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Evidence no plane crashed & buried in Shanksville; piles of dirt, but no piles of plane debris

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:21 PM
I showed that the official story says most of Flight 93 buried underground, reaching a depth of about 45 feet where the 757 supposedly accordioned against a layer of bedrock.

On 9/13, officials started excavating the alleged hole the plane supposedly made and on the same day supposedly unearthed one of the plane's engines and one of the plane's black boxes at a depth of 15 feet.

On 9/16,* only three days later, they reportedly finished extracting all of the plane that buried, a total of about 80% of the Boeing 757. If Flight 93 weighed about 60 tons at impact (minus all fluids), 80% of it would have equaled about 24 cars-worth of debris.

Logically, there should have been numerous piles of plane debris collected outside of the hole waiting to be processed after extraction.

However, as you can see in the excavation photos below, there were no piles of plane debris collected, only numerous piles of extracted dirt.

* (use wayback)

And if you look at all the piles of dirt collected outside the hole, they look to be the exact amount to completely fill back up the excavated hole, meaning nothing came out of the ground, except dirt, and that means the official story that most of the plane buried is a lie, the official story that 95% of the Boeing 757 was recovered is a lie, thereby the official story that Flight 93 crashed there is a lie.
edit on 18-12-2010 by ATH911 because: typo

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:37 PM


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 02:43 PM
You see..when the plane crashed, it disintegrated on impact. There was no fire because the plane came in at such a high velocity, the plane must have dumped all of its fuel first. And they did find all kinds of debris. Its just not evidenced in the photos you supplied because you 'picked and chose' what pics to use.
How dare you? They found a drivers license of a FL woman there to Petes Sake. She was on the plane.
How dare you try to pass this off as fact. You should be ashamed of yourself.

(SARCASM) - But thats what your going to hear from others.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by DIDtm
You see..when the plane crashed, it disintegrated on impact. There was no fire because the plane came in at such a high velocity, the plane must have dumped all of its fuel first. And they did find all kinds of debris. Its just not evidenced in the photos you supplied because you 'picked and chose' what pics to use.
How dare you? They found a drivers license of a FL woman there to Petes Sake. She was on the plane.
How dare you try to pass this off as fact. You should be ashamed of yourself.

(SARCASM) - But thats what your going to hear from others.

Don't foget about the human remains of all the victims last seen alive boarding Flight 93.


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:18 PM


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Thank you mods.

Now skeptics, where were all those plane debris piles that should have been there?!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:46 PM
Well, you have to hand it to him, he's continually trying to find ways to back up his beliefs. The piles of dirt match the size of the hole meaning that no airplane crashed there.....that is actually kind of humorous though. I will leave it to other posters however, to link all the photos to the wreckage that was strewn about Flight 93's crash site.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by ATH911

Why did the "NWO" hijack a plane, only to not use it in any sort of attack or goal, and then just completely mess up a random field somewhere in Pennsylvania to make it look like they crashed there is the better question.

This will probably get deleted too

I'm just "asking questions" here.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
The piles of dirt match the size of the hole meaning that no airplane crashed there.....that is actually kind of humorous though.

Yes it's humorous because the official story says 95% of Flight 93 was recovered and most of that recovered debris was supposedly hidden in the ground, so if tons of plane debris *didn't* come out of that ground, then that means the official claim that 95% of the plane was recovered was a lie. Don't you agree?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
reply to post by ATH911

Why did the "NWO" hijack a plane, only to not use it in any sort of attack or goal, and then just completely mess up a random field somewhere in Pennsylvania to make it look like they crashed there

What kind of answers would satisfy you?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by ATH911
Thank you mods.

Now skeptics, where were all those plane debris piles that should have been there?!

Why would they have just piled up the debris like so much old bricks? It also included human remains and personnel effects of the victims. Don't you think the handling would have been a little more special?

In photo No.1 there is a trailer with a red 50 yard rolloff. What was going in there?

