And some very fine thoughts they were DJ
I for one don't know HOW to reply because you mentioned everything
I completely agree.
This "hate" has now seemed to influence's always been here underlying but recently, it's dominated a large amount of threads. Hate clouds
member's minds, their thoughts. People hate what they don't understand...their cultures...their ideas...anything.
And what they don't understand leads to fear...which spreads around like a disease.
What's seems as people want to implement fear and we just gush it up....not understanding it, fighting against it.
ATS is meant to be
Why were we drawn to ATS?
To deny ignorance.
By being influenced by the very points that DJ mentioned, we are not doing exactly that.
I hate how many people make 'assumptions,' in the wrong way.
If you don't understand something, go and TRY to learn about it...and then you are entirely valid with whatever opinion you end up with.
Don't make assumptions without knowing about the subject matter.
But don't be racist. You have no right whatsoever.
For example, after 9/11, people see Muslims in a different light. Hell, they see brown coloured people in a different light. They look at us as if
we're going to "blow up" anything we touch...and stay well away..that fear, although may not be said, it's clearly there from some of the experiences
I've been though. One can't take the actions of a single person and blame it onto a whole faith, a whole population.
That's just stupidity (as DJ mentioned).
Let's see it like this. If an American, a British, or whatever ethnic origin you may be from was an extremist terrorist...would you blame/hate all
from that same culture?
No you wouldn't...because you know it's true since you're a direct contradiction to it.
So why do the same?
Positive thoughts will always lead people onto the better path.
Learn about the things we don't know, don't be ignorant.
Overcome your fears.
Try to understand.
People may differ by religion, culture, countries...but strip those thoughts...we are just
b] humans sharing a rock.
We need to reduce the negative approaches found on this board...and we can all help in a small way
Do not hate, instead live,
We are all here to learn together...not to fight...
Gawd...I feel like a hippie now
Once again DJ, amazing, amazing, amazing thoughts
edit on 17-12-2010 by BlackPoison94 because: for doing a very rushed post!