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The High Mayan Council Has Spoken for the First Time in 500 Years.

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posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:12 PM
Hello, I've been looking on this website for month's now and I just had to sign up after I saw this post, I'm not sure If anyone has mentioned this before, but I think someone asked if there was any evidence for a major change in the earth's climate roughly 5200 years ago. Well apparently there was, I can't confirm the legitamicy of this website but I will post the link.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:15 PM
G’day All,

(Drunvalo has confirmed this fact) Well poor old Drunvalo has not had any luck with his prodictions as yet after all these years, maybe this time

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

So lets examine this....

During a pole shift, we loose the magnetic fields that protect us from the Suns solar radiation. This is because the Earth stops spinning because it no longer has it's magnetic poles. During this time, the entire Earth's surface is scorched by the Sun's rays.

This apparentely happens every 5,000 or so years.

If this were true, how could humans have survived this long? We have very good documentation on life 5,000 years ago.

I wonder if this is where the pyramids come into play? To protect them against the solar radiation and provide ample time to survive while the earth is scorched?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:29 PM
my shaman friend told me about this in 97, i asked what to do, he said "HOLD ON" ...

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Josonic The sun IS NOT the CENTER of the universe

Thanks for pointing that out.
I meant to say ancient civilization knew the Sun was the center of the "Solar system".
The Mayans knew that a black hole(Dark Rift) was in the center of the Galaxy.
Pretty cool huh!

edit on 16-12-2010 by magestyk7 because: (Where it says Galaxy I wrote Universe, which was wrong)

edit on 16-12-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:24 PM
The High Mayan Council?? What are they getting high off? sounds like good stuff.

I think you mean the Mayan High Council.

So, as individual members they must be well over 550 years old if none of them has spoken for the last 500.. or have I missed something..

I love conspiracy theories hosted on geocities and wordpress, makes for some really intelligible and honest reading. *cough* *cough*

I'll beef up this reply later when I have time to sit and formulate an educated and less sarcastic opinion.

Thanks for the laugh though


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:35 PM
This is what the Leader of the High Council has to say about 2012.

Now I'm gonna make this even more exciting.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by magestyk7

Yes the Galaxy is going to be aligned with the Solar System. It's a FACT not theory, myth or hype.
The Mayan, Greeks and Incas have predicted ALL the Eclipses and Solar/Earth rotations PRECISE.
The ONLY ONE we havent been part of yet is the Galactic Alignment. They predicted this big one on 21 Dec 2012.

It is absolutely NOT fact at all in any sense of the word.

May be you are confused between a galactic alignment and where the sun will rise on 21 Dec 2012?

This phenomena will happen, sure, but it is only from the perspective of the Earth, it is not unique to 2012 and it will have no effect on our poles or magnetosphere.

For your own interest, check the position of the Sun on Dec 21st, 2004, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

The Sun rises in almost exactly the same position every year. So nothing is special about Dec 21st 2012.

If you are suggesting that there will be a physical alignment between our Solar System and the Galactic Plane, then I have to say that that suggestion is completely wrong.

For starters

More precisely, crossing the Galactic ecliptic will take the Sun, measuring half a degree, about 18 years.


Claiming something will happen on one day for an event that takes approx 18 years to happen, let alone the millions of years the whole cycle takes, is puzzling arbitrary at best and ignorantly arrogant at worst.

Here we have calculated the range of periods and vertical excursions that are consistent with the distributions of tracer stars in the Galaxy and have also evaluated the probable phase jitter in the solar period. We find acceptable half-periods for the vertical oscillation that range from 26 to 37 Myr


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by TrailGator
thank you Zepto for the voice of sanity here. This is a mix of - as you say - hippie heresay, mixed with a little Indiana Jones, and some Tom Clancy, and most with a bunch of very gullible people, and VIOLA! you have this topic!

Naa, you, Zepto, and several others are just a bunch of very ignorant young people, who will claim anything you don't know about doesn't exist...and then you people have the galls to claim you are the voice of reason...

There is a big problem with the Hopi/Maya prophecies, most people have only heard the New Age version of these prophecies, but the claims that "the world will end on December 21st 2012" is nothing more than the false claim from New Agers.

Some other members and myself have tried to inform members of the real prophecies, but the evidence we have provided always gets drowned by the exagerations from the New Agers that "the world will end precisely on Dec 21st 2012..." or the equally false claims of the naysayers.

The claim from the member who says "The Maya never existed" not only shows the ignorance from the naysayers, but their unwillingness to learn for themselves or at least ask... The Hopi people ARE MAYAN, and the Hopi people are living well to this day...

The Maya/Hopi prophecies are about the time of tribullation and purification, which will take years, and these periods are marked by the appearance of the Katsinas. The first one is the green/blue katsina, which has been translated as the Blue Katsina. This will mark a period of about 7 years of tribulations, then the red Katsina will appear in the sky, and this will mark the worse periods of purification. The prophecies do say there will be suffering like never before, but the Earth will not be destroyed.

