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The Disturbing Truth about Your Life (Warning - Read at your own risk)

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posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 02:52 PM
1000 flags and trillion stars.

I celebrate slavery. It is amazing how successfully they are managing us. We love our owners (dictators). We wave flags and cheer and cry when they get elected.

The system is too sophisticated to hate it. There should be like 10 million social scientists studying how society is enslaved and how is it that most of us do not know anything about it

edit on 11-12-2010 by FIFIGI because: slaving away

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by enigma91
What's wrong with wanting to live a normal life? Make friends, go to work, performe well, gain and increase skills, take up hobbies, enjoy time off, vacations, start a family, buy a house, new car, watch your children grow up.
Stop being so childish.

there is nothing wrong with those things but how normal is this? how many people in the world can actually sustain our life style? how many people have to suffer because we are the driving force to the companies that exploit them? we go to work for companies that have lost sight of what is important but they pretend they value your life.

i worked for texas instruments for a little bit as a contractor... they made it a huge deal that everybody was family and had all these "family" events and blah blah blah we're all happy cause we are performing well, we gained and increased our skill, we enjoyed time off with nice vacations, people started families bought houses, cars and/or watched their children grow up.... everything was perfect because T.I was making money.... then comes x-mas 01... they laid everybody off that they could with out saying a word... a couple of weeks before x-mas... so all these perfect little "free" worlds were destroyed in seconds, then only to be REHIRED after the new year. So why would a corp. do this? so they wouldn't have to give their "family" any benifits. No x-mas bonus. No Job. Nothing. They could care less that you performed well... here's a cookie, good job now get out.. haha

so back to the point of your list of resp. that you see as liberating... they only things that are worth living for is making friends and making babies... the rest is just brain washed jibberish... We are not sheep, we are just simply blinded by ignorance... the world around is dying as you are reading this, a baby is dying in a mothers arms in a country exploited by ours... our perfect little world is an illusion because the way we live is not real.. the world is really not like this, america.... we are slaves living on the backs of other slaves... people put on jewlery and pump their gas and have no clue who as suffered or died to bring them these things...

its not that we are slaves and not know it, we do know. that is why there are sights like ats, but rather we are slaves driving a team of slaves. how many of you realizne this? we are consumers with an appetite for materialistic stuff worst than hitler had for the jews. why do i use hitler? because our consumation is killing people directly and we don't even see it...

but let's just say we wake up and we are on our masters side... yay lets exploit the world.. yes we are now on their side... now would u be angry if you found out that even though you are "good" slave, that your master was secretly killing you and your children... the food we eat is nothing more than poison... bpa in almost all of the plastics that we touch... asbestos, paxil, accutane, all current lawsuits that show that our "masters" did not do their research to protect us... they could care less if we die as long as we live long enough to make them some money... the people on this side of the fence are the worst because they can't even comprehend the fact that their masters don't care about them either...

bottom line is this... we are all slaves to our masters and no matter how we look at it, they do not care about you or me or you or you. NONE OF YOU, but go ahead keep your hobby and nice ride and keep that pretty smile on your face. at least you got a piece of paper with some monetary units on it and a pat on the back. the only thing important in life is the love we have for our families and friends. the rest is irrelevant and can live with out, but take away my family and i am nothing

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by WWu777

Well done, written, researched, illustrated.

Thanks for sharing.

S&F btw

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:43 AM
Here are some new paragraphs I added to the essay:

You see, there's a reason why society is set up so that you don't have much free time. In your youth, school keeps you busy and preoccupied. In your adult life, work keeps you busy on the treadmill. And in your spare time, the mainstream media holds your attention with the official version of things. The reason for all this is that if you have too much free time to think about everything - life, existence, the world, etc. - you will eventually realize that you are a slave on a prison planet (ala Alex Jones' and that most of what you are told is hogwash, lies and gross distortions. That's the scary part, that with too much free time comes a lot of disturbing but liberating truths, not just in terms of conspiracies, but about the nature of your existence itself. Thus, we are kept from all that by a society that keeps us busy and distracted, for most of us cannot handle the truth. Plus it is not in the interests of the powers that rule us to let us know the truth either, for whatever reason, so they keep us in a state of Zeitgeist (illusion).

Here is an important lesson. Truth is not something that's handed to you on a silver platter (and this not only goes for the mainstream media, but for the alternative media and conspiracy culture as well). It is something you gotta DIG for constantly, and even then, you will only get fragments of it. The problem is that most assume that truth is handed to you on a silver platter by your media and education establishment, and thus is simply the official version of things that we are told. The trick is to set yourself free from that. Therefore, it's smart and progressive to question things, even cherished beliefs. When you do, you often find that the official version of things is often not the truth. That is the disturbing but liberating realization that you come to eventually. It's a painful process, but once it's done, you will be glad you did, for nothing beats the value of freedom.


