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The Sixth Seal Is the Blood Red Moon/Quake, Now We Need To Prepare Ourselves To Stand In The Presen

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posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by thomas_

The same author who wrote Revelation knew Jesus as the Lamb. It really isn't subjective when you consider facts like that.

Many of these people with comments like that have probably never read the Bible, of if they tried, it was like the experience most of us have had when we got zilch out of it, and closed it up and put it away shaking our heads in wonder about all the idiots who think it's divine, having no understanding (which comes later) and writing the whole thing off as a scam, and fairy tales for the foolish!

To me all these people with these types of comments, for me, now, bring to mind young highschoolers suffering from a dose of rebellious teenage angst, that's how they appear to me now, just like I used to be, except in my case, a kept seeking and searching with an open mind free from contempt prior to investigation, and I was willing to look again, and self examine also, but not ASSUME, or remain ignorant, as I really wanted to know and to grow.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 02:25 PM
I started reading this thread and found it very interesting up until people started questioning the OP then I lost interest.

You sounded very convincing in the first few post there Magician person but you soon say you were confused by some of the events that you saw happen.

this makes me wonder.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by waynedg

Dear Wayndg

Confusion is the building blocks to searching and trying to feel the situation

But no I still believe what I saw my dear friend and what happened that day at the same instant, I mean 70 villages don't get wiped out by a single Earthquake in one instant you know. So indeed it is quiet alarming also it can not be a coincidence for everything comes by some sort of plan

Thank you for your support my dear friend and I give you a warm welcome to the thread as well.

Kind Regards


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Dear NewAgeMan

Many have read the bible and many can see the true meaning behind it so to claim that none can understand what it says is plain wrong in a way. For indeed this is one of our human flaws but what will ya do meditation and prayer also connection to everything. I believe those things are the starting blocks to building the connection to our true home.

Now what is a word?

It is mere frequency, energy, vibration and sound so is it not then light for light it self is a frequency,energy and vibration. Every single text has a coded sequence of light behind it and so does every single word, thus realizing this one can see the true code written behind the words also its meaning.

So I have one word to say onto you my good friend "Seek" and the other thing is the following three words:


Ask in prayer to see the light behind the words of light and you will see the difference between the normal words to the words of truth.

Seek in prayer also meditation on how to connect with the Divine to seek their guidance in any situation.

Knock on their door for help and knowledge to be taught through the world onto you.

So I say onto you a message my friend and it is of pure light.

"And you shall seek and find when you seek with all your heart." as Yoda said "You must feel the Force around you here, between you, me, the tree, the rock and everywhere" our heart is almost like a channel to our family the more we use it the better the connection shall become.

Kind Regards


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:47 PM
Dear People

For in the coming days, months and a few years many will start to feel the truth an uneasy feeling shall grasp your thoughts. Through those feeling many will not understand what is truly happening but...... some will and those some will then start sharing things with the others. To show them why this is all happening and what it is that brings them the feeling of worry.

Do not fear those times all you have to do is just pray,meditate, ask, connect and seek for everything will then become clear also answered to you.

I leave you with this message of a helping hand and thank you again for all your posts. Also so there is no confusion I am not leaving the thread

Even thought the above text sounded like it must have made some confusion

Kind Regards


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:56 PM

This could be quiet alarming

North Korea said the U.S. and South Korea are “inviting a nuclear war” by conducting military drills, even as a Seoul-based think tank predicted that Kim Jong Il’s regime may hold another atomic test next year. South Korea’s Dec. 20 artillery drill on Yeonpyeong Island near the disputed sea border was an intentional provocation, and North Korea is closely watching “the reckless behavior of the warmongers inviting a nuclear war,” the communist country’s state-run Korean Central News Agency said today, citing commentaries in the Rodong newspaper. The comments follow a threat North Korea made yesterday to wage a “sacred war” using nuclear weapons if attacked.

Here is a link to the whole thing.

I really think South Korea and America should stop this madness before a bomb is dropped.

Kind Regards

edit on 25-12-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: information

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 06:41 PM
Well let me just start off by saying a few things.

The doomtoids are at it again. By turning a few simple mere numbers like 21 12 10 in 12 12 12....Then 6 6 6. You can turn any kind of number into those numbers eventually. You just want to see it like that.

Second of all, it isn't the first time the moon has been RED. 500 years ago the same thing happened. And guess what??? No doom......

So please tell me why I should believe your giberish???

The doomtoids are in a mental state and believe that doom will happen every single day. They believe that when doom doesn't happen today it will definitely happen the next day, and the day after that. It'll continue to happen right through the century.

Sorry to burst your bubbles but your stuck here until you die naturally or commit suicide. There's no easy way out of life. You fanboys have to accept the fact that doom may never come.

