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The occultist Illuminati purpose behind the gay agenda in the USA.

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by mryanbrown

Lol, what do your feelings have to do with the thread, keep on the right path ehehe, i like you, you make me feel so so so much better about life in general eheheh

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:45 AM
Gay-pedo agenda? I guess, since there are many straight pedophiles, that all straight people must be pedos since, apparently in your mind, all gays are. This is simply idiotic hate-mongering. The only agenda is equal opportunity. That should be a basic human right. If you think it is a choice, then ask yourself two questions. 1: Can I love someone of the same sex? (That's "love", not sex.) 2: Why?

This is why, as a species, we may one day destroy ourselves.
edit on 12/20/2010 by Tlove250 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by willie9696
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

As a born again christian these views sicken me. First off where do any of us get off judging anyone?

Keep in mind that some of us consider that the "Bible" was written by men for the enslavement of other men with no connection to god or a god for the inspiration of the passages. You have been taught "judge not lest ye be judged". (You follow blindly as you have also been taught you are sinful from birth. Guilty from conception.) This seems very agreeable to most unless in fact you should be judging and you have been tricked into "allowing" by a millennia old scam that coerces you to go against your true nature. I've always known right from wrong without the "Bible". Your "Bible" is a collection of unrelated works of dubious origin assembled by the Romans, the very same nation conquering slave owners that supposedly killed the "Christ". Makes perfect sense that "He" set up his throne on the earth in the heart of this murderous civilization. If any actual civilization ever exemplified the degradation of human worth represented in the "Biblical" story of Sodom and Gomorrah it was in fact Rome. That should give one pause when surrendering one's life to the man-made edicts contained within the "Bible". I encourage you to "judge" for yourself.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:21 AM
why are "gay rights" in inverted commas? "Encouraging teenargers on getting into homosexuality" is a fact? proof it. You link gay with pedo all along. Wow it's so obvious you're off the track.

edit on 20-12-2010 by AboveTheTrees because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:21 AM
Gay Pedo Agenda

I'm crying here

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender
Gay Pedo Agenda

I'm crying here

I know! It is all rather stupid, but people will use any excuse to pour their hate onto something, and normally its religon
It is very worrying that some people use this phrase "Gay Pedo Agenda "

Also something i would like to add. How many of these anti gay people are actually gay themselves? Who do hear about some of these people who go gay bashing and it turns of that they are hiding a little secret

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:10 AM
It's funny, there is a gay agenda in the US and this is it.

Gay people want to be treated like everyone else, with the same rights as everyone else.

Amazingly this really disturbs some people. I have no idea why. I know a lot of gay people, none of them ever try and "convert" me, they just want to live their lives.

To me, gay people should be able to marry, they should be able to serve in the military, they should enjoy everything that everyone else enjoys. And that is the gay agenda, to be as free as everyone else is.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:39 AM
I would like to offer my own insight into this topic. Feel free to agree or disagree, but I want to address a few things:

1. Being gay IS a choice. At least it was for both my sister and my aunt. I won't divulge into the reasons at this time, but they both became lesbians in their adult years. Unless they're both lying to me, they made this choice out of personal preference. This isn't really related to the topic, but others have raised it so I wanted to touch on it.

2. If you're a Christian-please stop making the rest of us look bad. The Bible makes it very clear that it is not our place to judge others. This doesn't mean that you have to like something, go along with something, or anything like that. It does mean that you shouldn't be judging others, claiming they're evil(we all are, tell us something we don't know), or damning them to hell. Christ taught love for others first and foremost.

3. If you're not a Christian-please stop referring to those of us that are as crazy fundamentalists, people that have committed genocide, or any other number of insults I see hurled around here. Many of us are kind-hearted truth seekers just like you. The Bible does speak unfavorably on many topics, and yes, I believe the Bible is correct. If a Christian speaks out against something that they believe is evil, this doesn't mean that they are attacking you personally. If someone asks my opinion on a subject, I can give an honest answer without meaning any ill-will to my fellow man. Please understand that I know I am probably the worst person I know. I believe that man is inherently evil and selfish. I am no exception.

