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Is there any truth in this post?

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:16 AM

The OP makes the allegation that Larry Silverstein took his breakfast on a restaurant atop the WTC each morning, where he worked. If he breaks his routine on 911 of all days, then that does not prove anything, however it is very suspicious.

Is it true that Larry Silverstein went to the WTC restaurant each morning for breakfast except on september 11 2001? Did he reside in WTC 1 or 2 during his working hours, along with some of his colleagues who did not go to their workplace that day, which is said to be either in WTC 1 or 2, or was his residence during his working hours elsewhere and has always been elsewhere and the allegation that he routinely consumed his breakfast at the wtc restaurant is not true either.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666

The OP makes the allegation that Larry Silverstein took his breakfast on a restaurant atop the WTC each morning, where he worked. If he breaks his routine on 911 of all days, then that does not prove anything, however it is very suspicious.

Is it true that Larry Silverstein went to the WTC restaurant each morning for breakfast except on september 11 2001? Did he reside in WTC 1 or 2 during his working hours, along with some of his colleagues who did not go to their workplace that day, which is said to be either in WTC 1 or 2, or was his residence during his working hours elsewhere and has always been elsewhere and the allegation that he routinely consumed his breakfast at the wtc restaurant is not true either.

This is yet more of the crap that Dylan Avery had been shoveling out so this isn't really new. Silverstein did spend his mornings at the WTC but had been complaining to his wife that he had some sort of skin ailment, so his wife not only convinced him to go to the doctor, but also made the doctor's appointment for him for the morning of 9/11, PLUS made sure he didn't skip it to go to work. Is it a freak turn of events that saved his life? Yes, absolutely. What does it prove? Not one [censored] thing, though no doubt there will be mindless conspiracy zealots who'll accuse his wife of being in on the sinister conspiracy too.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Not sure if Lucky Larry ate breakfast atop the WTC every work morning (would make sense though), but he had a "Dr's Appointment" on 9/11 that he had been "putting off" for so long and his two kids who work in the WTC and regularly attend meetings atop the WTC were both "running late" that morning. The Silverstein's were all really "lucky" on 9/11.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Cassius666

The OP makes the allegation that Larry Silverstein took his breakfast on a restaurant atop the WTC each morning, where he worked. If he breaks his routine on 911 of all days, then that does not prove anything, however it is very suspicious.

Is it true that Larry Silverstein went to the WTC restaurant each morning for breakfast except on september 11 2001? Did he reside in WTC 1 or 2 during his working hours, along with some of his colleagues who did not go to their workplace that day, which is said to be either in WTC 1 or 2, or was his residence during his working hours elsewhere and has always been elsewhere and the allegation that he routinely consumed his breakfast at the wtc restaurant is not true either.

This is yet more of the crap that Dylan Avery had been shoveling out so this isn't really new. Silverstein did spend his mornings at the WTC but had been complaining to his wife that he had some sort of skin ailment, so his wife not only convinced him to go to the doctor, but also made the doctor's appointment for him for the morning of 9/11, PLUS made sure he didn't skip it to go to work. Is it a freak turn of events that saved his life? Yes, absolutely. What does it prove? Not one [censored] thing, though no doubt there will be mindless conspiracy zealots who'll accuse his wife of being in on the sinister conspiracy too.

Of course, you never considered yet another possibility: that was just the cover story and that Silverstein TOLD her to make the appointment for that morning - you know - so that the poor darling would not get blown up by mistake. His wife did not have to be in on the conspiracy.

Sarcasm is only effective when it is well-thought out.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Silverstein did spend his mornings at the WTC but had been complaining to his wife that he had some sort of skin ailment, so his wife not only convinced him to go to the doctor, but also made the doctor's appointment for him for the morning of 9/11, PLUS made sure he didn't skip it to go to work. Is it a freak turn of events that saved his life? Yes, absolutely.

So you agree it was quite the coincidence?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Looks like Lucky Larry did have breakfast atop the WTC at the "Windows on the World" every work morning:

Larry Silverstein began spending every morning at the World Trade Center shortly after he inked a 99-year deal to operate the complex in July 2001. The New York developer would have breakfast at Windows on the World, the restaurant on the 107th floor of the North tower, and then meet for several hours with tenants. But on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, he was at home, dressing for a doctor's appointment his wife had made for him, instead of at his usual table at Windows. "I had said to my wife, sweetheart, cancel my doctor's appointment. I have so much to do at the Trade Center," he recalls. "She got very upset and told me I had to go. As it turns out, that saved my life."