But even doomtoids don't listen to reason. So why should I bother.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Gabrielle.Black

Dear Gabrielle

Love that name reminds me of someone I use to know

Now back to the point I believe the answers that you seek were already given to another poster before.
Also stop calling it doom and gloom because there is no end to think life also everything around it is infinite, what we perceive as death also end is just an illusion that so many fear. But..... most importantly you die when you were meant to die so there is no chance that you die just cause of a heart attack or something worse. Your time on this Earthly grounds has been preplanned for you long before you entered this Earthly body.

Thank you for the post.

Kind Regards


posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

So, if your "death date" has already been pre-planned—and you cannot die at any other time than the time that you were meant to die at—then what exactly do we have to fear from any of this? According to you:

what we perceive as death also end is just an illusion that so many fear. But..... most importantly you die when you were meant to die so there is no chance that you die just cause of a heart attack or something worse

Now, if I am reading this correctly you are essentially saying: death, or the end of our life, is just an illusion. It is more important for you to understand that you will die when, and how, you were meant to. There is no chance that you will up-and-die without it being your time to go. You then conclude by saying:

Your time on this Earthly grounds has been preplanned for you long before you entered this Earthly body

If I am also reading this one correctly then you believe that our existence here is predetermined. We have no ability to be born, or not be born, because some Higher Power has already decided that we will exist, right now, for X-amount of time, inevitably ending in X-way.

So why do your seals, or the waking up, or the ascent into the Family of Light, or erasing the programming, or recognizing the signs matter at all? They cannot possibly matter if you really believe what you have just said. If our birth and death have been preplanned, and we cannot die before our time, then nothing any of these broken seals brings about can do anything to us at all, unless we're meant to die by the breaking of a seal, in which case we cannot resist it as you also say resisting our planned death is impossible.

I think you've lost your way again, unfortunately.

~ Scribe

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

It was given to me that two things are true: The crucifixion was important; Jesus is divine. It's the heart of those who think they know better to poopoo these things and make up alternative explanations, like Christ Consciousness, all because they don't want to believe salvation can be so deceptively simple. Maybe you need to read the bible again so that you know that, although Jesus spoke in parables, the apostles did not and were convinced that Jesus was a sacrifice and all the other scriptures point to the fact that He was the Lamb. It's pure and utter idiocy to think you can interpret Revelation without studying other scripture, which explain much of the background context needed to get some idea of Revelation.

Oh, and I know those two things because I sought with all my heart and soul. It's a hard thing to believe a blood sacrifice is the way to salvation or that Jesus was real but that's why you should pray for truth and wait for an answer instead of assuming you can know the truth by your own intellect or intuition.
edit on 26-12-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

The aim of this is to understand that the time of what is coming is almost near my friend, that is why it is important for people to prepare spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. The seals have to do with the dimensional shift in a way and there is a silver lining to everything.

So no have not yet lost my way just finding the right way to put it

But...... I am sure you are already aware that the time for spiritual preparation is now becoming needed for what is ahead. It would be great if you could share a meditation technique and it would be great to read it as well.

Anyway thank you for the comment Scribe and hope we will be hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards


posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by 547000

Dear 547000

Can you please edit out the Rude word you said in the above post, due to reasons being some of us might have a family member with a mental illness or a close friend. It comes off a bit offensive and I believe that those sort of words can be offensive. Please remove and thank you once you do.

Kind Regards


EDITED: Thank you for replacing the word with something less rude.
edit on 26-12-2010 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:41 AM
Is this happening also part of an seal yet to be opened. Is this where the Maya's to refer, as to a period of 72 hours of darkness of something?

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

Dear TribeOfManyColours

This is part of what will happen but the situation it self will be different, during the arrival of the Divine ones it is foretold that the Earth will be like an oven of fire. Yet it will not be a fire and many will fear it for they will not know what it truly is. So yes it sounds a bit like what will come but..... this happens through the whole Universe so indeed this could be it.

Thank you for the link of information also a great post to raise peoples awareness.

Many thanks and Kind Regards


posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

Dear TribeOfManyColours

This is part of what will happen but the situation it self will be different, during the arrival of the Divine ones it is foretold that the Earth will be like an oven of fire. Yet it will not be a fire and many will fear it for they will not know what it truly is. So yes it sounds a bit like what will come but..... this happens through the whole Universe so indeed this could be it.

Thank you for the link of information also a great post to raise peoples awareness.

Many thanks and Kind Regards


Well i am not afraid, anything to destroy evil.
The divine ones will see directly who to save and who not.
If you have a heart connection that your good, I believe. Let me have this illusion

Kind Regards to you too.
edit on 26-12-2010 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:39 AM
I don't think this is about removing evil from the earth, but pulling light out of the darkness, but it may be about the moment chosen for transformation/ascension of earth and the cosmos. There are those who may not able to progress, in this duality school where there is always an opposite. So if They are coming, as an Intense Light, the opposite is as well, and we need to really care for everyone. Birth/death (which is truly life and remembering), health/sicknesss, Love/greed, many things in opposites, even within us, our minds and thoughts. We should pray and ask that our minds, thoughts, all that we are, also, can be changed/transformed/healed to the light/white/love squares of the checkerboard floor. We're not remembering who we are while in body, though some of us have glimpses given. Or we would be very concerned for those who are not striving for their Love and Connection to Family, those who are distracted, or worse, wooed by this world and its negativity.

