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The High Mayan Council Has Spoken for the First Time in 500 Years.

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posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by blangger
reply to post by wcitizen

This article contradicts itself by saying a pole shift happens every 5200 years and in the next sentence it says there are 13 skulls for every thousand years. I think I am reading it right and if I am it looks like someone slopped it together.

Not sure if it was OP mistake or the source where the info came from, but here is what it actually is.

The Mayan long count calendar contains 13 baktuns. 1 baktuns equals about to 144,000 days, equivalent to about 400 years.
13 baktuns (a baktun is 400 years) eaquals to 5200 years. 1 Skull for every 400 years.
The Mayan Long Count ends and restart on 21 Dec 2012. The Mayan calendar would be the date of

However, from all the sources I read. It tells that ALL the crystal skulls were made Long time ago at the same time. On Atlantis and they got separated. When ALL are brought together and the ceremony is performed it's supposed to do something. I guess you can say the crystal skulls are like an Advance USB Drive with information/lost knowledge.

reply to post by minortimes

You also noticed this? Interesting, I too noticed it.
From all my reading I'm beginning to think the Galactic Federation of Light(Pleiadians) were involved with humans long time ago. They probably helped us achieve very high spirituality. Then after the last Polar Shift(5200yrs ago) I'm guessing we took a wrong turn somehow and we became negative on this world. That's where the Reptilians come in(All this is my theory). From all the chaos the Reptilians saw the perfect time when humans were weak and got involved. They manupultated our DNA and made it more negative for their purpose. Although the Pleiadians, tried all this time to teach humans to remember and help us get back to our true loving ways. Alot of readings I've done let me to believe that Buddha was influenced by the Pleiadians. Jesus could have probably been a Plaedian as well.

Anyway, all this Pleiadians stuff is some of my theories.
BUT Love and Harmony is what we must achieve no matter what. That's for sure.
Most of the Piramids on China talks about Blond Hair blue eyes people. That's why China closed all of them from further reaserch.
edit on 16-12-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:24 PM
I can't trust any source that thinks caps-lock is cruise control for journalism. Not to mention it's not the "end times".

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:27 PM
So what is the compelling evidence here that the Mayan Council is presenting? Who is this Council anyway? Remember the Mayan disappeared long ago, so anyone could at this point identify themselves as a "high council" if they wanted and probably have little resistance to their claim.

This whole 2012 thing I suspect, and again this is just a suspicion, is a clever distraction by those unseen powers that run this planet both economically and politically. They use Hollywood in movies like "2012" to get everyone all riled up and just to make our fears even more valid, they orchestrate worldwide disasters in the political arena and in the banking systems.

This feeds our nightmares and creates panic, all the while the real damage is being done beyond our ability to perceive and we become the puppets they want us to be.

Again this is just my opinion, but every 2012 prophesy ever uttered has come up false, every doomsday scenario has come up false, and each time we panic as a people....they take a little more of our freedoms away from us....legislatively....legally.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

I´m surprised by what you have said, you see there are some indigenous people in Mexico that have begun to speak about things they have known for generations, I´m sure something will happen soon, I dont know if it will be in 2012, or later, but this machinery is broken, and its time for the tune up!

Lets keep our minds open, and our eyes even more so! things are changing and will change regardless of our wishes!

We can only hope to be as prepared as can be, we dismiss the ancients as glorified cavemen because we know so little about them in our reality bubbles, but we will appreciate them more as this drama unfolds, and recognize in their ways, a simpler wisdom that is also efficient, without so many emotional fillers as we have today!

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by havok

you know i dont beleive 2012 to be the end of the world i beleive it to be the start of something new but indeed there will be something to watch for in the year for the sceptics of such things to come this has been repoted for a change in 2012 from such thing as web bot,i ching,mayans umm there are a few more i cant think of but these are different cultures at different times all predicting something to occur in 2012 these culturs had no idea the others existed but came to the same revalation so you have to beleive that there is something coming from aliens to new revolution or even the planets lining up and magnetisim and gravity being thrown out of wack just something to think about

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by blangger
reply to post by wcitizen

This article contradicts itself by saying a pole shift happens every 5200 years and in the next sentence it says there are 13 skulls for every thousand years. I think I am reading it right and if I am it looks like someone slopped it together.

