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Is there any truth in this post?

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posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by GoodOlDave

When did I say that Silverstein was involved? I just said it fits neatly in the puzzle.

All right then, if Silverstein isn't involved then what is the "puzzle" you're referring to and what is the "it" that fits into this "puzzle"?

He didnt surivive the attack, he along with his family was not there to begin with. As usual you only see Alex Jones and whoever you mentioned as his peers, because those are the people you want to see. Yet more evidence you suffer from selective perception, no news there. What about What about everyone else?

It is not for debate that Alex Jones is influencing people via his mouthpieces like Jesse Ventura...mainly becuase Alex Jones was on Ventura's, "Conspiracy Theory" unlike you I don't need to look through garbage cans and search underneath rocks looking for signs of some shadowy force. I'm seeing it going on blatantly right in front of me....and if you're going to quote your damned fool web sites then quote them correctly- it's, which contains a gigantic petition of people who are admitting they've been suckered by the drivel Richard Gage is pushing out. FYI Gage is dropping innuendo that the NYPD and NYFD had foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7, which gets back to the "fire fighters are covering up the conspiracy" bit all over again. In your cute attempt at refuting my points, all you've managed to do is prove them correct.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave I dont see it. Somehow you think somebody making a post about nukes and Alex jones discredits the firefighters pilots chemists etc. . I dont get your reasoning, as long as I dont get your reasoning or your thinking process which is so very different from anything I have seen among sane people and discussion with you is futile.

Help me understand you. How does somebody on this board or on youtube talking about mininukes prove that the official conspiracy theory is conspiracy fact?

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Are you seriously suggesting that Silverstein infected himself with a skin ailment entirely to plant the idea into his wife's head to make an appointment with the doctor? I'd have thought your conspiracy claims have gotten so outer space, Wile E. Coyote cartoon convoluted as it was with these secret controlled demolitions and staged hijackings without your wanting to introduce more Rube Goldberg mechanics into them.

Here's a wild, out of the park idea for you to consider: what if there really isn't any secret conspiracy and Silverstein really did have a skin ailment, his wife really did call in for an appointment, he really did niss the 9/11 attack out of a chance occurance, and you're simply seeing things that aren't there? Why does every flipping thing in your world up to and including some old guy going to a doctor have to be part of some sinister secret plot to take over the world? That's what I don't get.'ve just outdone yourself. It is apparent to anyone and everyone who is paying attention to this thread...even your believer cohorts, that you are failing miserable in your attempt to to make sense.
You make the claim that 'there is no way Larrys wife could not be involved in a cover-up if Larry was'.
I show a hypothetical instance that it could happen through manipulation.
You then question me on whether I am suggesting that Larry made up the skin disease?
No. Dave. I. Never. Suggested. That.
Please. Show. Me. Where. I. Said. Anything. Like. That.

I am beginning to develop a theory about you Dave.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by DIDtm've just outdone yourself. It is apparent to anyone and everyone who is paying attention to this thread...even your believer cohorts, that you are failing miserable in your attempt to to make sense.
You make the claim that 'there is no way Larrys wife could not be involved in a cover-up if Larry was'.
I show a hypothetical instance that it could happen through manipulation.
You then question me on whether I am suggesting that Larry made up the skin disease?
No. Dave. I. Never. Suggested. That.

So how do you explain Silverstein "suspiciously" developing a skin ailment at the same time as the 9/11 attack? If Silverstein's wife isn't in on it then it's a given that she saw something on him that she didn't like if she called the doctor for him. After all the whackadoodle claims of secret controlled demolitions, staged hijackings, cruise missiles at the Pentagon, and armies of secret ninjas and disinformation agents everywhere, Silverstein rubbing poison sumac on his skin to invent a reason to not show up to work is by far the least goofball accusation you could invent.

Besides, I don't understand why you're being so pretective of Silverstein's wife anyway? You're gleefully dragging Silverstein through the mud with all this "pull it" BS so you've shown you have no hesitation to crucify people for your conspiracy gods.

I am beginning to develop a theory about you Dave.