4. People, please quit trying to link homosexuality and pedophilia. This is ridiculous, stupid, and insulting. If you believe that they are both sins, that is fine, and I think most rational people can understand at least your motives for doing so. No one will respect you if you make absurd, non-existent connections. This is akin to saying that lying and murder are the same thing.

Finally, I have been coming to this site for several months now. After seeing "Christians" spread their terrible theology and making the rest of us look bad, and seeing non-Christians making awful false assumptions about Christians, I decided to start joining the conversations. If you have any questions regarding Christian theology, feel free to ask me. I look forward to conversing with you all on the many great subjects raised on this forum.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Just because a person disagrees with homsexuality doesn't mean you are a homophobe or any less intelligent.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by lordtyp0

A Homosexual person is someone who has attractions for the same gender. This does not have to be physical-straight friends who are strongly emotionally bonded-always together etc. Have a homosexual relationship-it is just not physically intimate.

A Gay person is someone who has Homosexual urges and acts on them without shame-the reason is simple: there is nothing to hold shame over. You see: Adults have the right to certain things-especially when nobody gets hurt.

A pedophile is someone attracted to children-not gender, in fact they are attracted to the androgyny. Pedophilia always has victims.

Homosexuality is not a mental illness.

Pedophilia is a mental illness.

The common denominator is simply how you like your sex. How can you declare one standard of sexual satisfaction a mental illness and deem the other as perfectly normal?

Here are a few more sexual devotions if you care to come down from your high horse and declare which ones are "normal" for us.

1. Apotemnophilia - sexual arousal associated with the stump(s) of an
2. Asphyxophilia - sexual gratification derived from activities that involve
oxygen deprivation through hanging, strangulation, or other means
3. Autogynephilia - the sexual arousal of a man by his own perception of
himself as a woman or dressed as a woman
4. Catheterophilia – sexual arousal by insertion of a catheter
5. Coprophilia - sexual arousal associated with feces
6. Exhibitionism - the act of exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling observer
to obtain sexual gratification (DSM code 302.4)
7. Fetishism/Sexual Fetishism - obtaining sexual excitement primarily or
exclusively from an inanimate object or a particular part of the body (DSM
Code 302.81)
8. Frotteurism - approaching an unknown woman from the rear and pressing
or rubbing the penis against her buttocks (DSM Code 302.89)
9. Hypephilia – a sexual attraction to fabrics.
10.Hebephilia – sex with pubescent children
11.Gender Identity Disorder - a strong and persistent cross-gender
identification, which is the desire to be, or the insistence that one is, or the
other sex, "along with" persistent discomfort about one’s assigned sex or a
sense of the inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex
12.Gerontosexuality - distinct preference for sexual relationships primarily or
exclusively with an elderly partner
13.Incest - sex with a sibling or parent
14.Kleptophilia - obtaining sexual excitement from stealing
15.Klismaphilia - erotic pleasure derived from enemas
16.Necrophilia - sexual arousal and/or activity with a corpse
17.Partialism - A fetish in which a person is sexually attracted to a specific
body part exclusive of the person
18.Pedophilia - Sexual activity with a prepubescent child (generally age 13
years or younger). The individual with pedophilia must be age 16 years or
older and at least 5 years older than the child. For individuals in late
adolescence with pedophilia, no precise age difference is specified, and
clinical judgment must be used; both the sexual maturity of the child and
the age difference must be taken into account; the adult may be sexually
attracted to opposite sex, same sex, or prefer either (DSM Code 302.2)
19.Prostitution - the act or practice of offering sexual stimulation or
intercourse for money
20.Sexual Masochism - obtaining sexual gratification by being subjected to
pain or humiliation (DSM Code 302.83)
21.Sexual Sadism - the intentional infliction of pain or humiliation on another
person in order to achieve sexual excitement (DSM Code 302.82)
22.Telephone Scatalogia - sexual arousal associated with making or
receiving obscene phone calls
23.Toucherism - characterized by a strong desire to touch the breast or
genitals of an unknown woman without her consent; often occurs in
conjunction with other paraphilia
24.Transgenderism - an umbrella term referring to and/or covering
transvestitism, drag queen/king, and transsexualism
25.Transsexual - a person whose gender identity is different from his or her
anatomical gender
26.Transvestite - a person who is sexually stimulated or gratified by wearing
the clothes of the other gender
27.Transvestic Fetishism - intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual
urges, or behaviors involving cross-dressing (DSM Code 302.3)
28.Urophilia - sexual arousal associated with urine
29.Voyeurism - obtaining sexual arousal by observing people without their
consent when they are undressed or engaged in sexual activity (DSM
Code 302.82)
30.Zoophilia/Bestiality - engaging in sexual activity with animals

