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Americans----> You're FAT!

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posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Great thread Slayer! I got a jolly good chortle out of it, and my belly shook like a bowl full of jelly!

But in all seriousness, I am about 30-40 lbs. overweight for my height, and quite honestly, I can still out-lift any body 50 pounds lighter than myself. The height/weight chart is outdated and doesn't account for muscle mass (as in my case, and I'm sure many others). At my yearly checkup last year my doctor was astonished that with my "excess weight" I managed to have normal BP, normal cholesterol, etc. Hell, everything was normal. He said that I was as "healthy as an ox, and as big as one too." I'm happy with myself, and I enjoy my little bit extra. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm never going to have a body like Brad Pitt or that dude from 300, and I am perfectly okay with that. I am healthy, happy, and haven't touched fast food in over a year.

As far as "obese people costing taxpayers money" well some do, and I'll agree with that. So do illegal immigrants, illegal wars, ear mark spending, welfare abusers, and about a dozen other types of things. But this is one guy with "a little extra to love" who doesn't cost taxpayers a dime.

Sticking with the serious side of things, painting all overweight people with the same brush does about as much good as calling all immigrants evil, or all ear mark spending a waste, etc. You get my point. I'm not hurting you, so leave me alone.

On the comical side of things, I'm still laughing! If I didn't sense a bit of truth in your statements, I would call this a very well-written satirical piece!

Peace be with you, and Happy Holidays!

edit on 17-12-2010 by truthseeker1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

It does make one think.
I'll enjoy the holiday foods then come the day after new years hit the Gym.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Excellent topic Slayer.
I have a thought or three.

1- Who determines what "obese" is? My fighting weight is 185lbs. That was over 25 years ago. I'm kicking the # out of 50 now and I'm 210lbs. All my extremities are fit. Got this beer belly though.
Better than my father. Over 300lbs and went from type 2 to type 1 diabetes.

2- Diabetes. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago with this. I went on Metformin for it. 2.5 years later I went off of it by myself. My sugars were actually low a lot of the time and I had to consume sugar and/or food to feel good. Is this being overly diagnosed? Like ADHD? If so, the added intake to offset the pills might actually be doing more harm than good.

3- This scares me though.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by truthseeker1984

It does make one think.
I'll enjoy the holiday foods then come the day after new years hit the Gym.

Hehehe! I will be doing the same with my weight training. Benching almost 225 now. I might be a big guy, but I'm healthy!

Peace be with you.


posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:14 PM
Hey Slayer, I hope your are not going to ban my "Happy Meals?"

Trouble in Toyland

San Francisco city officials are toying with popular children’s meals. The city’s Board of Supervisors passed a law cracking down on fast food chains that give away free toys with unhealthy meals for children, like the McDonald’s “Happy Meal.”

Please leave my toys alone! I see things like this, obesity can come from a myriad of reasons. It can come from diet, inability to afford decent food, stress, depression, and psychological problems. The problem must be dealt with between a person's immediate family, medical professionals, and friends. The government can stay out of it, and focus on other more pending matters like balancing their budgets, reducing spending, maintaining infrastructure, and public safety. This nonsense about banning this and banning that? Where does it end? Who gives them the right to legislate what is right and what is wrong? Do the they not eat, drink, and sit when using the restroom? Perhaps, these benevolent politicians ought clean out their closets first, before cleaning ours?

To make matters worse, a person is even trying to sue McDonald's over "Happy Meals." The reasoning for the litigation is golden, and a sign of our times.

Lawsuit wants McDonald's to stop toying around

A California woman is suing McDonald's claiming the fast-food giant uses toys to market directly to young children. Monet Parham, a Sacramento, California, mother of two small children filed the lawsuit Wednesday in San Francisco along with health, nutrition and food safety advocates Center for Science in the Public Interest . CSPI is seeking court approval to proceed as a class action.

Parham, a 41-year old state employee, says her kids repeatedly ask for Happy Meals, mainly for the toys. "We have to say no to our kids so many times and McDonald's makes that so much harder to do. I object to the fact that McDonald's is getting into my kids' heads without my permission and actually changing what my kids want to eat."

This case is going before a court in the State of California. We all know how radical the judiciary can be there, and the odds of winning this case is very good. Hopefully, the judge sees through this nonsense and throws it out. It is garbage, and that mother ought to just say no to her kids. It is not McDonald's fault that her kids want "Happy Meals." It is this woman's fault for not saying no. Moreover, I think this lawsuit may have something to do with the ban on "Happy Meals," in San Francisco? It appears California is at war with McDonalds?

To cut a long story short, I feel our benevolent leaders are using the obesity epidemic as another move to legislate how we should live our lives in accordance to their world views. It is ridiculous! Obesity is a personal matter, and should be dealt with as such. Now will you all please excuse me, because I have an x-large pizza to devour and a case of carbonated sugar water with my name on it. Interesting thread, Slayer!

edit on 17-12-2010 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I am not overweight...
I am under tall

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:16 PM
Yeah.. I pretty much agree with this thread.

But don't worry, the rest of the Western/European world? They're catching up. Just give it some time.
edit on 17-12-2010 by Miraj because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:17 PM

To cut a long story short, I feel our benevolent leaders are using the obesity epidemic as another move to legislate how we should live our lives in accordance to their world views.

