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Stange Phenomenon of normal Converstaions

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 06:43 PM
That is cool... this used to happen to me back in college all the time. It got so bad that people would hope i would talk about a movie they had not seen in a long time just so they could watch it again. Interesting, thought i was the only one.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:29 PM
My theory on this phenomenon is that there is someone listening in on your conversations. But not through your cell phone or any other electronic device. Have you ever seen the movie "It's a wonderful life" ?
In the movie the young daughter of the lead character played by Jimmy Stewart says " every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings"

Well I believe that your positive praise of these movies was like ringing a bell. Angels are messengers for God. They protect you from harm and also shower you with gifts.

Try this out again but with your thoughts and see if you notice the same phenomenon still happening Which should rule out anyone from Comcast liking you movie picks and changing the regularly scheduled shows for the week.

"Yes my friends there is a Santa Claus"

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by Xatnys

I just wanted to post a few thoughts that are my opinion. Please take from the following what you feel is of value and certainly take no offense...

It seems you are noticing sychronicities and also experiencing coincidence, both of which when combined are perplexing your mind.

It is amazing, to observe sychronicity, it is very interesting that they occur and makes one wonder at how "interconnected" all life/ thought really is.

What is important, is that you as the observer, needs to remain *rational* and *objective*

It is far too easy to fall into a flawed logic loop of spying, or other paranoias.

To do so is rather unhealthy and can lead to a worsening and worsening state of mind.

One should take care to remain calm, and think through the situations, rather than to simply react to them and basic, emotional assumptions.

Truly we live in an amazing reality, and there are things we don't understand(more is not understood than is, actually).

Please keep it all in perspective, and try to remain rational.

You can do it.

Well said, you are obviously a very enlightened individual and are very correct when you use the term synchronicity. I also agree with your advice to stay calm and remain grounded in this reality. Many people have been known to awaken to the world around them and turn into schizophrenics.or get lost in a sea of madness.

Awakening is a beautiful experience and if you can look around with your heart and not just with your eyes their are hidden messages all around us and in all things. If you do find yourself feeling afraid or paranoid just try to quiet the thoughts in your mind and just enjoy the moments and messages that we're receiving and share your experiences with a friend or someone you love.

Keep up the good work and keep the faith, It doesn't matter what religion you are or even if you are religious at all The Spirit of the Universe is speaking to us all and it's time we started listening.
edit on 23-12-2010 by MathiasAndrew because: I should of clicked quote instead of reply

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by croweboy
Happens to me all the time. I don't call it Synchronicity though. I think Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is a better way of describing it. Its almost always something new I learn or something I haven't thought about for ages. Always something obscure Ive filed away in my head and thought I'd never have to recall it again. For some odd reason It comes up in conversation and within days I'm seeing other instances of it. Makes me smile every time.

You can call it Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. You can call it synchronicity or some might even call it deja vu. You can call it anything you want to call it. Labeling the experience is not as important as experiencing the moment.

A rose by any other name still smells just as sweet

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 05:08 AM
It's probably just good old fashioned scotoma and you never noticed the movies until you brought them into your attention with the conversation. People are really good at finding patterns.

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 07:23 AM
It's called synchronicity. You will be witnessing a lot more and it should increase for you. 2012, the great alignment. Environmental awareness. We all have our own personal environment to contend with. At this point the first recorded lie comes to fruit. " You will be like Gods". Your "awareness" is based on your interests. Good luck, Have fun and don't let it get to your head (so to speak).

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 04:02 PM
I buy and understand the "synchronicity" angle ... but I'll post some thoughts here in hopes that someone that isn't "on the inside" will actually read them ...

I too have had MANY instances of this ... I'll just go wo\ith the most recent and blatant ...

I posted this some weeks ago ... about the game World of Warcraft and how I was experiencing REAL TIME survelliance (edited) :

my girl and I were spending our 8+ hours a day usual ..and a friend of her's came over ... we were chatting about my girlfriend's 16 year old daughter that has jumped headfirst into the world of "the birds and the bees" if you will ... and how promiscuous she had become... and how we should consider putting her on the pill..

