degree. I doubt there are a lot of terrorists just walking the streets. But there are a lot of sick people out there just iching to kill you. Once in England in a town called Hungerford on August 19, Micheal Ryan went on a rampage with an AK, a carbine, and a Beretta pistol. He killed 15 unarmed civilians and wounded 11. He also killed one police officer who was taken suprise. If one of them had been armed with a proper weapon this rampage could have been stopped. And this was Britain so its not just America thats gone crazy.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:13 PM
To answer the original question speaking from my own perspective only, I love my weapons (guns) because as long as I may posess them I know no one may force himself or his will upon me without grave consequence.

on other topics guns have always been objects of adornment and art

AZLS (excuse if this is not exact) is technically correct, a glock uses magazines, the slang term of clip is acceptable but comes from the en-bloc clip manufactured for use with the M-1 Garand

and lastly there are some major misconceptions I wont go into detail because I do not want to see widespread proliferation on a (so far) unabused loophole, BUT there are some 20 (and also30 if I am not mistaken)round magazines that are perfectly legal to own and use without any special license in a post ban (assault type )firearm.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
I will ignore the backhanded insult and respond.

America was founded based on some ideals.

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

No one can take that away including the government.

So if the government is the only one with the guns then how would a populace keep the government from expanding into... totalatarianism?

England forbade its citizens from gun ownership for one reason. You can't fight back. So America greww up thinking guns are not only a right they are necessary for a free people to stay that way.

We grew to be the most powerful country on Earth and love and respect for the power that comes from the end of a gun satyed and flourished.

guns are really used to fight back???? i dont think so 16,000 american die each year from gun fire

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