The article actually says approximately every 5200 years. I did some searching on when the last shift is supposed to have occurred, and found opinions varying from 10'500 to 13'000.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Originally posted by TheOneEyedProphet

That's fascinating to hear - so it looks as though many indigenous people are actually now starting to share their wisdom with the world. Thanks for posting that. The Waitaha of New Zealand have started sharing their knowledge this year also. Out of curiosity, do you happen to have a name for the Mexican indigenous people you're referring to? Thanks.
edit on 16-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:45 PM
I believe that 2012 is not going to be the end of the world, but it will be the catalyst to change. The way things are at the moment is spiralling out of control.
I respect what the elders of various tribes have to share with regards to the coming changes. I also believe that if your heart is open and your mind is open to what is about to come you will come through those changes a better person and a stronger spirit.
We have in our western society forgotten our connection with the earth and everything on it. We abuse the environment, have no respect for all lifeforms, and we believe we are at the centre of the world. We have been taught how be part of a throw-away society where everything is just a quick fix. We must relearn how to be in harmony with our planet. That is, to me anyway, the message of 2012. I am not scared, I am actually looking forward to a time where we can acknowledge our inter connectedness.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by tonypazzohome
the world already ended in 2000.. .we're all experiencing our afterlife together.

Oh no, so we didn't make it through the pearly gates! Are we stuck with the Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Obama/Queen Liz/MI6 mafia gang for eternity!

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:52 PM
I´ve worked with some communities and have gotten more than what I´v bargained for, unfortunately, although some are willing to talk, the majority of people interested are as is in my case hard core social scientists and anthropologists that are too stuck up on their personal views to actually publish anything outside their worldview, and from what I´v heard from peers worldwide, that phenomena happens regularly, some scientists are even more stubborn to change than "regular" folk.
I will publish some things in the near future, as soon as I have enough resources to do so.

Mostly some of the things that they have said, and I´m referring to the huichol, is that we have not only been visited by "outsiders" before, but also some techniques for the development of "hidden human possibilities".

the time will come...

edit on 16-12-2010 by TheOneEyedProphet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by magestyk7

Originally posted by blangger

Not sure if it was OP mistake or the source where the info came from, but here is what it actually is.

The Mayan long count calendar contains 13 baktuns. 1 baktuns equals about to 144,000 days, equivalent to about 400 years.
13 baktuns (a baktun is 400 years) eaquals to 5200 years. 1 Skull for every 400 years.
The Mayan Long Count ends and restart on 21 Dec 2012. The Mayan calendar would be the date of

However, from all the sources I read. It tells that ALL the crystal skulls were made Long time ago at the same time. On Atlantis and they got separated. When ALL are brought together and the ceremony is performed it's supposed to do something. I guess you can say the crystal skulls are like an Advance USB Drive with information/lost knowledge.

Thanks for clarifying that.

edit on 16-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Does anyone know of a site where they are monitoring the earth's magnetic field and presenting the information in a fairly straightforward way ? I'd be really interested to see what's going on there.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by trailertrash

Just wanted to say i like what you had to say and will be reading more of your thoughts in th future.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

This is currently the Leader of the Mayan High council.

reply to post by wcitizen

You just answered your question without realizing it.

All they say and report is that there have been many pole shift/ice age and they were recent. They also say it took place around the year you stated.
Here is the kicker, If you divide that year/number you posted then the last one took place about 5200.
Governments, media, leaders, secret groups, The Man or whoever are not going to come and flat out admit that a pole shift took place 5200 yeas ago. It would completely validate everything all these ancient civilizations hype have been saying all along. I guess the bible and the Noah's Ark story is not that far fetched.

Anyway, If you think all this 2012 thing is hype and it's big, Imagine what it would be like if tomorrow evidence came out that said 'Yes, there was a pole shift/ice age 5200 years ago'.

The truth is, it has happen before and it will happen again.
The beauty of all this is....It's a RESET button for mother Earth sort off,....a billions of people will past away but we get to Evolve at the same time.

reply to post by wcitizen

I had links with the information you requesting. I will try to look for them and forward them to you.
The current situation is,
YES the magnetic field is wakening...FAST!
YES, the magnetic north pole is Shifting tour Russia.
YES, The North Atlantic Current essentially shuts down(Gulf Stream) as a consequence of the wakening magnetic field. Some else will tell you the BP oil spill did it. Nevertheless it just happened.
edit on 16-12-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by TheOneEyedProphet

This was one of the most heartwarming and terrifying links I have seen in many years. I am totally moved and touched by what I have just learned.