While he was still getting ready for his doctor's appointment, Mr. Silverstein learned that the first plane hijacked by terrorists had struck the North tower. He turned on his television just in time to see the second plane fly into the South tower. No one at Windows on the World survived.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

How convenient for Larry.
Yet again Dave, you amaze me.
I think you`d believe anything that come out of that mans mouth.
I watched the interview a long time ago and honestly.........come on man !

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by micpsi
Of course, you never considered yet another possibility: that was just the cover story and that Silverstein TOLD her to make the appointment for that morning - you know - so that the poor darling would not get blown up by mistake. His wife did not have to be in on the conspiracy.

Sarcasm is only effective when it is well-thought out.

I agree that to be effective it needs to be well thought out. After all, if Silverstein's wife is going along with the cover story that she made him go to a doctor's appointment when she really didn't, it necessarily mean's she's an active part of the conspiracy and/or coverup too, which is what I said to begin with.

Honestly, after accusing everyone from the Silverstein to the FAA to the NYPA to NORAD to the NYPD to the NYFD to even the Red Cross of being involved in this sinister conspiracy to take over the world, wouldn't you want to let up on that runaway train of accusations and incriminations just a little?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:52 PM
Everything that led up to 9/11 is covered in the following video. Sure there's an obvious bias but if you try to watch it with an open mind you will get tons of facts that you can't find elsewhere.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by lambros56
reply to post by GoodOlDave

How convenient for Larry.
Yet again Dave, you amaze me.
I think you`d believe anything that come out of that mans mouth.
I watched the interview a long time ago and honestly.........come on man !

Yeah, you're right. A wife making a guy with skin problems go to a dermatologist. What a preposterous and unbelievable claim. The conspiracy movement is populated by a professor of religious studies pretending to be a materials engineer, a physicist pretending to be an explosives expert, a family physician pretending to be an MIT engineer, and an economist pretending to be an architect, so for his skin problems Silverstein really should have gone to an auto mechanic.

At what point will you people stop swallowing the drivel Dylan Avery and Alex Jones are spoon feeding you? "Come on man!" is damned right.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Yeah, you're right. A wife making a guy with skin problems go to a dermatologist. What a preposterous and unbelievable claim.

Now I understand why you skeptics can't understand why us CTs see suspicion in actions like this.

You just see it as an action that alone, is nothing odd about it. Wives make Dr Appointments for their husbands all the time, so you see it as us trying to argue that 1 equals 2.

What you fail to add in is that we don't think Larry's wife reportedly making him a Dr's appointment alone is anything suspicious, but that Larry rarely takes a day off and that appt was made for Sept 11 of all days. So it we see it as 1 + 1 = 2.

I hope this helps you in the future.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Cassius666

The OP makes the allegation that Larry Silverstein took his breakfast on a restaurant atop the WTC each morning, where he worked. If he breaks his routine on 911 of all days, then that does not prove anything, however it is very suspicious.

Is it true that Larry Silverstein went to the WTC restaurant each morning for breakfast except on september 11 2001? Did he reside in WTC 1 or 2 during his working hours, along with some of his colleagues who did not go to their workplace that day, which is said to be either in WTC 1 or 2, or was his residence during his working hours elsewhere and has always been elsewhere and the allegation that he routinely consumed his breakfast at the wtc restaurant is not true either.

This is yet more of the crap that Dylan Avery had been shoveling out so this isn't really new. Silverstein did spend his mornings at the WTC but had been complaining to his wife that he had some sort of skin ailment, so his wife not only convinced him to go to the doctor, but also made the doctor's appointment for him for the morning of 9/11, PLUS made sure he didn't skip it to go to work. Is it a freak turn of events that saved his life? Yes, absolutely. What does it prove? Not one [censored] thing, though no doubt there will be mindless conspiracy zealots who'll accuse his wife of being in on the sinister conspiracy too.