I look at the PC screen ... and right next to my character was another character .. a hunter with pet .. the hunter's name was BERTHCONTROL (I had just mentioned we should put the girl on the pill) ..the pet's name was LEASHKAZUL .... the girl's name is Kazlyn...

I realized that someone INSIDE Blizzard ..who had the ability to make a character on demand ..could hear or see also for that matter thru our PC. I will stand by this steadfastly.... it wasn't the first time ... I quit playing shortly thereafter.

For me .. that is not only alarming ..but worthy of its own thread and discussion .. now .. Jump to almost RIGHT BEFORE I posted this (about WoW) .. I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone .. just a "normal conversation" ... and I mentioned that I would take chicken out of the freezer for dinner ... here is the NEXT response on the post I wrote:

Dude its a game, relax and eat your chicken here is the link:

Also .. recently ..some items were missing from our apartment .. many people come and go ... we had a long and somewhat funny conversation about hidden cameras .. nanny cams .. etc ...

ever since .. I have been spammed with multiple adverts for NANNY and HIDDEN CAMS.... OUT OF NOWHERE..

I am of the mind that there is a survelliance grid in place using MANY sources .. and have no doubt that they can target what media gets fed to us .. and market us individually... (not to mention that, from my experience, WoW is a survelliance device (one of MANY) that "they" have access to ...) my .02

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 04:37 PM
I notice this kind of thing happening a lot. Like the other day a friend's kid was singing that song "Our house... in the middle of the street.. our house.." it was like her thing for a day because she heard it being played on a cell phone.. And then randomly like the next day there was a new commercial with that song.. and I was watching a commercial the other day where a guy said something that sounded like "I'm going to do a line" and I said, "Did he just say he was going to do a line?" Apparently I was incorrect in my hearing, but since we were talking about "a line" the next commercial happened to be about a product called "Align". It happens.

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:20 PM
This type of thing happens to me all the time and practically every day. It is a paranormal phenominon however its no more spooky than thinking about your mom and she calls you on the phone that day.

Basically you are picking up on the streams of events about to take place, as mundane as they are. I dream, every night about things that happen the next day, that are as mundane as a commercial on tv or as dramatic as a plane crashing.

It is a common occurance, dont be freaked out, you are recognizing that you (that everybody) has psychic abilities!

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 05:31 PM
Somebody else wrote a thread awhile back as I remember on humans not communicating on the same level anymore or something of that nature, maybe it was yours. In anycase I agree fully and this phenomena seems to be ruining trans gendered relations. I mean between male and female of corse. Sometimes a female can say something and the words are perfectly understood. The meaning of which as far as what I thought ended up being far from what I thought was meant. Then we both walk away wondering what the hell just happened. Besides feeling the blame is our own. Very weird indeed. I agree fully and flag this motha with a star to boot.
edit on 25-12-2010 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Komodo

This happens to me everyday. Actually, this happens to myself and my family daily. Now, I have experienced a lot with the television. It started with myself and once I noticed it, my friends and family did too. A great example would be one day I was sitting in a friends dining room, on the computer looking for this certain drummers information for an event I was planning. I was trying to locate him on facebook but COULD NOT think of his name. In the meantime my friends were in the living room watching Law and Order of something of the sort. After about 10 minutes of me searching and thinking I heard from the television, "tell me your name", "my name is Smitty" and Wahlah! Smitty was the drummers name! I was amazed. This became the norm.

Now what deters me from the "listening" phones and computers is the FACT that this has happened when, for instance, my daughter would come in the house and her first words "You talk to much" would be the EXACT words I was texting to a friend. These type of personal encounters where its putting me in sync with other people and with televisions, music, books, etc.

I am also one that sees the 444's. People say what they want about the number seeing is self programming but I dont program myself to see 444 on a license plate, look up and the speed limit is 40, the next sign saying county road 44 and the time is 444 all after buying a magazine at the grocery store about Jay Z and Beyonce getting married on 4/4 at 4:00 and both of their bdays being on the 4th. This really happened all in the same day. My husband just reminded me that I bought a pack of chicken for 444 at the grocery store. (This wasnt the first time 444 has wowed me, it is just a great example.

