posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 11:58 AM
I know a lot of my friends (like some of you) over the pond keep guns, and I respect the reasons why, there are a lot of guns in your country.
It got me thinking however, is it the right thing?
We had had 1 maybe 2 shootings in my City (Edinburgh, Scotland) since I can remember, and both were drivebye's.
Never heard of someone (here in the uk) getting thier house broken into and using a gun.
I think having guns is wrong.
Its like nuclear weapons, Country A has them because Country B has them.
There never has been a mass call to allow people to bare arms, or allow guns, and I would opposed BIG TIME.
The more guns you allow, the will, like everything end up in the wrong hands.
In England there are a few more gun stories, few more killings, dont know why that is.
But in the main, we are kind of gun free in a way. I dont think I could go out and get a gun tonight, put it that way (not that I would need one, why?
because nobdu else has them)
I would be terrified to live in a country where I knew guns were all over.
Question to my friends over in the USA.
Does having a gun, and knowing others have guns, make you feel safer?
If everyone was to told to get rid of thier guns and was like here, how would you feel?
I know I might get a but of slack here, but I genuinly am just interested.