You don't need to develop any theory, I'll tell you right away what makes me tick- every since you people started going to your damned fool 9/11 conspiracy web sites the stupid switch has been turned on and every idiotic thing from lasers from outer space to the gov't faking a crash site in the middle of nowhere makes perfect sense to you people. Even now you people are wallowing in abject paranoia over how suspicious it is for some old guy to go to the doctor. I'm trying to get you to start thinking for yourselves critically for a change, since if you conspiracy theorists were to simply hold up your own ridiculous conspiracy claims to the exact same stringent level of critical analysis that you do the 9/11 commission report, you wouldn't be conspiracy theorists for very long.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

So how do you explain Silverstein "suspiciously" developing a skin ailment at the same time as the 9/11 attack? If Silverstein's wife isn't in on it then it's a given that she saw something on him that she didn't like if she called the doctor for him. After all the whackadoodle claims of secret controlled demolitions, staged hijackings, cruise missiles at the Pentagon, and armies of secret ninjas and disinformation agents everywhere, Silverstein rubbing poison sumac on his skin to invent a reason to not show up to work is by far the least goofball accusation you could invent.

Besides, I don't understand why you're being so pretective of Silverstein's wife anyway? You're gleefully dragging Silverstein through the mud with all this "pull it" BS so you've shown you have no hesitation to crucify people for your conspiracy gods.

I'm not attempting to explain it. You are putting words in my mouth. You realize this. Everyone else realizes it.
You are the one claiming he 'suspiciously' developed a skin ailment. I never said anything remotely close to that assumption.

You don't need to develop any theory, I'll tell you right away what makes me tick- every since you people started going to your damned fool 9/11 conspiracy web sites the stupid switch has been turned on and every idiotic thing from lasers from outer space to the gov't faking a crash site in the middle of nowhere makes perfect sense to you people. Even now you people are wallowing in abject paranoia over how suspicious it is for some old guy to go to the doctor. I'm trying to get you to start thinking for yourselves critically for a change, since if you conspiracy theorists were to simply hold up your own ridiculous conspiracy claims to the exact same stringent level of critical analysis that you do the 9/11 commission report, you wouldn't be conspiracy theorists for very long.

Damned fool 9/11 conspiracy web sites, idiotic lasers from outer space.'re the one mentioning these things. No one else is.

Since you lack comprehension, I'm sorry, but it's impossible to explain 'manipulation' and how it works to you.
I bet if I had a pet monkey, I could get him to understand it, though.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by DIDtm
Damned fool 9/11 conspiracy web sites, idiotic lasers from outer space.'re the one mentioning these things. No one else is.

You remind me of one Bible thumper I had a chat with not too long ago who was complaining how I cynically kept saying religion relies on too much hocus pocus and magic to explain all the loopholes in their beliefs...shortly before saying how humans were made by some invisible guy out of a clod of dirt. You can deny this all you like but I know flipping well all these conspiracy stories floating around originated with a handful of con artists tryign to get people all paranoid for their own financial gain. The whole, "cruise missile at the Pentagon" bit was invented by some French author to peddle books, and the whole Barry Jennings issue was introduced by Dylan Avery. Odds are pretty good that however you yourself first got suckered into these fables, it was either due from your reading some damned fool conspiracy web site or by someone else who did. Am I wrong?

I can tell you how *I* was introduced...I was in a political chat room discussing Bush's policies when some conspiracy zealot came in yelling how Bush staged 9/11, and when I said I didn't concur he said I was a murdered(!) becuase Bush murdered 3000 people and since I I'm letting him get away with it, that made me a murderer too. I supposed I got introduced by one of those damned fool web sites, too, but not the way you were.

Since you lack comprehension, I'm sorry, but it's impossible to explain 'manipulation' and how it works to you.
I bet if I had a pet monkey, I could get him to understand it, though.

No you're not. You're simplying saying, "manipulation" and then running away. I'm trying to grasp exactly how manipilation came into play here without relying either on magic or hocus pocus, or your simply saying "manipulation" and then running away.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:44 PM
I believve it was Larry who admitted to eating there everyday on his pbs special a year after. I recall hearing him say it.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by DIDtm
Damned fool 9/11 conspiracy web sites, idiotic lasers from outer space.'re the one mentioning these things. No one else is.