Many people have claimed that "only doomers talk about these prophecies", but again they speak out of ignorance. Several scientists have come forward to show that prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. From Michio Kaku explaining that around 2012 the Sun could unleash massive storms that could very well bring down our electric and electronic infraestructure.

To scientists saying things like. .

SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H & E.
Vol.3. 2007/2008, SWB, Innsbruck, 2008 ISBN 978-9952-451-01-6 ISSN 2070-0334

*Khain V.E., **Khalilov E.N.
*Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov,
**International Academy of Science H&E (Austria, Innsbruck)

It has been determined that in the period of solar activity increase (11-year
cycles) there increase seismic and volcanic activities in the compression zone of
Earth and at the same time there decreases the activity in the tension zones of Earth.
On the basis of the discovered stable 11-year and 22-year cyclicalities in the seismic and volcanic activities and their high correlation with solar activity there has been made the long-term forecast until 2018. The next maximum of seismic and volcanic activity with very high amplitude for the compression zones of Earth is forecasted for the period 2012-2015.

BTW, if you want to know who Elchin Khalilov (Khalilov E.N.) is here are a few facts that anyone can corroborate...

Dr.Prof. Elchin Khalilov (Azerbaijani: Elçin Xəlilov (born On April, 26th 1959, Baku, Azerbaijan) is a famous scientist in the sphere of geodynamics, seismology and tectonics.

edit on 16-12-2010 by ElectricUniverse because: errors and to add comments

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by magestyk7

Thanks for pointing that out.
I meant to say ancient civilization knew the Sun was the center of the "Solar system".
The Mayans knew that a black hole(Dark Rift) was in the center of the Universe.
Pretty cool huh!

Well now I just feel like a douche but there is no black hole in the center of the universe...well there might be, but there is no way of knowing where or what the center of the universe is, in fact the universe may be infinite in which a center wouldn't exist.

Also, to add just a touch more of douche-ness, the Dark Rift has nothing or little to do with black holes

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:45 PM
False. I doubt it.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Horza

Originally posted by magestyk7

Yes the Galaxy is going to be aligned with the Solar System. It's a FACT not theory, myth or hype.
The Mayan, Greeks and Incas have predicted ALL the Eclipses and Solar/Earth rotations PRECISE.
The ONLY ONE we havent been part of yet is the Galactic Alignment. They predicted this big one on 21 Dec 2012.

It is absolutely NOT fact at all in any sense of the word.

May be you are confused between a galactic alignment and where the sun will rise on 21 Dec 2012?

This phenomena will happen, sure, but it is only from the perspective of the Earth, it is not unique to 2012 and it will have no effect on our poles or magnetosphere.

For your own interest, check the position of the Sun on Dec 21st, 2004, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

The Sun rises in almost exactly the same position every year. So nothing is special about Dec 21st 2012.

If you are suggesting that there will be a physical alignment between our Solar System and the Galactic Plane, then I have to say that that suggestion is completely wrong.

For starters

More precisely, crossing the Galactic ecliptic will take the Sun, measuring half a degree, about 18 years.


Claiming something will happen on one day for an event that takes approx 18 years to happen, let alone the millions of years the whole cycle takes, is puzzling arbitrary at best and ignorantly arrogant at worst.

Here we have calculated the range of periods and vertical excursions that are consistent with the distributions of tracer stars in the Galaxy and have also evaluated the probable phase jitter in the solar period. We find acceptable half-periods for the vertical oscillation that range from 26 to 37 Myr


The Sun rises in almost exactly the same position every year. So nothing is special about Dec 21st 2012.

The Sun rises different where i am, the moon also have been changing potions.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

If you use an astronomy program, like Stellarium which is available free online, you will see that what I say:

That the Sun will rise in almost exactly the same position on Dec 21 2004 through to 2016 ... an probably before that and after that ...

Is 100% true.

Also ... astronomy programs are great fun ... and give you lots of information

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by magestyk7

The "Dark Rift" is not a black hole.

It is gas and dust clouds that block the our view of the central bulge

You may notice that the Milky Way looks splotchy — darker regions interspersed with lighter regions. The dark patches in front of the brighter background are opaque clouds of clumped dust grains known as dark nebulae.


These clouds block the light from that portion of the milky way, and cause it to appear as if the Milky Way is divided into two roughly equal sections above and below them


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by magestyk7

This is what tribes Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Ambassador of the Indigenous Pueblos Mayas has to say on 2012:

What I hear, over and over from everywhere, is about the year 2012. There are messengers that come and speak from their heart, like me, and we don't intimidate people. There are other messengers that speak, but there is the money issue behind (them). It is like many people that used to read and read, so then they write lots of books about this because they know it is a big business. And then they are all are talking from the point of view of what the books say and many times they are putting fear into people. But for us, the Mayans, it is only a change of the Sun . . . a change of a cycle of the Sun. it is not the first time this is going to happen nor will it be the last.

