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What can we do???...

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posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 11:09 AM
Sorry to be so blunt.....but what is the whole point to this website if no one is doing anything???...I mean sure we're "denying Ignorance", but we are jsut discussing how the whole world is soooo screwed up, how Bush is an idiot, how aliens are taking over, how the bible is a big conspiracy....BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!....Arent any of u sick of this???....

Soorry to be so critical, but i jsut want to know wat can be done to stop all of this chaos. We shouldnt jsut be stating the obviuos facts, but trying to find a way to alter them. Instead of asking people on the forum "Why do u hate bush?"...why not ask "How can we stop Bush"??....CAn someone tell one thing i can do to stop any of the current events from becoming worse.

Why dont we have threads on how to solve problems rather than jsut state the problem and not do anything about it.

I JUST WANT TO KNOW....WAT CAN I DO, as an individual???
I dont like how everyone goes and sees Fahrenhiet(sp??) 911, steps outside the theatre and says...."wow, wat a great movie!!!!"..."How sad!!!".....Well DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!...

I Jsut want to know wat i can do....

MAybe this should go into the rant threads, but i seriously think people should take a look at this thread and respond seriusoly. I beleive this is a current events topic becasue i want to know how to deal with CURRENT EVENTS...

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:42 AM

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:56 AM
Actually, I see this site as a HUGE step in the right direction. Nothing gets accomplished overnight as the Powers that Be WELL know.

It's all baby steps, because THEY know that the general public won't accept major change overnight.

So it is here. With ATS.

We are a basically like-minded group coming together to discuss likeminded topics. All of us dissatisfied with the way the world is run pretty much. Even though we may disagree with the method to the madness at times. At the end of the day, I believe that we're all about the same thing.

Baby steps.

We're still young compared to the Illuminati, but we are adopting from the very same methodology.

So have a little patience, please.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:59 AM
the reason is simple i suppose. its easier to critisize than actually take action. its easier to hold on to something we know than trying different new approaches.

Did you notice same is going on with radio stations? they critisizes a lot, and ask peoples on the phone what they think, but actually, nothing is being done...

change is a slow process....very sloooooooooow. or is it

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by LuDaCrIs
Sorry to be so blunt.....but what is the whole point to this website if no one is doing anything???...I mean sure we're "denying Ignorance", but we are jsut discussing how the whole world is soooo screwed up, how Bush is an idiot, how aliens are taking over, how the bible is a big conspiracy....BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!....Arent any of u sick of this???....

Soorry to be so critical, but i jsut want to know wat can be done to stop all of this chaos. We shouldnt jsut be stating the obviuos facts, but trying to find a way to alter them. Instead of asking people on the forum "Why do u hate bush?"...why not ask "How can we stop Bush"??....CAn someone tell one thing i can do to stop any of the current events from becoming worse.

Why dont we have threads on how to solve problems rather than jsut state the problem and not do anything about it.

I JUST WANT TO KNOW....WAT CAN I DO, as an individual???
I dont like how everyone goes and sees Fahrenhiet(sp??) 911, steps outside the theatre and says...."wow, wat a great movie!!!!"..."How sad!!!".....Well DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!...

I Jsut want to know wat i can do....

MAybe this should go into the rant threads, but i seriously think people should take a look at this thread and respond seriusoly. I beleive this is a current events topic becasue i want to know how to deal with CURRENT EVENTS...

If you want the honest truth, there's nothing no one can do at this point. No matter how much you argue the government will turn a deaf ear if you "Deny Ignorance." When you do that they will list you as an enemy combatant. So basically, the government has one and there's no turning it around unless everybody rebels against the government but from everybody I've talked to most people love Bush and his neocons and they get frusterated when I tell them Bush is not doing a good job and they tell me to stop talking about it.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:05 AM
The only way to win is to control the media. If there is some way to take the media. Then there is a way in.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
The only way to win is to control the media. If there is some way to take the media. Then there is a way in.

You are correct Cobra. The only problem the government controls the media so we are pretty much SOL at this point. We must rely on alternative news sources other than FOX, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC and CBS. Unfortunately most Americans watch those than anything else. We must rely on people like Michael C. Ruppert who publishes who IMO knows the truth and is trying to bring it out to more people.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:21 AM
Well, if you're going to destroy a 12 story, concrete building and all you have are 2 sticks of dynamite, you know that if you try to blow it up with that, it won't work and then you'll have no dynamite left. You wait till you have more dynamite - much more dynamite. Then you know you'll have a chance.