They're our family. We have come here to reach them. Some think this world is as good as it gets, all my life I've known otherwise that there are eutopias where no one is treated as the majority here are, and where your innermost thoughts are understood, where everything is Good, and Love, and we always lend a helping hand. But everyone, EVERYONE, is Family.

Earth is like a winterland, a hellzone itself really. A testing grounds one. Lets try to overcome evil, if not up close, then with prayer and love, seeing our Family in those not getting it, and wishing them progression too.

Let's have faith, with the heart of children in Good/Love and pray, meditate,envision, the most positive solution, and ask for healing for others, for self, for sight and hearing to be restored, to be able to see the Light Frequency, and messages around us.

What eye do we see with? Is it a Light Filled one? Pray that it is! Help others do so as well! Its not alone we should consider leaving.
edit on 26-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
I don't think this is about removing evil from the earth, but pulling light out of the darkness, but it may be about the moment chosen for transformation/ascension of earth and the cosmos. There are those who may not able to progress, in this duality school where there is always an opposite. So if They are coming, as an Intense Light, the opposite is as well, and we need to really care for everyone. Birth/death (which is truly life and remembering), health/sicknesss, Love/greed, many things in opposites, even within us, our minds and thoughts. We should pray and ask that our minds, thoughts, all that we are, also, can be changed/transformed/healed to the light/white/love squares of the checkerboard floor. We're not remembering who we are while in body, though some of us have glimpses given. Or we would be very concerned for those who are not striving for their Love and Connection to Family, those who are distracted, or worse, wooed by this world and its negativity.

They're our family. We have come here to reach them. Some think this world is as good as it gets, all my life I've known otherwise that there are eutopias where no one is treated as the majority here are, and where your innermost thoughts are understood, where everything is Good, and Love, and we always lend a helping hand. But everyone, EVERYONE, is Family.

Earth is like a winterland, a hellzone itself really. A testing grounds one. Lets try to overcome evil, if not up close, then with prayer and love, seeing our Family in those not getting it, and wishing them progression too.

Let's have faith, with the heart of children in Good/Love and pray, meditate,envision, the most positive solution, and ask for healing for others, for self, for sight and hearing to be restored, to be able to see the Light Frequency, and messages around us.

What eye do we see with? Is it a Light Filled one? Pray that it is! Help others do so as well! Its not alone we should consider leaving.
edit on 26-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I stand beside you

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 11:00 AM
i just got a message inside, that relates to the Opposition in all things. This isn't quite true. What some see as a moment of Light and its opposite showing up, this needs to be rethought, in fact I won't give into any negativity here at all. For the duality is a school here, for instruction, and improvement of soul, to grow souls bigger really. But it was never meant to lose someone in suffering for a period of "time", it is not soul and outcome even. Underneath the entire thing is also the knowledge of safety, that we are never alone, never truly abandoned, and that we cannot be lost forever, we do come in with a bungy cord attached, a safety net beneath. Yes, there may be law of consequence for those who are not seeking to forgive and be forgived, and for the ones who are very attached to the negativity, but, there is also in place, a very good plan, fail proof plan, that will reach everyone.

I was not shown this dark bleak opposite to F O L showing up and overwhelming all who are not ready but was just shown those still in need, being taught, some perhaps seeing more fully what they participated in and how their actions affected others, so perhaps a need to redo, reformation needed. There is a plan for all of this, and a huge mercy that we don't even begin to comprehend in these states, we can't even begin to feel the full extent of the Love that Family has for us, that Prime Creator or our Father/Mother has, we are not going to suffer any further abuse of souls, and those that have been harmed others, or been lost are going to find as well, and will require work, teaching, lessons, and who can judge another, who can not understand that in all things all do not have equal choices or equal free will? Love everyone. For someone who recovers and makes that U-Turn, when they have faced what has happened and poured out their pain and regrets and tears, they will feel the Love fill them, and be given to know that this hard path, also can give them insight now, to help those future children who also walk harder paths, and get lost in the negatives, for they have been there first hand and are very qualified to assist.

We are a Team and we share all things, all knowledge, all Love,and overcome everything, we are not every going to allow a single person to go through that which is unthinkable, no more. Its over. Its about Love, Healing, Restoration, Learning, Re-learning, and Never think that the other outcome is even possible for anyone.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 06:14 PM
Surely on a seismological scale there was no "great quake" i think we are just pushing you know what up you know where.....

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 07:07 PM
Nov 13, 2012 22:11:47.3(UT) there will be a "Total Solar Eclipse" and we shall see the red eclipsed moon glow from our second sun. While in-between these three, at the exact opposite of the planet at this time will be Egypt, there will be an Earthquake, and a Tsunami... Thousands will be lost...

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