You remind me of one Bible thumper I had a chat with not too long ago who was complaining how I cynically kept saying religion relies on too much hocus pocus and magic to explain all the loopholes in their beliefs...shortly before saying how humans were made by some invisible guy out of a clod of dirt. You can deny this all you like but I know flipping well all these conspiracy stories floating around originated with a handful of con artists tryign to get people all paranoid for their own financial gain. The whole, "cruise missile at the Pentagon" bit was invented by some French author to peddle books, and the whole Barry Jennings issue was introduced by Dylan Avery. Odds are pretty good that however you yourself first got suckered into these fables, it was either due from your reading some damned fool conspiracy web site or by someone else who did. Am I wrong?

I can tell you how *I* was introduced...I was in a political chat room discussing Bush's policies when some conspiracy zealot came in yelling how Bush staged 9/11, and when I said I didn't concur he said I was a murdered(!) becuase Bush murdered 3000 people and since I I'm letting him get away with it, that made me a murderer too. I supposed I got introduced by one of those damned fool web sites, too, but not the way you were.

In truth, I didn't know who Alex Jones or Dylan Avery was until you kept spewing their names over and over again.
This French author...still dont know who he is and dont really care.
So these people and their beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with my thoughts or my questions. NADA!
As for your belief in one religion or another or therefore lack there-of, does NOT matter. I dont care, no one else cares.

No you're not. You're simplying saying, "manipulation" and then running away. I'm trying to grasp exactly how manipilation came into play here without relying either on magic or hocus pocus, or your simply saying "manipulation" and then running away.

Dave..Ive spelled it out for you twice already. I will not fall into your game playing and do so again.
Re-read my posts in this thread, if you wish.
But Im sure you already read them, and cannot refute in any way a possibility, so therefore you bring about these redundant and out of context statements.
Im not running away from anything. You are the one that runs away from topics when you cannot make yours or the OS's theory of what happened fit into your story.
I will, however link a list of threads that prove this, if you care for everyone who isn't aware of your tactics to become aware. All you have to do is ask. BUT, if you ask.....make sure you comment on them and not run away again.
I doubt Ill get a response.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by DIDtm
In truth, I didn't know who Alex Jones or Dylan Avery was until you kept spewing their names over and over again.
This French author...still dont know who he is and dont really care.

Like it should matter whether you know their names or not? Thierry Meyssan was a French author who invented the idiotic idea that it wasn't flight 77 that hit the Pentagon to sell a bunch of books, relying on artificial manipulation and concealment of the facts to get people to believe what he wanted them to believe. You don't need to know his name to see that person A read his book and told person B, person B told person C, and so on, in a domino effect leading to Jesse Ventura's, "conspiracy Theory" show using the exact same manipulation and concealment of the facts that Meyssan used. Just look at the threads being posted here and you will see just how this thing is causing the stupid switch to be turned on all over the place. Here's a good one that some genius started: "Pentagon - No camera footage = No plane. A reasonable assumption.," We don't have any photos of the Titanic sinking, either, so like that's proof the Titanic never sank? Sheesh.

The reason I'm mentioning this is that someone got the idea in his head that there was something suspicious about Silverstein with this "pull it" silliness. Once that innuendo was accepted as fact rather than innuendo, it started a domino effect of all sorts of other sinister sounding innuendo...namely how suspicious it was that he went to the doctor that particular day. It's only in your own mind that Silverstein is even a relevent player in the events of 9/11 to begin with.

Dave..Ive spelled it out for you twice already. I will not fall into your game playing and do so again.
Re-read my posts in this thread, if you wish.
But Im sure you already read them, and cannot refute in any way a possibility, so therefore you bring about these redundant and out of context statements.

Of course I can refute a possibility! You're simply doing the exact same thing all the other conspiracy people are doing- you're artificially concentrating on a narrow selection of facts to embellish your idea. I'm simply reintrodicing all the remaining facts you're trying to wall off that shows how improbable it is...namely, Silverstein's wife being the one who made the appointment for him as well as being the one who made him go.

At the end of the day, all you're doing is dropping innuendo with this whole Silverstein bit. You know that and so do I. If you need to microanalyze everything to the point where you even demand to know the details of Silverstein going to the doctor, this isn't researching the facts. This is grasping at straws out of desperation from not having even a microbe of tangible proof that backs up your conspiracy claims.

I doubt Ill get a response.

Sorry to disappoint.

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