The plane weighs about 130,000 lbs. Based on approximately 125 lbs/cu. ft. that means that the entire physical remains of the plane can be reduced to about 39 cubic yards.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by hooper

I thought you didn't believe most of the plane buried?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by ATH911
reply to post by hooper

I thought you didn't believe most of the plane buried?

Answer the question: Do you think they would have just thrown all the remains of the plane and the victims together in one big pile so that you could see them in a photo?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by hooper

Why would they have just piled up the debris like so much old bricks? It also included human remains and personnel effects of the victims. Don't you think the handling would have been a little more special?

So take a scoop out of the ground, wait until the investigators process it all, then take another scoop out, process that, and on and on and on until 45 feet down in only 3 days later? Wow, talk about speed and efficiency!

In photo No.1 there is a trailer with a red 50 yard rolloff. What was going in there?

I don't know. Let's see it. Amazing 80% of a plane was extracted out of the ground and hardly any evidence proving it!

that means that the entire physical remains of the plane can be reduced to about 39 cubic yards.

OK, let's see it.

Now your turn: I thought you didn't believe most of the plane buried?
edit on 18-12-2010 by ATH911 because: addition

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by ATH911

And as you have been schooled before, no one sat there with a scale weighing each piece that came out of the hole and which piece was collected from the woods, the house/sheds and compared the weight. Not to mention, you were also schooled on your selective editing of reports. So no, the line of "logic" you are trying to establish doesnt work.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:27 PM
If I recall correctly, the first coroner on the scene said something like "there were no body parts big enough to be identified as being human".
I think there actually may have been an attempt by the passengers to take control of the airplane which is why they had to blow it out of the sky with missiles.
But hey, that's just my opinion.
Which is backed up by about as much evidence as the OS is when it concerns flight 93.

I just see dirt although wreckage was spread around for miles, something that cannot happen from a plane slamming into the ground.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by ATH911

So take a scoop out of the ground, wait until the investigators process it all, then take another scoop out, process that, and on and on and on until 45 feet down in only 3 days later? Wow, talk about speed and efficiency!

Actually, with an excavator, an operator and one laborer, if I wasn't concerned about remains it would take about an hour to dig that hole, maybe less. Thats called the real world.

Now, if I had unlimited resources and an army of experts as was the case on 9/11 3 days is actually a lot. Mainly because they weren't just piling up the remains of the plane and the passengers.

Please answer the question - did you expect them to just throw everything in a pile?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by ATH911

What kind of answers would satisfy you?

It was a rhetorical question of sorts in the attempt to illustrate the idiocy of taking great leaps of faith in how you process information to support your own belief instead of attempting to contruct a hypothesis based on reason.

Which would seem more reasonable:

- This shady group had a group of agents hijack a plane, dispose of the plane and presumably dispose of all of the passengers, forge vast amounts of evidence, throw around plane debris and tear up a field to look like a plane crashed, in order to make the public think a plane was hijacked by terrorists.


- This shady group would get a bunch of easily acquirable radical Muslims to hijack a plane and or crash it into a field.

I know which one I would go with if I was leading this "inside job". Just my two cents.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by ATH911

OK, let's see it.

Fine. Call the Airline. They have the remains. Ask if you can view them.

Believe it or not I don't have the remains out in my garage.

Sometimes you have to do more than surf the internet to find the "truth".

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by ATH911

Actually, with an excavator, an operator and one laborer, if I wasn't concerned about remains it would take about an hour to dig that hole, maybe less. Thats called the real world.

Now, if I had unlimited resources and an army of experts as was the case on 9/11 3 days is actually a lot. Mainly because they weren't just piling up the remains of the plane and the passengers.

Where's the piles of plane debris after they processed what they scooped out?

Please answer the question - did you expect them to just throw everything in a pile?

Not necessarily.

Now you going to answer my question, or continue to side-step it?

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