Im done trying to figure it out, I just am thankful that is hasn't been hiding under my bed at night.

S&F My fellow friend is weirdness!

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Komodo

I thought it was hilarious (because of the reason for this thread) that after I read your "government tracking thoughts through cell phones" idea that there was an add for the Nexus S halfway down the page..

In all seriousness, I've noticed the same phenomenon, even far before I acquired a cell phone. I've considered the military option very much. Although I haven't actually served in the military (yet), I do live close to Davis-Mounthan Air Force Base, which from my understanding is rather large in comparison to most bases across the country. Also from my understanding, Arizona is one the most militarily attuned states in the country. So that idea sparked my interest

Good thread mate.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 02:37 AM
I can think of some pretty good possible explanations.

Firstly, don't discount the coincidence. In the space of all possible coincidences, some major ones are bound to happen from time to time.

Secondly, you or your friends may have been subconsciously aware of the fact that a move was airing at some time in the near future, and therefore subconsciously primed to bring it up in conversation. You may have learned of the film's air time and then (consciously) forgotten it , or maybe you only ever took it in subconsciously. Also consider that the subconscious may infer information (such as movie air times) from seemingly irrelevant information. The subconscious is a great detective, you may find that it knows things that seemingly cannot be known.

Lastly, you are probably forgetting all of the times you brought up a movie in conversation, without shortly thereafter finding it while flipping through channels. In which case the entire perceived phenomena may be merely an observational bias.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:36 PM
wow.. .yea.. WoW.. I don't play as much .. and haven't really noticed players name .. but that would kinda freak me out.. I'm not going to totally buy into the sychroncity idea..

but is this just really all coincendence ?? Seriously .. everyone knows that plays MMO's that either Bizz or the maker of the MMO is required to monitor the channels for preaditors, harrassers etc.. I personally KNOW of close family member that is an aquiance of someone in WoW that is in FBI that logs into WoW JUST to monitor the conversations and perhaps catch someone in the act of commiting a crime.

Now, I know if that is going on, what else would they want to do?

realized that someone INSIDE Blizzard ..who had the ability to make a character on demand ..could hear or see also for that matter thru our PC. I will stand by this steadfastly.... it wasn't the first time ... I quit playing shortly thereafter.
As for this, would they know what you would be talking about such a thing unless, it's thru your cell phone, extract that info, flash it to someone on standby to make a character in seconds and then know where your toon would be in the game .. and in hopes that you will purchase the pill or conraceptive? ..

However, look at all the gold farmers.. and what they can do with new toons.. intresting concept.. either one person creates multiple toons over and over to spell out their gold website in hopes those that are noticing.. will take the bait OR .. it's a entire team of 40+ ppl belonging to the same website and all of them create the toons at the same time..

intresting though to say the least and definately going to keep this in mind.

Thx sayiamu.. keep posting anything else you notice..

Originally posted by sayiamu
I buy and understand the "synchronicity" angle ... but I'll post some thoughts here in hopes that someone that isn't "on the inside" will actually read them ...

I too have had MANY instances of this ... I'll just go wo\ith the most recent and blatant ...

I posted this some weeks ago ... about the game World of Warcraft and how I was experiencing REAL TIME survelliance (edited) :

my girl and I were spending our 8+ hours a day usual ..and a friend of her's came over ... we were chatting about my girlfriend's 16 year old daughter that has jumped headfirst into the world of "the birds and the bees" if you will ... and how promiscuous she had become... and how we should consider putting her on the pill..

I look at the PC screen ... and right next to my character was another character .. a hunter with pet .. the hunter's name was BERTHCONTROL (I had just mentioned we should put the girl on the pill) ..the pet's name was LEASHKAZUL .... the girl's name is Kazlyn...

I realized that someone INSIDE Blizzard ..who had the ability to make a character on demand ..could hear or see also for that matter thru our PC. I will stand by this steadfastly.... it wasn't the first time ... I quit playing shortly thereafter.

