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12/17/10 Jesse Ventrura Pentagon Episode

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by him777
reply to post by mayabong

Seriously? What are you talking about?

I'm talking about 2.3 trillion dollars.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Here comes the good part: The backup files for the accounting sector of the Pentagon were stored in WTC bldg. 7. Coincidence?

WOW, I didn't know that, that is to obvious.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by mayabong

Did you ignore what roboe had to say about that? Did you ignore the part where Jesse LIED about it? Its amazing how you people think the govt is lying about 9/11, and yet, here you are believing actual lies by Jesse and his 9/11 Truther ilk. Go back to roboe's post and reread the actual TRUTH about it. Then once you realize you have been lied to by a "TRUTHER" start looking into what else they lie about, or make up, or twist. You will be shocked at how well they suckered you in with their garbage half truths and pure 100% BS.

The first step towards the real truth starts with shaking off the lies and twists. Jesse lied about the $2.3 trillions dollaors missing, as he did about the airphones. It was crap like this that turned me agianst this "truth" movement, once I found out they were the liars, charlatans, and snakeoil men.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by mayabong

Could this account for the lack of jewish attendance during the attacks? I never thought this. Also the "Student Painters" who were behind the walls in those buildings before the attacks were Isreali weren't they?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:25 AM
September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld testified before Congress that they "lost" $2.3 Trillion and didn't know where it was.

DOD is budgeted half a Trillion annually. How could they possibly lose track of $2.3 Trillion......when they only have $500 Billion to play with annually at that time?

There's a story nobody ever looked into...It goes back to Harry Truman and things he did with DOD to make $$$$$.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by GenRadek

Sorry, but what are talking about in regards to airphones? I've never heard anything about phones in regards to the pentagon crash.

Also, just a question for you. How many coincidences does it take to make you question the OS? Even I would buy 10 or less coincidences as possible and still believe, but without doing my homework here, I know there are 10's if not hundreds more.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:55 AM
"okay Governor, so you think 9/11 didn't happen the way it did?"

"WHAT?! NO! I don't think it happened the way YOU said it did!"

He can really catch people on their little mess ups lol.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Well that is what was claimed by Jesse and the "TM" that there could not be any calls made from an airplane like how they were done on 9/11. The convienently leave out the part about airphones, then twist the facts and use a source that was written well after 9/11 about there being no airphones on airplanes, when in reality they were removed after 9/11.


As to the $2.3 trillion missing LIE, that was all created from twisting an account about how the Pentagon has trouble keeping tabs on that much money because they have such an obsolete system of keeping trackof financial records. Nothing about anything missing.

$2.3 Trillion missing LIE

Waste drains resources from training and tanks, from infrastructure and intelligence, from helicopters and housing. Outdated systems crush ideas that could save a life. Redundant processes prevent us from adapting to evolving threats with the speed and agility that today's world demands.

Above all, the shift from bureaucracy to the battlefield is a matter of national security. In this period of limited funds, we need every nickel, every good idea, every innovation, every effort to help modernize and transform the U.S. military....

The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

So what the TM did, as did Jesse, is take one little quote completely removed out of context, and then twisted it into something else to use as "PROOF" of some sort of inside job. In effect, they LIED about it. They made up a lie in order to continue their push about "inside job", "the govt did it," etc etc etc.

The only coincidences I see are how many times the truth is only half told or completely missing from the TM in their "evidence".

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Full episode here!

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by SunnyDee

The only coincidences I see are how many times the truth is only half told or completely missing from the TM in their "evidence".

The only coincidences I see are how many times the truth is only half told or completely missing from the OS in their "evidence".

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:05 AM
I'm not totally informed on the 9/11 issue, and I haven't read any threads on here on the issue because it kind of gets my blood boiling if I start looking into it too much.

But I just want to say that I thought it was suspicious from the very day it happened, simply because I couldn't comprehend how it would realistically take NORAD as long as it did to communicate with air traffic and such. You'd just think with the amount of money that goes into defense and military that we would have stopped the planes before they ever got where they were going, as I think they finally did with Flight 93.

I don't necessarily think some of the things that others believe, but I do definitely think that whether we orchestrated it or not, we allowed it to happen and willingly benefited from it, and that says enough about government intentions for me. I'm not saying the US government as a whole did this, but surely some entity on the deep inside had wanted this to happen for various reasons.

And then you have to ask yourself, who is the actual terrorist here, the people hijacking the planes, or the people who funded and allowed the people to hijack the planes? The US just keeps getting more and more irrational and fear based, and anyone acting on personal interests, without regard to what the of the people of the country want, become a sort of terrorist in my eyes.

