posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 02:09 AM
This is ridiculous... If you people are going to search for unidentified flying objects, at least learn how to identify identifiable flying objects
Aircraft Lights and Beacons
You can't hear the jet because some jets are really quiet, and you don't hear them until they are slightly past you. Sometimes on windy days the sound
is distorted because of destructive interference of the sound waves by turbulences in the air. Also, I think the camera guy played with the sound, and
his camera didn't have the best microphone to record the lower frequencies.
I live under a flight path, and sometimes you can see jets before you even hear them. I am not talking about the delay of sound waves either...
Recently I believe they have been enforcing certain engine noise rules to reduce noise pollution from jets. So they reduce engine speeds at certain
times and even fly at certain heights to reduce noise.
That rear tail light (sometimes called a logo light) on the left didn't turn off. Something on the jet blocked it from the cameras view temporarily.
Even the video uploader calls it a "fake plane".
What a bunch of rubbish!
This looks like one of the following:
a: A sorry attempt to gain website hits (advertisment) by luring the dumb and gullible.
b: A nut job seriously mistaking a jet for a UFO.
c: A drug addict out of his mind.
d: A extremist conspiracy theorist seriously thinking UFOs are mimicking FAA / maritime standard lights (crazy).
e: All of the above.
I'll go with E.
edit on 15-12-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)