Exactly! Classic "problem, reaction, solution" -- and the shame of it is that obesity has already been cured (60+ years ago) as I pointed out on pg1.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:22 PM
Haha! Well done Slayer

When I was In Florida a few years back I was amazed by the amount of obese people and the size of the servings in restaurants and take aways there, its like double what we are presented in Australia I just could not finish the meals there and felt it was a waste but was blow away how u guys shovel it down.

Also a standard Coke back there is bloody huge! I mean its big enough for 3 people and some. Aussie is now following the same trend but its not the size of the meals just the crap they are made from.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:24 PM
I am sick of hearing the " don't be mean to fat people" PC line. Well being nice and supportive certainly doesn't help either.

Oprah has spent 20 years talking and being supportive of people and herself about being fat, and she still is.

Peer pressure is the only way to fix the problem. It has to become unacceptable to be obese on so many levels.

On a lighter note: I think forced nudism would fix the problem pretty quickly.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Nice thread, buddy! Although, I have to admit, being a little gravitationally challenged myself, there was a tinge of resentment. It only really hurts when it comes from a friend, though. Thanks for a wakeup call.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Oh bother I am on my third day of baking holiday FAT ! We, my family is not overweight and we are fortunate. We are proactive though. I think there are a lot of contributing factors alongside the food that makes and keeps many Americans fat. If you don't get any exercise at all chances are you will get plump.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

That is a very narrow viewpoint. The factors that determines a persons weight are too vast to be categorized in that manner. Diet? Sure, give you that one. People can decide what to eat. Exercise? Some don't have the time. Some have to work 7 days a week to survive and that work may not give them the exercise that they need. Genetics? Hell, I'm 25lbs over my prime weight but I'm 100lbs less than genetics says I should be. I could go on but I think you get the point.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I'm not saying and posting all of this just to have some fun. I have this past year lost 34lbs. I know what it's like to be thin and in shape and over weight and depressed. I have never been obese but I could have easily slipped down that path. I started going for walks after dinner, Cutting back on snack/JUNK food. Eating more lean meats and vegetables. Less greasy fast foods/carry out. After a few weeks I lost a few pounds and started with some basic push-ups and sit-ups etc.

I'm real proud of you. I felt the need to increase my overall mass to make up for the loss of gravitational pull that I began experiencing a few months back. Had I not taken the measures that I did I am quite certain that my frozen corpse would be orbiting our planet at the moment. Again, I'm real proud.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Stop-loss!
reply to post by SLAYER69

Epic thread Slayer. I hope some people can follow these examples and start losing weight today. When I got out of the army after being in Iraq for a year, I was a disgusting fat body, but now that im out and at home I have been losing weight and feel a lot healthier. I use to weight 225 now I weight 208 thanks to careful eating and exercise. $&F.
Ditto, mega thread slayer, i lost three stone years ago, i was 10 stone and 5 foot and spent 4 month determined to lost weight, eating fruit for breakfast etc, got down to 7 1/2 stone, felt absolutely brilliant, if you really want to you can do it, incidentally i have visited las vegas and new york, NY seemed to be full of slim beautiful people this must be the exeption to the rule, i assume. Mind you, us brits are getting bigger and bigger.

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
I am sick of hearing the " don't be mean to fat people" PC line. Well being nice and supportive certainly doesn't help either.

You're right it doesn't, but who's business is it other than the person in question and their family and GP?

Oprah has spent 20 years talking and being supportive of people and herself about being fat, and she still is.


Peer pressure is the only way to fix the problem. It has to become unacceptable to be obese on so many levels.

Why? Because you say so? Because the media says so? Because the roided up jock straps say so? Who are you to tell someone what is acceptable or not? I'm overweight, but am as strong and healthy as an ox, and am quite happy with myself, thank-you-very-much.

On a lighter note: I think forced nudism would fix the problem pretty quickly.

Meh. I don't care. I have nothing to hide. My body is my body, and I'm proud of it, even if you think a little extra is unacceptable.

Peace be with you, and Happy Holidays.


posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:35 PM
Not to worry, Obama's Queen has plans for the diet of all Americans. You will eat right, or else?

Maybe a huge penalty, say $1,000 for every 10 pounds over your maximum weight for your particulars?

Could they squeeze this one through before they lose their majority?

They could use the tax code to enforce the penalties! FAT fat American tax

Hey, this could be a good thing, lose weight and help reduce the national debt, and deficit.

edit on 17-12-2010 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by woogleuk
God i'm still crying // laughing, i'm gonna go watch full metal jacket!

"You disgusting fatbody!!" Great movie!!

That was funny, Slayer!

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Burgers anyone?

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Hey, Slay, thanks for the thread.

Sad to say I'm in your scope's sights, but it's getting better slowly.

Lots of depression involved, on many levels... and I'm sure diet is the cause of some of it. Pretty much have always been depressed though. Over four decades.

For a while I was doing really well, was walking a lot and eating as right as I could... lost like 80+ pounds... but then the depression returned and it's been downhill in all areas.

Turning it around bit by bit though now... down about 30 currently and counting. Quite a bit to go. I'm determined to get my ducks in a row, though.

There's much to be said for nailing down a mindset of self-esteem... [these states definitely oscillate wildly in me addled old synapses]... similar to the one that's required to conquer nicotine... but I did that once for a while so I know it can be so.

As my former friend Eggs Ackley used to bellow into the shop upon leaving... "Attitude is everything!"

He's right.

Peace, man, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Oh, yeah, about to Google GirlGenius' hCG and am wondering what the heck exactly that thing is that thedeadtruth is on about...

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