Hi Ms. Bhavn,
Yes, send them my way.
After I made that offer to you, I was told that that particular influence had already dissipated. This you probably already know.
I don't think you have a sleep disorder either. *L*
You stated:
First let me say that what EEG and MRI scans show, is that NO part of the brain shuts down in sleep or REM sleep. I know this because I HAVE
You misquoted or perhaps just didn't understand me. What I stated was that when one sleeps, one part of the brain (what many like to call the
subconscious) does not "turn on" to create dreams.
See the difference?
I inquired:
�Tell me where they teach that in your medical curriculum?�
And you replied:
To this I say that they do not need to, its nonsense. They do not teach it because it is not true. I have given sound information that may be
tracked or cross checked logically and scientifically, you are throwing out nonsense to try and win an argument.
Ah, there we have that dialectical materialistic mindset peeking through again. The conclusions are slanted in accordance to the prejudice of the
I said:
�Try asking most doctors what vitamins to take to prevent illness and in what dosages.�
And you replied:
Most doctors I know, in this country, say that it is good to take a multi-vitamin once a day. You should not over-do the Iron; it is not too good
for you.
One multi-vitamin a day, especially the worthless synthetic versions, is not enough. (I have also found that when you take vitamins individually they
are more potent than when in a multi-vitamin � something that one learns simply through experience.) The tip about iron is true especially for men,
not so much for women as they generally lose iron in their system comparatively faster. If you want to know about preventative nutrition, it is always
a good idea to go to an expert in the field; in this case, we are not talking about a medical practitioner but a doctor of nutrition. This I have
done in addition to using and researching vitamin supplementation for many years.
There is also a political and economic facet to all this. The American Medical Association (AMA) and the pharmaceutical companies know that vitamin
supplements represent a multibillion dollar industry. They can't get their greedy little hands on that money anymore but they sure are lobbying
intensely to take away the consumer power to purchase vitamins without a doctor's authorization.
I remember a classic court case whereby the AMA tried to stop the manufacture of vitamin pills that contained a certain degree of beta-carotene,
stating that it was damaging to the body. A nutritionist countered their argument by holding up a carrot and stated that it contained the same amount
of beta-carotene.
The lawsuit was thrown out of court. *L*
I stated:
�Tell us how your elimination of scientific factors allows you to even consider that all nightmares come from spirits? Cite ONE study in the medical
community that points to this.�
I don�t have to...
You don't have to? *L*
I can site many medical documents that show that nightmares are a common and frequent thing, that often have a mundane trigger mechanism.
That is neither here nor there, as I am dubious of the accuracy of what you define as a "mundane trigger mechanism."
Most dreams in general (not, all but most) are a transferring of short to long term memory and occur in REM sleep (hence the memory problems with
long term sleep apnea patients).
And how was that conclusion derived? How come it happens to some and not to others?
The truly significant Nightmares (what those of us, with some education refer to as night-terrors) are often related to seizure activity in the
True, but that doesn't explain WHY nightmares occur.
I guess that this is a loosing argument, I can now see how people with any common sense are labeled as disinformation agents, with you guys, there
is no wining. With those that still believe that the world is flat, or any other who-do nonsense out there��
Aw, come on, it was just starting to get fun!
We didn't get a chance to discuss near death experiences! *L*
Your right it was a ghost, alien, or maybe just peter pan looking for his shadow�..
There are conditions that can help bring on a nightmare, but the true cause of them are usually not one, but a group of spiritually indifferent
I have personally experienced many incidents whereby I would have a dream, wake up from it, and continue on with the thread or conversation in the
dream with those who orchestrated it.
I challenge you to come spend a few nights where I work and see for yourself, first hand, but you will not, DENIAL is what you believe; it is what
you want to hear. You will not learn fact, you only want to hear fiction, and if you cannot find it, you make it up.
I have counseled many people about their dreams, about discarnate demonic attack which they have experienced, and also a number of people that have
suffered from one or more alien abductions. If I happen to come across one of the poorly misguided patients in your facility, I would be happy to give
them a few pointers; the first of which is to get them off of the debilitating drugs and boost their nutritional supplementation, as well as change
their diet to eating more raw vegetables.
OR better yet, take up the thrown down gauntlet and have a sleep study done, post the results, I can tell by the info posted if you did or not, if
your study is negative I will eat crow�� The worst that could happen is that your problem will be fixed.
Better yet, just telling people the true nature of dreams, as I am now, can greatly help them cope and understand them. It is also important to know
that all dream symbolism is of a highly personal nature. One cannot purchase a book on dreams and expect those symbols to be the ones you receive or
to be interpreted as they are on the printed page; it doesn't work that way.
Oftentimes, a dream that superficially appears to be erratic and not making sense, contains within it a profound insight that can only be uncovered if
the dream symbolism is interpreted correctly.
One really good approach to this is to sincerely pray for an answer to a question before retiring. Do it every day until you receive an answer in the
dream state. Write down in detail every single dream you have and then carefully go through each one.
The answers can often be quite surprising.