For me .. that is not only alarming ..but worthy of its own thread and discussion .. now .. Jump to almost RIGHT BEFORE I posted this (about WoW) .. I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone .. just a "normal conversation" ... and I mentioned that I would take chicken out of the freezer for dinner ... here is the NEXT response on the post I wrote:

Dude its a game, relax and eat your chicken here is the link:

Also .. recently ..some items were missing from our apartment .. many people come and go ... we had a long and somewhat funny conversation about hidden cameras .. nanny cams .. etc ...

ever since .. I have been spammed with multiple adverts for NANNY and HIDDEN CAMS.... OUT OF NOWHERE..

I am of the mind that there is a survelliance grid in place using MANY sources .. and have no doubt that they can target what media gets fed to us .. and market us individually... (not to mention that, from my experience, WoW is a survelliance device (one of MANY) that "they" have access to ...) my .02

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:42 PM
I haven't dicounted coincidence at all, but At this point I'm thinking it's 50%-50%, half coincidence and half some super technology that we don't know of.

As for this being subconious, hmmm.. it's always a possibility but, at the time, I was logged into WoW 99% of my time off from work and the 1% on the t.v. and for this to being happening is little to coincidence for me.

I 'normally' do not watch alot of tv.. probably about 20hr's a month .. the odds are getting slimer and slimer .. LOL

Originally posted by Tearman
I can think of some pretty good possible explanations.

Firstly, don't discount the coincidence. In the space of all possible coincidences, some major ones are bound to happen from time to time.

Secondly, you or your friends may have been subconsciously aware of the fact that a move was airing at some time in the near future, and therefore subconsciously primed to bring it up in conversation. You may have learned of the film's air time and then (consciously) forgotten it , or maybe you only ever took it in subconsciously. Also consider that the subconscious may infer information (such as movie air times) from seemingly irrelevant information. The subconscious is a great detective, you may find that it knows things that seemingly cannot be known.

Lastly, you are probably forgetting all of the times you brought up a movie in conversation, without shortly thereafter finding it while flipping through channels. In which case the entire perceived phenomena may be merely an observational bias.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 06:55 PM
thx for replies and keeping my feet on the ground of sorts..

that being said, since I've posted this thread, I've been infected with MAJOR attack on my pc with trojans preganat with spyware but with one in particular of the system32.autorun.tmp .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..which may have permentally hosed my DVD drive since it doesn't notice the drive with the winxp disk in it, thus preventing me from reformatting my drive the easy way...and the defender.exe..(easily taken care of by blocking it with one of my firewalls and rebooting.. but a very pain in the ....................since it locks you out of msconfig, any anti-virus programs.. etc.. yea..

I run a router, off my internet box, 2 firewalls, and 3 seperate anti-virus/malware programs and I get attacked DAILY. They get through ALL of that; and this has been going on since I post this thread. I've NEVER had this amount of problems with ANY virus issues in the last 10+ years.

I 'Think' I might have stopped it some what, but it's a daily fight.

Anyways, I haven't noticed anything new with this phenomona but can be sure i'll be posting here when i do.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 01:23 AM
juist wanted to add..

I was chatting with Clear the wifi provider today for about 10mins.. I got off, logged into ATS .. and BAM..

Top banner is posting an ad from CLEAR.. LOL.. it's just keeps getting better and better LOL

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:27 PM
It is all synchronicity.

Just because we notice it and ascribe importance to those events, doesnt mean its not happening with every movement and every breath. It speaks more to our being unaware and asleep, than it does to our "specialness."

Larger systems are aligning, and it is likely smaller systems are following suit. What is perceived to be "synchronicity" instead of what is not perceived at all is simply viewing the peak. Akin to an iceberg of sorts.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 01:19 PM
Nothing acquired here. This phenomenon you are describing is called Synchronicity (look up Carl Jung) and it is a result of the duality of reality. The I Ching I all about Synchronicity I also call I harmony. This stuff happens to me all the time, it usually happens when your subconsciousness attracts it.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 01:25 PM
A classic case of:

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