Currently one of the Huicholes sacred mountains,Wirikuta, important in their ceremonial migration, Peyote hunt, and deer dance is being purchased for silver mining by a Canadian mining company, “First Majestic Silver Corp”. [30] In October 27th, 2000 United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) claimed this site as a protected area for its importance as a cultural route and endemic flora and fauna species. Later on June 9th, 2001 it was declared as a National Sacred Site under the State of San Luis Potosi´s Natural Protection act. Canada's First Majestic Silver Corp still decided to purchase mineral rites on November 13th, 2009 with 80% of their interest within the protected land. The companies current methods includes open pit mining and lixivation through cyanide, using two kilograms of NaCN per tonne of ore. While open pit mining itself removes entire habitats and landscapes, the addition of sodium cyanide, NaCN, is a lethal method requiring only 0.2 grams to kill a person. [31] In April, 2010 the company also opened a new cyanidation plant in Coahila, Mexico where it has started producing 3500 tons of cyanide a day to help them expand their mining efforts. [32] Currently the Huicholes are trying to find outside groups to help them in the conservation of their land and culture by protecting this mountain.

*From your link*
edit on 16-12-2010 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by CRASHMAGEDON

I agree. I believe IF 2012 is anything, it's not the end of the world. Most people just hear 2012 and then say "yep, we're all going to die", which I believe is false. Sure, many things could happen that could change our planet, but I believe if it's anything its going to be something to better our world. I believe the more that think like this could make it happen. Personally im tired of how the world is right now, when you look at it all from a distance it's just a big mess. The way the media controls everything and everyone and makes sure their closed in a little box, and never expand their mind to things that are important. Im not going out here and saying some type of "extraterrestrial/spiritual" beings will intervene, but I believe it could be possible. Within this Universe their is life everywhere, that's a fact whether we've found it yet or not. Their are planets that have evolved, such as our's, over a longer period of time. Imagine the jump in technology we've had in the last 150 years and then think of a 1000-10,000 years from this point right now. Your bound to become more advanced and developed some way somehow. So I like how it says that technology means getting ready to "advance", it'd be nice.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 02:37 PM
I agree with most the posters that think this will probably end up being nothing. I mean I'm only 25 years old and I've heard prophecy after prophecy about the world ending or extreme chaos. I mean come on people... really? In my short span of life there have already been countless end game prophecies, and guess what? None have come true. I await the 21st of December, I'll have a cold one in my hand and I won't bat an eye as the clock strikes midnight an I am still sitting contently at home. I suppose we'll know who's right eventually and I don't know whats the purpose of the people in favor of this end game philosophy I mean clearly your wasting your time since if this is true your dead anyway... Don't really see the point of hoping for death... not at all.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Oh come on guys. You get one or two blog posts from some crazy hippy websites, and you believe they're REAL? There is no Elder Mayan Council, because the Mayans don't really even exist. This is the same old "Hey maaaaan we're gonna transform and ascend duuuuuuuude, we'll be as one in peace and love and we'll know the truth so we have to awaken people".

This is more bull# speculation. In fact, no one should speculate on 2012 until 2012 is over. Then we'll see who was right.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by SuperZepto
Oh come on guys. You get one or two blog posts from some crazy hippy websites, and you believe they're REAL? There is no Elder Mayan Council, because the Mayans don't really even exist. This is the same old "Hey maaaaan we're gonna transform and ascend duuuuuuuude, we'll be as one in peace and love and we'll know the truth so we have to awaken people".

This is more bull# speculation. In fact, no one should speculate on 2012 until 2012 is over. Then we'll see who was right.

thank you Zepto for the voice of sanity here. This is a mix of - as you say - hippie heresay, mixed with a little Indiana Jones, and some Tom Clancy, and most with a bunch of very gullible people, and VIOLA! you have this topic!

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 03:23 PM
If nothing happens I get to embark on my troll crusade that will last another ten years. If I'm wrong I won't really care since I'm just along for the ride and were screwed regardless of what happens..

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