posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 11:43 PM
Demons are treasure seakers. What bounty they find in people that haven't already submitted to evil. The notion that your faith is enough to keep
demons away is contrary to the logic of what a demon wants. For a demon to bring back the soul of an evil person takes little work, and no credit
will be given, but to win the soul of a believer or even one that sits on the fence is a much better prize. Any way you want to look at it, these
things are with you everyday, seeking an oppurtunity to make a difference. We invite them with even some of the simpliest things like being angry or
corrupt thought. The invitation isn't ment to be an invitation, but it is seen as an oppurtunity. The better a prize you are the harder you will be
tried. Jesus himself was tried by Satan, and Job was tried to a degree that is unthinkable to most living today. As a matter of opinion to keep the
arguements at bay, there is only two sides. That of God , and that of Lucifer. Call them what you will; aliens, shadow people, lost spirits etc....
They are what they are, and the fact that you have felt thier presence means that you are a prize they desire to have. They wouldn't be interested
in you if you didn't already have beliefs about God, and thats the positive side. The negetive side is that they will continue to take advantage of
every oppurtunity you give them, and will never truely go away. Fight fear, and rid yourself of anger, hatred or anything else you deem to be a
weakness. Fear is replaced by strength, and strength leads to your victory. I pray with Dlbrandt in Jesus name that he guide you and help you in his
way. Amen.