Our type of thinking is growing, but it is not a large enough group to do anything with. If we did anything now, we'd be crushed and then there would be none of us. You wait till we have enough power to do something with a chance of success. It will be harder now that they have effectively created gun control. The government was never supposed to be stronger than the people, but it is - so it'll take a VERY large movement to do something about it.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by godservant
Well, if you're going to destroy a 12 story, concrete building and all you have are 2 sticks of dynamite, you know that if you try to blow it up with that, it won't work and then you'll have no dynamite left. You wait till you have more dynamite - much more dynamite. Then you know you'll have a chance.

Our type of thinking is growing, but it is not a large enough group to do anything with. If we did anything now, we'd be crushed and then there would be none of us. You wait till we have enough power to do something with a chance of success. It will be harder now that they have effectively created gun control. The government was never supposed to be stronger than the people, but it is - so it'll take a VERY large movement to do something about it.

Well, Godservant I hope you're right. I hope we have a large enough group to Deny Ignorance before it's too late because if there's not then we're all doomed.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by LuDaCrIs
Sorry to be so blunt.....but what is the whole point to this website if no one is doing anything???...I mean sure we're "denying Ignorance", but we are jsut discussing how the whole world is soooo screwed up, how Bush is an idiot, how aliens are taking over, how the bible is a big conspiracy....BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!....Arent any of u sick of this???....

Soorry to be so critical, but i jsut want to know wat can be done to stop all of this chaos. We shouldnt jsut be stating the obviuos facts, but trying to find a way to alter them. Instead of asking people on the forum "Why do u hate bush?"...why not ask "How can we stop Bush"??....CAn someone tell one thing i can do to stop any of the current events from becoming worse.

Why dont we have threads on how to solve problems rather than jsut state the problem and not do anything about it.

I JUST WANT TO KNOW....WAT CAN I DO, as an individual???
I dont like how everyone goes and sees Fahrenhiet(sp??) 911, steps outside the theatre and says...."wow, wat a great movie!!!!"..."How sad!!!".....Well DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!...

I Jsut want to know wat i can do....

MAybe this should go into the rant threads, but i seriously think people should take a look at this thread and respond seriusoly. I beleive this is a current events topic becasue i want to know how to deal with CURRENT EVENTS...

Personnelly l think this web site is set up by the NSA CIA and MI5/6 in the hope people with your views can be identified.Be carefull dude

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 11:17 AM
anarchy anarchy anarchy!!!!!!!! weve been lied to !!!!! this land is my land, it is not your land...oh wait, thats not how the song goes...

so what can we do? vote. sounds silly but its a start...

second: stop with centralizing government. let the states handle it..

third: turn off cnn and fox news. if we ignore them, they will go away.

fourth: DENY IGNORANCE !!!!!!!1

.....that is all.....resume your daily functions.....he has spoken,....

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Deny Ignorance...... hmmm....

"I am not dumb, I am NOT stupid, I AM NOT Paranoid, I am not OUT OF MY MIND, I am wise, I KNOW THINGS.......etc etc....

Change in people does not occur over long periods of time. It is instantanious based on a decision that things will be different.

Look thewriters of the Constitution made it the right of the people to remove the government and replace it should the government become abusive.
If that is what you want then go for it. It is your right.

Personally, my kingdom is not of this world, I am looking for a city whose builder and maker is God.
It is amazing the peace and contentment that can be found in living a Godly life.

Think about it for a moment, who is the successful person??.. ...the one who goes to the stake singing, or the hate filled individual who is not satisfied even after the music has been silenced.

If you want to fight to establish a better rule, go ahead, someone is just giong to fight you to establish a new rule once you have become hypocritical and corrupt.


posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by godservant
Well, if you're going to destroy a 12 story, concrete building and all you have are 2 sticks of dynamite, you know that if you try to blow it up with that, it won't work and then you'll have no dynamite left. You wait till you have more dynamite - much more dynamite. Then you know you'll have a chance.

Our type of thinking is growing, but it is not a large enough group to do anything with. If we did anything now, we'd be crushed and then there would be none of us. You wait till we have enough power to do something with a chance of success. It will be harder now that they have effectively created gun control. The government was never supposed to be stronger than the people, but it is - so it'll take a VERY large movement to do something about it.

Well put....

Does anyone know or has thought about wat we are going to do after we have "enough ppl" (watever number that is) to stand up against the government. Thats wat i am really trying to get at here. So lets say we have millions of registered user, from all over the world mind you, are we jsut goin to riot the capital building or something....well obviuosly not, but i am just curiuos...