Pretty sick the lot of'em if you ask me!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Niccawhois

A child cannot chose if he/she wants to have sex with a grown man/woman, so it's not "simply how you like your sex", it's wrong and there is no way you can justify it.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Everything is good when it comes to divide people. Divide and conquer.

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
Many of you may have noticed that TPTB are increasing and speeding up the gay-pedo agenda, all over the Western.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by willie9696
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

As a born again christian these views sicken me. First off where do any of us get off judging anyone? If your views are religious, read your bible, stop taking one or 2 scriptures and blowing them out of proportion. Romans ch 1 does not refer to homosexuality at all. The church has always been behind the times when it comes to accepting people, (women, minorities etc). If you're so upset with homosexuality and how it's taking over your small minded world, where is your anger towards adulterers and murderers, or liars or people that promote hatred and bigotry. I'm not sensing any love from your so called religious right view point. Cheer up, don't fear, replace your fear with love and see how your world changes. Accept who you are created to be and allow others to be who God created them to be.

1Thess 4:3

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
It's funny, there is a gay agenda in the US and this is it.

Gay people want to be treated like everyone else, with the same rights as everyone else.

Amazingly this really disturbs some people. I have no idea why. I know a lot of gay people, none of them ever try and "convert" me, they just want to live their lives.

To me, gay people should be able to marry, they should be able to serve in the military, they should enjoy everything that everyone else enjoys. And that is the gay agenda, to be as free as everyone else is.

They do have the same rights as everyone. Marriage has always been between a man and woman. Jesus even said it started at the beginning (Mark 10:6)
We love the sinner but not the sin.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:13 AM
Wait, are some of you seriously saying that homosexuality should be discouraged? Am I really seeing people compare homosexuality with pedophilia and robbery and murder? What the heck is wrong with you people, what century or alternate reality do you live in? I don't believe my eyes. I'm not saying being gay should be encouraged but I am saying that a person should be himself (or herself) and if it doesn't affect you then keep your nose out... I am as straight a guy as you will find, but I have lots of gay and lesbian friends who are awesome people that are no different from you and me other than they happen to like the same sex. Please explain to me and the rest of the non-bigots how that is offensive to you, without quoting irrelevant ancient religious dogma? A pervert is the same no matter what their sexuality, and a crime has a victim, which being gay does not. The only "sin" I see is closed minded idiots talking out of where the sun don't shine.
edit on 20-12-2010 by duke396 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:19 AM
It would seem that the only recoup that the gays have on this thread is ridicule and name calling.This makes you look weak and stupid. Is this how you talk to the children when you are trying to convince them how "natural" homosexuality is??.

There is plenty of proof (if thats really what you want)agenst being gay but I bet you forgo the people dieing of AIDS and related disease's or somehow don't accept that AIDS is an gay perpetuated disease.Do you warn the children of the possiable consequense's of a gay lifestyle?If you were true in your belief that homosexuality is normal you would be truthfull about everything involving the lifestyle.