In other words, yes the allegations are true and not only Larry, but his friends and family were all really lucky that day. No it does not prove anything, however its one more piece of puzzle that neatly fits in. I wouldnt use the crap word so freely, but you seem to like it.
edit on 21-12-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by ATH911

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Yeah, you're right. A wife making a guy with skin problems go to a dermatologist. What a preposterous and unbelievable claim.

Now I understand why you skeptics can't understand why us CTs see suspicion in actions like this.

You just see it as an action that alone, is nothing odd about it. Wives make Dr Appointments for their husbands all the time, so you see it as us trying to argue that 1 equals 2.

What you fail to add in is that we don't think Larry's wife reportedly making him a Dr's appointment alone is anything suspicious, but that Larry rarely takes a day off and that appt was made for Sept 11 of all days. So it we see it as 1 + 1 = 2.

I hope this helps you in the future.

I can almost see it. Basically, no matter what the facts are your formula will always provide the same answer. Thats called circular logic. The evidence proves a conspiracy. The lack of evidence proves a conspiracy. Kind of the old "heads I win, tails you lose" approach to reality.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

First: Who`s Dylan Avery ? Second: I`d researched and made my mind up about 9/11long before i`d heard the name Alex Jones.
Third: I haven`t got a clue what you were on about in your first paragraph !

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by hooper

So which facts show it was not a conspiracy? We have unique never before never again events for which an explanation was given that had a chance borderlining on the impossible to occour not to mention that the explanations provided were full of holes. The people who lucked out were among the supposed target demografic of islamist radicals, to which the Silversteinfamily and friends belong along with most Israelis I presume, who through lucky and coincidence all survived the attack. An Israeli firm moved out days before the attack breaking their lease paying a fine. On the day of the attack Israelis employees of an Israeli firm were warned from Israel using an Israeli Service that allows to forward messages in your phonelist discriminating by nationality (if you entered it in the contact details of course). So the only people who had foreknowledge this far were Israeli. Of course they did not warn their non Israeli peers. I do not know of any muslims who cheated death on that day, because of forewknowledge. After the dust Settles, Larry is 7 billion Dollar richer only 7 weeks after leasing the WTC, the first time it is in private hands. The attacks have been exploited by the administration to start 2 wars and pass acts that nullify the constitution, but that has been downplayed as a convenient excuse.

The NIST report that was not composed untill 6 years after the attack did not test for explosives or accelerants, because nobody heard them apparently. Thousands of professionals question the goverment sponsored report and through means of indipendent research traces of explosives and thermite have been found, which means if the goverment sponsored commissions did not outright lie, they were very negligent in their research, which produces results, that have not been peer reviewed and by their own admission are merely a report and not a scientific paper, which claims to present conclusive results obtained through the application of the scientific method.

Now Id like to hear why somebody would think we have not been lied to.
edit on 21-12-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by ATH911

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Yeah, you're right. A wife making a guy with skin problems go to a dermatologist. What a preposterous and unbelievable claim.

Now I understand why you skeptics can't understand why us CTs see suspicion in actions like this.

You just see it as an action that alone, is nothing odd about it. Wives make Dr Appointments for their husbands all the time, so you see it as us trying to argue that 1 equals 2.

What you fail to add in is that we don't think Larry's wife reportedly making him a Dr's appointment alone is anything suspicious, but that Larry rarely takes a day off and that appt was made for Sept 11 of all days. So it we see it as 1 + 1 = 2.

I hope this helps you in the future.

A masterful attempt at evading the question, but I must tell you that I am immune to bait and switch. The fact is, Silverstein's wife made a doctor's appointment for her husband's skin issues on 9/11. If you are saying this is a cover story, then you are necessarily saying she's actively involved in the coverup of this secret plot you're hallucinting becuase she's going along with it. If she isn't involved, then Silverstein really did have a doctor's appointment that day and it's a simple chance occurance you're reading into. You can't have it both ways.

