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What can we do???...

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posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 11:03 PM
If we were to take action against some of the stuff discussed on here we would be:

1. Shot- Ya know how loving the government/ other organizations are
2. Incarcerated- See above
3. Made to seek psychological help
4. Made to seek anger management
5. On TV- Oh wait, that would be a good thing
6. Sent to some foreign island with 6 other castaways to live off coconut cream pies and having some very interesting people coming to visit us weekly, but, alas, never get rescued
7. Abducted by aliens
8. Eaten by bigfoot/Nessie/ Elvis

Eh... I can't think of anymore...

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 11:15 PM
The intelligent way to act, provided the situation is not imminent, is to think, talk, discuss, sort through different ideas and views and pick out the best and organize them. Then when you act, you have optimized your plan, made it most efficient and know what your overarching (guiding) vision is. It also allows you to understand the fallacies of of your 'opponent'. Whom you may be able convince of your viewpoint, and if not better take advantage of their weaknesses.
One should look at the world around us and ask:
1)'What is essential to continued survival, both personal and collective?'
2)'What are things if any need to be done optimize that?'
3)'What things seem to be supporting that long term goal, that we should support?'
4)'What are the things that need immediate correction (things happening fast with lasting consequences)?'
5)'What needs correcting, but is not so pressing (long term corrections)?'
6) 'Are we individually or collectively smart enought to answer with relatively certainty any of the prior questions?'

As to the last question we may be compelled to not worry too much about it , if we live in a world full of aggressive, blindly sure of themselves people who are acting already and act accordingly ourselves.

I believe that collective wisdom is under most circumstances the best way of evaluating ideas, where clinical data is impossible to aquire.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 11:29 PM
It all boils down to what you take from ATS , just like school .

We need to share our ideas , debate , reflect , and grow from the experience here , otherwise we will stagnate .

As far as taking action towards all these subjects , this is just the first step . Being well informed to the pros and cons of politics , religion and science can only help a person to make intelligent decisions .

We get the trollers , the heated flamers , the ridiculous theories that have no basis in fact , and we need to sift thru the BS as well as keep an open mind to possibilities that have not occured to us as individuals .

The actions that I take ? : I read . I don't watch TV . I vote in every local and national election , I give advice when I can based on my lifes experience . I share any knowledge I may have that will contribute to someone trying to Deny Ignorance . I listen , I learn , and use the information and shared ideas here to help me understand people a little better .

I have also learned to not respond to the ridiculous , such is not the case here .

KayEm hit it right on the head ...."baby steps".

Use this forum to help yourself . That is doing something .

[edit on 8-7-2004 by oddtodd]

[edit on 8-7-2004 by oddtodd]

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 12:19 AM
I seriously think NSA are aboard and active in these threads posting and replying to try and settle things down. There must be a way to trace and NSA opperatives. I am no computer whiz but i think if we can figure out who are the ones involved we could ban them. The way i see it they set up a post and have someonelse make it sound crazy or vise versa to try and throw us all off balance. It will not work on me! frekin nazis

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:06 AM
What do you do? You dont know whats true, you dont know whats false, its theories. And what are you suppose to do about Farenheight 911 when most of hte media are coming up with problems with it. You could make the same video almost about any politician. All you gotta do is cut and paste, and once a video clip loses its context and date, you can make people assume anything (just like good michael moore has done).

[edit on 9-7-2004 by ajm4481]

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 05:54 PM
Maybe I'm the only one who believes this, but I think most of the ideas on this site are fictional. Greys and Reptillians? The NWO? Chem Trails? Magic?

I mean get real. There is no Alien invasion, there is no anti-christ led New World Order, planes are not spreading chemicals, and even a magician will tell you that magic is fake.

The point is most of this stuff is so out there that no one will take you seriously, untill it is to late (if it is real).

Where you can make a difference is in the political arena. Go ut and vote. Run for office. Just make sure yo don't lie like most of those people out there.

Ohhhh, and by the way - I hope you didn't take Mike "I'm a flaming liberal Bush hating nut job" Moore's movie as fact, because even he has admitted that a lot of the things said are for dramaic purpose. More to the point, he is a liar who twists and even makes up facts to suit his own agenda.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
Maybe I'm the only one who believes this, but I think most of the ideas on this site are fictional. Greys and Reptillians? The NWO? Chem Trails? Magic?

I mean get real. There is no Alien invasion, there is no anti-christ led New World Order, planes are not spreading chemicals, and even a magician will tell you that magic is fake.

You know i am actually more convinced now, more than every, that most of the things we do talk about are fictional. I dunno about anyy body else but it seems a masss paranoia has set over us. Alien invasions!!!!....come on. Mind you some of the topics are very seriuos and should be taken seriuos. My problem is that i have no idea if half the sources ppl are using to make a thread are reliable. Especially the alien invasion/crusade/war type ones, where the only real place to get info from is the government. And you know how trustful they are.
DIDnt someone even mention that NSA/CIA agents are logging in and trying to restrict us.

In addition, id like to say that it seems most ppl are saying this site is a small step to some other greater goal. Well, wat is that goal????....BABY STEPS!!!! least Twelve ppl have said that!!!....TO WAT?????...
I personally think this site wont do # to stop any government actions, but mind u i have great respect for the creaters and members of this board to allow circulation of such material.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 06:03 PM

In addition, id like to say that it seems most ppl are saying this site is a small step to some other greater goal. Well, wat is that goal????....BABY STEPS!!!! least Twelve ppl have said that!!!....TO WAT?????...
I personally think this site wont do # to stop any government actions, but mind u i have great respect for the creaters and members of this board to allow circulation of such material.

Well.... why are you here , what is your goal in asking this ? I came for information to help me learn and make informed decisions , as I hope you have . The alien , nwo, illuminati , and a whole bunch of other topics are just complete crap and a waste of time IMO .

This site may not be able to stop any government actions , but it can help people understand each others oppinions (even though everyones oppinion but mine is wrong) . Just kidding , but making a well informed descision as opposed to a blind one can only help in your personal convictions and their justification .

Maybe this site is just one of those small steps that enable you to covey your thoughts in an intelligent manner and , in that respect , enable you to influence people towards what you think is right .

So I guess the question still remains : why do you come here ?

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:49 AM
I think the best thing to do is, really, to deny ignorance and seek information.

I live in a country where we had a dictatorship for 48 years, and the strongest weapon of the government was the ignorance of the people.
Once the people started learning more and more they started seeing what
must be done. The government controled the army and the police, but the
army is made with the people, and once the people and the army shared the same views that the government was fighting a unjust war (we fought a guerrilla war in Africa for almost 15 years) and was lying to the people, they overtrowned the government and started a democracy. In that revolution no one was killed, because the people that where on the side of the government knew that the time was up.

Remember that the only thing we can do all our life is learn, wathever the situation is, so try to get more information and spread the information that you have to others.

If you can and have enough information, start a petition, I dont know how things work in your country, but in mine, if you have more than a limit number of signatures you can take your issues to the parliament.

And never give up!

PS: excuse me for any errors, i never learned english in scholl.

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