There are 13 Katuns and we are living at the end of the last one. So this is the time when we don't know exactly if it is going to be 2012 or if it is going to be later on. Because 2012 is a Gregorian date, sometimes it does not coincide with the Mayan calendar.


Oh by the way ... your video with the Mayan Elder ... who may be Don Alejandro possibly ... it doesn't mention any dates ... interestingly ...

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:02 PM
PLEASE. Kiesha Crowther is a fraud. She also is into trouble for photographing herself with the sacred chanupa. She is insulting my tribe and others as well.!/pages/Kiesha-Crowther-Plastic-Shaman/181233948569842?v= wall

She is charging people for her "indian" ceremonies, and her next one will be charging to find your totem animal. I'm here to deny ignorance and this woman is profiting off of this. Her web site states she charges $195 for her next workshop. This is sacrilege.
edit on 16-12-2010 by Thunder heart woman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Horza
It is absolutely NOT fact at all in any sense of the word. May be you are confused between a galactic alignment and where the sun will rise on 21 Dec 2012?

No I think you the one confused. Let me explain.
The Sun and all the Planets are one, This so call one i'm referring to.....we call it the Solar System.

The Sun is the center of our solar system......You following me on this?
Ok.... Well our Sun(Solar System) is rotating around the galaxy. As it rotates it also does a sign wave.
Therefore our Sun(Solar System) is going to be Aligning with the center of the Galaxy.
The view of the Sun is not going to change from Earth, but make no mistake our System is going to be aligning.

Anyway, here is a video explaining all this. I posted it earlier but it's obvious you didn't even bother seeing it.
Just watch it up to the 6:30 mark. After that it's all religion stuff, it should have been kept out.

You confusing this alignment and you think that the view on Earth is going to be different. That's not the case.
It will look like any normal year, Except when we hit the exact center who know what's going to be.

Last I would like to point out that the Dark Rift to the Mayans were different from today(Your) meaning.
To them is the the black hole in the center of the galaxy. Thanks for pointing that out, now people know the difference between the two.

reply to post by Thunder heart woman

I never heard or came across this woman during my research. What is she saying? Why pay money when information is free on the internet All it takes is setting aside some time and do research.
I guess those who pay want people telling them what to think.
edit on 16-12-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:28 PM
So....It is official then?The Comet Holmes really was the Blue Star Kachina???
Does it really say that somewhere official?Like the real Hopi website or whatever?
Anybody got a viable link to this?
This is the next vital sign, so if it was Holmes...the we are very close now......
We will maybe live to see the great white brother....

posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by magestyk7

No I think you the one confused.

The Sun is the center of our solar system......You following me on this?
Ok.... Well our Sun(Solar System) is rotating around the galaxy. As it rotates it also does a sign wave

If you read my post you will see that, from my sources, I know the principles behind the Solar System rotation around the Galactic centre and the Galactic equator.

Here it is again:


Therefore our Sun(Solar System) is going to be Aligning with the center of the Galaxy.
The view of the Sun is not going to change from Earth, but make no mistake our System is going to be aligning.

I don't see how you can make such a gigantic, irrational assumption that there will be alignment on Dec 21st 2012 from the understanding that the Solar System has perpendicular movement in it's orbit around Galactic centre.

What info do you have to support this??

I offer this in disagreement:

It takes 64 million years to complete a full cycle going above and below the galactic equator. If you’re heard that the Solar System is supposed to cross the galactic equator in 2012, don’t worry, that’s a myth. It takes 64 million years to complete that cycle, so there’s no way to know exactly when it will actually cross the galactic equator.


Last I would like to point out that the Dark Rift to the Mayans were different from today(Your) meaning.
To them is the the black hole in the center of the galaxy. Thanks for pointing that out, now people know the difference between the two.

That is incorrect.

The Dark Rift the Mayans are referring to is the dark patches you can see when you look at The Milky Way on a dark, clear night.

The Mayans thought that this was the road the hell ... black holes have never been mentioned ... unless of course you have a source?

This crossing point is where the "dark rift" in the Milky Way is, which was known to the ancient Maya as xibalba be (the Road to the Underworld) or simply "the Black Road."


posted on Dec, 17 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
PLEASE. Kiesha Crowther is a fraud. She also is into trouble for photographing herself with the sacred chanupa. She is insulting my tribe and others as well.!/pages/Kiesha-Crowther-Plastic-Shaman/181233948569842?v= wall

She is charging people for her "indian" ceremonies, and her next one will be charging to find your totem animal. I'm here to deny ignorance and this woman is profiting off of this. Her web site states she charges $195 for her next workshop. This is sacrilege.
edit on 16-12-2010 by Thunder heart woman because: (no reason given)

Thank you for that, it answered all my questions about this fraud. She IS promoting the pan-ndn voodoo that white folks so enjoy when they get snagged by the new age BS. I guess there really IS no end to the parade of charlatans willing to steal the cultures of others to make a quick buck for themselves.

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