I have nothing against this website, and i do beleive i was a little too harsh in my first post. I think this website is awsome!!!!....i love how u can research and find out about things that u wouldn;t normally be able to find out. I dont want to seem pessimistic in anyway when i say that i jsut dont think we can do anything. we are all screwed.
Its great how we can share so much knowledge, but its a shame that we cant act on it.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by LuDaCrIs

Well put....

Does anyone know or has thought about wat we are going to do after we have "enough ppl" (watever number that is) to stand up against the government. Thats wat i am really trying to get at here. So lets say we have millions of registered user, from all over the world mind you, are we jsut goin to riot the capital building or something....well obviuosly not, but i am just curiuos...

That would be nice but I'll bet that the government will start shooting us declaring us "terrorist" since we are against the government. Bush would label us "enemy combatants" and "unpatriotic" if we stormed the White House.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:09 PM
The best thing we can do is keep posting at ATS.

Another thing we can do is take small steps with ourselves first, from there we can expand to include different types of actions within your local community.

Study history, those people who can be seen as revolutionaries. You will see that they were very spiritual, they understood communication and establishing relationships with people from all cultures. People like Ghandi, Biblical Jesus, etc.

Anyway, the Government is the authority and those behind it are ruthless to stop anyone who tries to establish fundamental change in the current society. People, like the revolutionaries, usually get assassinated, Martin Luther King, Jr., JFK, etc. It's a dangerous game.

The best thing is to keep moving forward into the ideals you'd like to see in your environment.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL
The best thing we can do is keep posting at ATS.

Another thing we can do is take small steps with ourselves first, from there we can expand to include different types of actions within your local community.

Study history, those people who can be seen as revolutionaries. You will see that they were very spiritual, they understood communication and establishing relationships with people from all cultures. People like Ghandi, Biblical Jesus, etc.

Anyway, the Government is the authority and those behind it are ruthless to stop anyone who tries to establish fundamental change in the current society. People, like the revolutionaries, usually get assassinated, Martin Luther King, Jr., JFK, etc. It's a dangerous game.

The best thing is to keep moving forward into the ideals you'd like to see in your environment.

You're absolutely right Immortal. Keep posting on ATS is the only thing we can at this point. Maybe somebody out there will here our cries for help. The bottom line is we can try but I doubt we'll suceed.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by godservant
You wait till we have enough power to do something with a chance of success. It will be harder now that they have effectively created gun control. The government was never supposed to be stronger than the people, but it is - so it'll take a VERY large movement to do something about it.

Getting guns is no probem (in America). If you're clean...

But, the big question is "Then What?"

Let's say the people are fed and and decide to take over the (american) Government. There would be millions of people on both sides of the fence, millions sitting on the fence. There's no way you can overthrow this gov without bloodshed, so after years of war, let's say the people win.
Then what?
It would be pointless to go through all that then have the same kind of Government, so what would you replace it with?
How would you select a leader?
How would you you rebuild the country and mend fences?
How would you (or whoever the leader is) gain the trust of the people to ensure another revolution doesn't develop? You'll never be able to satisfy all the people...

I doubt any kind of revolution or coup or anything like that would happen anytime soon.
Unless Cheaney ends up in the White House

So how can things change!!??

Awareness is key.
If people are aware and educated, having the country return back to the people would be simple.
Just have more websites like this

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 05:23 PM
Ok so lets create a massive group of people...there are a lot of members and visitors, then go to the capitol and tell all the problems to Bush. Lets protest, and hopefuly get more supporters to impeach the as$hole. lol. It will never happen. We are NOTHING but civilians...we can't to $hit.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 05:05 PM
I personally am morally against this government's actions in its foreign policy and globalization, as well as its greed and corruption in the corporate world. Its gotten pretty bad, but for some reason nobody cares, why? I have not seen evidence of Osama's guilt or Saddam's (other than he was a dictator who was guilty of previous acts, which were supported by us might I add). Personally I think it was all set up ages ago by Israel and America in order to control the Middle East thereby controlling oil and power. It seems all I can do is debate their guilt.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 07:46 PM
"We are NOTHING but civilians...we can't to $hit."
Dont think like that man!
If you get enough people you could train
yourselfs a militia!
"We are NOTHING but civilians...we can't to $hit. "
That is what the government wants you to think.
All the special forces are just trained civilians.
Use your constitutional rights to make a militia!!!

of course youll have to train alot but it will be worth it
Get alot of people to start there own militias in other states,
countrys etc.When the time is right you get the fu*kers
in the balls.

IF your not up to that do stuff like going under ground
get a hacker to destroy all evidence of you existing.
and live on the black market.

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