Flame on gay people,flame on,that seems to be the only recoup you have when someone offends you.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by duke396
Wait, are some of you seriously saying that homosexuality should be discouraged? Am I really seeing people compare homosexuality with pedophilia and robbery and murder? What the heck is wrong with you people, what century or alternate reality do you live in? I don't believe my eyes. I'm not saying being gay should be encouraged but I am saying that a person should be himself (or herself) and if it doesn't affect you then keep your nose out... I am as straight a guy as you will find, but I have lots of gay and lesbian friends who are awesome people that are no different from you and me other than they happen to like the same sex. Please explain to me and the rest of the non-bigots how that is offensive to you, without quoting irrelevant ancient religious dogma? A pervert is the same no matter what their sexuality, and a crime has a victim, which being gay does not. The only "sin" I see is closed minded idiots talking out of where the sun don't shine.
edit on 20-12-2010 by duke396 because: (no reason given)

It should be discouraged because homosexuals die early from disease and drugs. I was molested by homosexuals when I was kid. Doesn't matter what age it's at. They were still doing homosexual acts on me.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Interesting ideas in this thread, but not all that "new".

The occult "connection" between power, derived from sexual "energy", specifically of a homosexual variety goes back to ancient times, when such a thing was not so controversial. Recall that one of the most powerful figures in history, Alexander the Great, is generally accepted as having been primarily what we would call "gay" today. He may have enjoyed sex with both genders, but when it came to the serious and emotional relationship, history suggests that the great Alexander "preferred" men.

More recently, Aleister Crowley re-explored some of these issues, along an experiential path that indeed led him to the conclusion that there was something literally "superior" (from his perspective) in gay sex, vs. hetero.

It's why he launched the 13th level in the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) after he had successfully taken over the leadership. Almost a hundred years ago, it was an extremely controversial move, and the lodges in Germany fought back, causing a "schism".

As an agnostic, I really don't care about what an old dusty book might say about this, or that, but there might be something to the ideas that Crowley seemingly discovered (rediscovered).

As far as an "agenda", such a thing would then be at least be more logically "possible", if we first noticed that some portion of TPTB had "beliefs" about this sort of thing, perhaps also being based on actual experience.

Another way to say it might be, if at some point in time, the people who really ran the world (behind the scenes) had achieved some "critical mass" (not necessarily a "majority") of their members preferring homosexual sex (for whatever reason) over hetero sex, it wouldn't be unreasonable to see some manifestation of that in the world they are running.

I'm not sure that has to be "controversial". Clearly, gay individuals who have climbed the ladder, in whatever their pursuits, perhaps should be expected to further an "agenda", based on the fact that they have walked a particular journey. At least on the micro level, that should make sense, but as we zoom out, it seems that such a thing could also make sense for those running the world.

Is that automatically "bad"? Depends on your point of view. A Christian might easily be seen to have an "agenda", perhaps someone who has experienced some life journey that causes them to be Billy Graham. All of a sudden, we see the person on TV. Doesn't automatically mean that a hidden hand gave the guy a lift, could just be he was a good talker, and got popular.

I can see it different ways I guess. Anyway, from the occult perspective, the few things I have read do indeed indicate there at least "could be" something more than meets the eye.

Is there? Like so may of these conspiracy things, you would have to make a study of it, and weigh the evidence.

Of course, with the issue being so emotionally charged, it would take a rare individual who could objectively look at whatever was found. Interpretations can really screw things up you know.