The WTC 7 building coming down makes absolutely no sense. No matter which way you try to go with it, it doesn't make sense. I don't think we will ever see the whole truth in our lifetimes and that's very sad for the families involved.

I wonder though if some of the victims families even want to seek the truth, when the truth is probably substantially more painful than the cover story. Truth should always be valued, but for the families...imagine how painful getting the truth might be? It's just gone so far out of the average person's control.
edit on 12/18/2010 by SpaceJ because: thought

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Oh really?

So the fact that roboe and I just pointed to two lies done and repeated by the TM went over your head? I can go on and on and back it up with facts about just how much you have been lied to from the so called "truth" movement. These two were easy pickings. Do you agree you were lied to about the $2.3 trillion missing by the TM and Jesse, and the part about airphones not being on those hijacked planes? If so, are you willing to see what else the "truth" movement has lied to you about?

But I am curious as to what "lies" and "half-truths" the "OS" has said. And what exactly is the OS?

So the fact that Jesse and crew blatantly LIED to you, means nothing, or do you concede that something is not right with the "truth" movement when you have been lied to twice just now, by them?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by GenRadek

The 2.3 trillion lie, as you call it, has been said by Rumsfeld in different ways on different occasions, so how about replying to Pervius above on this one.

I don't partake in the suspension of disbelief for real life stuff.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by gandhi

Yes, he surprises me sometimes! Much more on the ball than he looks or sounds, lol

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:55 AM

You'd just think with the amount of money that goes into defense and military that we would have stopped the planes before they ever got where they were going, as I think they finally did with Flight 93.

On Sept 10th, who would have thought hijackers would crash planes into buildings without making any demands? Up to that point all hijackers wanted money or political prisoners released.

Can you imagine the furor and lawsuits if they had shot down all four planes over uninhabited fields, without even trying to negotiate with them?

And that last bit by Jessie makes no sense. The part about the hijackers being in the cockpit before takeoff and that’s why the black boxes are missing.
What difference would it have made? The pilot would have taken off anyway to save his life.

Jessie was a hack governor and he’s stars in a hack tv show.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by samkent

You'd just think with the amount of money that goes into defense and military that we would have stopped the planes before they ever got where they were going, as I think they finally did with Flight 93.

On Sept 10th, who would have thought hijackers would crash planes into buildings without making any demands? Up to that point all hijackers wanted money or political prisoners released.

Your point about the uproar over shooting them down is valid, but your first statement I just don't agree with at all. Our government agencies certainly knew it was a possibility and to think otherwise would be complete and utter ignorance. Is the job of all our intelligence agencies to think of things that HAVE happened? Or to think of the things that COULD happen? Because if they're all sitting around not giving a thought to the things that could potentially happen...quite a scary thought. There are people whose sole job it is to predict the possibilities of terrorist attacks.

To say no one thought about it isn't a very good argument against this conspiracy. Especially since a prime time TV show thought of it months before, so if someone in the FBI or CIA hadn't thought of something a script writer easily thought of, then I think they need to hire some new people!

This thought just serves to make our government appear more inept. They want us to think that though, better we think them inept than think them too powerful, right?

My views on this have nothing to do with Jesse's show though. Whether it's truly truth or more propaganda, it is still serving the purpose of raising questions to the general populace who may tune into TruTV, at least appreciate it for that reason. The more they start to question one thing, the more they will start to question everything else.

Is seeking knowledge and alternative information not the path to denying ignorance? Everyone has to start somewhere.
edit on 12/18/2010 by SpaceJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by roboe

FTW +1.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM
Also worth a look and consideration, they certainly had plans in place for how to intercept aircrafts if need be, and were even planning a mock plane crash into building drill ON 9/11.

WASHINGTON - In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident.

"It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility," Haubold said. "As soon as the real world ( news - Y! TV) events began, we canceled the exercise."

Agency Planned Plane Crash Exercise for 9/11

Granted, it wasn't terrorism based, it's still a pretty eerie coincidence.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

The "lie" portion is that so many truthers claim it was 2.3 trillion dollars in CASH missing and that it was only mentioned on Sept 10, 2001. When the reality is, it was referring to the GAO audit in which the auditors felt there were 2.3 trillion in ACCOUNTING ADJUSTMENTS that were not properly supported by other records. And that, the issue was first publicized in 1999.....before Rumsfeld was the SecDef. Go research the transcripts of his confirmation hearings, he is questioned about that and what he plans on doing to correct things so crap like that did not happen in the future.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:47 AM

This thought just serves to make our government appear more inept.

They are! Even if they had thought that ‘someday’ a terrorist might crash a plane into a building, they couldn’t be the first to shoot. What president would give that order to shoot first without even trying to negotiate? If it were to happen today, it would be an easier choice.

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