What I believe should help in the future is my telling you those tidbits that Dylan Avery and Alex Jones are deliberately hiding from you, namely, that the planes hit before 9:00, before the beginning of the work day, so some eight out of every nine workers at the towers ALSO survived becuase they either hadn't shown up for work yet or were able to get out before the towers collapsed. You conspiracy people ignore all this so you can make this whole Silverstein bit sound more sinister than it really is. Heck, it's only in your own mind that Silverstein had anything to do with the 9/11 attack to begin with.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Have you noticed that over achievers tend to be early risers? You don’t get to the top by sleeping until noon. Chances are he would have eaten and been long gone before the first plane hit. He would'nt even need a doctors note to put this one to rest.

Here are a couple of links that show just how early his show gets on the road.


Breakfast 8:00 to 8:30 and talking starts at 8:30

and here

Breakfast starts at 8:15.

Chances are his normal breakfast on a normal workday is far earlier than 8:00. But when he gives a speech to the rest of the world he has to moderate his normal schedual.

Once again a simple Google search to the rescue.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by hooper

So which facts show it was not a conspiracy? We have unique never before never again events for which an explanation was given that had a chance borderlining on the impossible to occour not to mention that the explanations provided were full of holes.

You just don't get it. There isn't simply just a 9/11 conspiracy theory. There is a blizzard of 9/11 conspiracy theories and most of them contradict each other. Person A thinks there were secret controlled demolitions in the towers. Person B thinks there were lasers from outer space. Person C thinks there were nukes in the basement. Person D thinks the planes were all holograms. Person E thinks it was a genuine terrorist attack and the gov't allowed it to happen. Person F thinks the gov't staged the whole thing. Person G thinks it was staged by Israel. Person H thinks it was staged by secret cults of Satan worshipping numerologists. Occasionally I see person I claim that UFOs were involved. And so on and so forth.

The reason why there are so many different and contradictory conspiracies is obvious- you're NOT looking at the evidence and trying to derive the truth from the evidence. You're all connecting the dots that have nothing to do with each other to form the picture you yourself want to see in the evidence, so if this person things the gov't is out to get us then they're going to see it as being the work of the gov't. If that person thinks everything is the work of the Jewish World Order then they're going to see it as being the work of the Jewish World Order. This isn't research. This is a Rorschache test. Jeez look at this very thread and you'll see how you're trying to trap Silverstein in his own words because you're "so sure" he was involved.

For so many myriad conspiracy claims and with so many contradictory explanations, it's a logical necessity that a lot of these conspiracy theorists are wrong, regardless of how much their proponents want to believe they're really right.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

A masterful attempt at evading the question

Funny, I thought your question was an attempt at evading.

The fact is, Silverstein's wife made a doctor's appointment for her husband's skin issues on 9/11. If you are saying this is a cover story, then you are necessarily saying she's actively involved in the coverup of this secret plot you're hallucinting becuase she's going along with it. If she isn't involved, then Silverstein really did have a doctor's appointment that day and it's a simple chance occurance you're reading into. You can't have it both ways.

What both ways are we trying to have it? We are simply pointing out pieces of evidence. Yes, some will turn out to be just coincidences, but when you have so many coincidences, odds are that all of them are not, wouldn't you agree?

the planes hit before 9:00, before the beginning of the work day, so some eight out of every nine workers at the towers ALSO survived becuase they either hadn't shown up for work yet or were able to get out before the towers collapsed. You conspiracy people ignore all this so you can make this whole Silverstein bit sound more sinister than it really is. Heck, it's only in your own mind that Silverstein had anything to do with the 9/11 attack to begin with.

What did we make up? Lucky Larry had a rare scheduled day off and his two kids that work there were reported in the news as both "running late." Spin it all you want.
edit on 21-12-2010 by ATH911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by ATH911
What both ways are we trying to have it? We are simply pointing out pieces of evidence. Yes, some will turn out to be just coincidences, but when you have so many coincidences, odds are that all of them are not, wouldn't you agree?

I'm not the own who brought up the perceived impropriety of Silverstein having a doctor's appointment on 9/11. You trusters are. I'm pointing out that the appointment wasn't his doing, but his wifes, so I'm asking you whether she was involved in the coverup too or whether you're simply seeing things that aren't there. So far, getting a straight answer out of you people is like trying to nail jam to the wall, and we both know the reason why- you know you're not pointing out evidence. You're dropping innuendo.

So I will ask again; was Silverstein's wife involved in the coverup or not?

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