Not my specialty, but as far as the occult connection, I find it interesting.


posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Diceman22

I would also like to add something here;

1. As far back as I can remember (My earliest memory, being four) I knew I liked girls.
2. By age 8 or 9, I thought I was a freak and the only one on the face of the planet who felt this way.
3. By age 10, I set up a 'prayer table' (I attended Catholic school, this was encouraged in fourth grade to form a personal relationship with Jesus) in the corner of my father's office, and committed myself everyday to prayer, asking for God to please make me normal.
4. By age 11 I became extremely depressed, detached and contemplated suicide.
5. By age 12 I finally discovered the word 'homosexuality' and put a label to myself. I did feel a little better, but back then it was still largely considered taboo and a mental I just assumed there was a cure.
6. Between the ages of 13 and 18, I MADE myself date boys and tried my best to blend in.
7. Finally, by 19 with the help of the LBGT community in my city, I came out and started to live my life happily and openly.

I guess my conclusion here is; I had no choice in the matter. I don't know what's happening with your sister or aunt and I won't pretend to know.

Now, I know you and many on this thread will simply not believe a word, and please understand I do respect you're opinion. However; and I want to be perfectly clear, you have no idea what it was like, nor will you ever. When people like the OP or religious folk try to tell me what exactly I WAS FEELING, or I AM MAKING IT UP, it hurts...a lot. I know I am wearing my heart on my sleeve here and probably leaving myself open for further verbal attacks, but to be honest, I just don't care.

I'm tired of this. These are the only words I can use to describe how I feel with the current attitude towards the gay issue. I know, those opposed are fighting tooth and nail, to stop Gay people from acquiring simple civil liberties. There are those, like the OP who say we have a hidden agenda, or we mingle in the same crowd as pedo's.

Let me tell you what my agenda is: I am hurt, very hurt. My heart aches for total peace and acceptance. We watch as other nations, stone, hang or shoot innocent people simply because they follow their hearts. We sit here watching helpless and wonder constantly why it happens. There are the easy answers, such as religious intolerance, or the statement of how gay people destroy a certain way of life.

I am asking everyone on ATS who has replied to this thread negatively towards gays, to please explain to me, why I threaten you're way of life? What is it you think I am capable of? I am really curious and would like to address this with you. I have never in my life tried to convert someone, its simply not possible. I have respected all who are in my life and I thank God everyday that they have accepted me.

To be compared to a pedophile is the most hurtful insult I have heard. For someone to tell me, I would actually try to make children gay is beyond incomprehensible.

I live my life the best way I know how and on my own terms. If I am to be judged one day, then so be it. I will accept my judgment, but not from man. History has shown us that homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time. As well, science has taught us that homosexuality, or bisexuality exists in the animal kingdom. Would it not be safe to assume this is a natural occurrence in nature?

What does God say about children born with both sexual organs? What happens to them?


This to has been documented through out history, so why is this acceptable?

I always try to encourage a healthy and civil debate on this matter, but my goodness, there is some serious hate here at ATS. What's more disturbing is I've noticed quite a few threads in regard to the gay agenda, or gay people in general. I thought ATS was about real conspiracies or ET's, UFO's etc.

I sometimes feel there is a bigger conspiracy involving right winged Christians, Muslims etc, who seem determined to hunt down spiritualists and atheists for some unknown reason. Or travel abroad to places like Uganda and tell them that homosexuality must be stopped at all costs.

Really...who exactly has the agenda here?

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by texastig
It should be discouraged because homosexuals die early from disease and drugs. I was molested by homosexuals when I was kid. Doesn't matter what age it's at. They were still doing homosexual acts on me.

That is stereotypical and offensive. I'm sorry to hear that you were molested but the fact that they were homosexual has little to no relevance in my eyes to the fact that they were perverted criminals. Either way it's non-consented AND pedophilia, and I think a statistic lookup will assure you that there are plenty of straight sex offenders.

Where do you get the idea that homosexuals are more likely to use drugs than another group of people, and what drugs do you deem harmful? Some of the ones I know smoke weed, so does probably 40% of the American population over the age of 16. Disease is common with anyone that fails to properly protect themselves during sex with multiple partners.
edit on 20-12-2010 by duke396 because: missing a word or two

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