You can always see the updated version at:

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:17 AM
The idea that people are supposed to work hard to support themselves and their family came from the fact that life was actually hard and you had to grow your own food and make everything you used. That still holds true today a point. One couldnt simply walk into walmart and purchase food. Sure you had markets, but for the most part (especially in early america) if you didnt put in the work you would literally die of hunger.

You are a slave to currency and the system built around it. To be truley free is to reep the rewards of your labor... not make someone else rich.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:22 AM
OK lets look at it like this..... we need food to live.We need money to buy food.We need a job to get money.Yep were enslaved by the need to survive.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by incontenant
OK lets look at it like this..... we need food to live.We need money to buy food.We need a job to get money.Yep were enslaved by the need to survive.

But you dont need money to buy food.. you can grow or hunt your own food. Humans were made to hunt its why our eyes are in the center of our face. Were predators. People werent made to sit at a desk 8-10 hours a day. We were made to hunt and use our environment to survive.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Originally posted by WWu777
The disturbing truth is, we are all slaves to the economic system and our minds are programmed as well. The world is a global enslavement machine and we are programmed with illusions that help us bear our enslavement so that we don't even see it.

I recently spent 10 days alone in the bush to free up my mind, and agree with you 100%. If people only took the time to step back from society and observe it, without having the influence of other people around, things would become very clear to them also.

Freedom, for the most part, is just a word, not an actual state of existence. The reason people, especially Americans, believe that they have freedom is simply because their minds are programmed to think that they do.

So true. That is exactly why we need to be constantly reminded that we are "free". So we don't forget.

Spot on. The more time I spend alone, the more I realize these things too. Once your mind is cleared of distractions, you see such truths more clearly. This is why we are not given too much free time in life by society.

You see, there's a reason why society is set up so that you don't have much free time. In your youth, school keeps you busy and preoccupied. In your adult life, work keeps you busy on the treadmill. And in your spare time, the mainstream media holds your attention with the official version of things. The reason for all this is that if you have too much free time to think about everything - life, existence, the world, etc. - you will eventually realize that you are a slave on a prison planet (ala Alex Jones' and that most of what you are told is hogwash, lies and gross distortions. That's the scary part, that with too much free time comes a lot of disturbing but liberating truths, not just in terms of conspiracies, but about the nature of your existence itself. Thus, we are kept from all that by a society that keeps us busy and distracted, for most of us cannot handle the truth. Plus it is not in the interests of the powers that rule us to let us know the truth either, for whatever reason, so they keep us in a state of Zeitgeist (illusion).

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by lastrebel
I have come to the sad realization that the only hope we have as a "free" people the the total collapse of the system, along with the following bloodbath like the world has never seen. Today you have the choice of being a well fed slave, or having your family shattered, childern taken from you, assets confescated, being imprisioned or hunted like an animal and/or killed like one...........99.99999% of the people will take a full belly over the alternitive.

I truly feel sorry for not only america but the world for what lies ahead

But even if there were a bloodbath revolution, like there was in the French Revolution and Russian Revolution, you'd only replace one corrupt tyranny with another. That's what history shows. So what would that accomplish?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
I am awake and have been since i was 8. I openely declared that education was only was what the government wanted us to know. People were stunned by my statement and also irritated by my beleif that we have been visited by ailens in the distance past as well. Not bad for an 8 year old in the 1970s i'd say!
Today i am even more awake. I think today even more than ever people are waking up. Trouble is we need a Ghandi like figure to bring about real change. Until that happens we will remain in the socio-political-economic chains we are all wrestling with.

Well we have David Icke don't we? I wonder if the reason TPTB let him live is because he pacifies the conspiracy movement, since he preaches non-violent resistance, so that TPTB can do their thing without the population getting in the way?

Btw, congrats on awakening at 8 years old. Dang. That is something. Perhaps you are one of the Indigo Children?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by VividFiction
Yeah I see what you're saying. I myself had an "awakening" a few years ago and a lot of people thought I was off my rocker and I've been steadily watching this topic increase. However.. I'm at the point where I'm still wondering what the point of it all is cause at the end of the day you have NO choice. You can talk about it all you want but it's either live in it and be tormented by the system because you "know."
-Live in it and not know, but be less tormented because you don't.
-Don't live in it and be homeless, poor and STILL subject to the system.
So what liberation do you speak of? The character in the Matrix obtained super powers and was able to save that city. There is none of that here, just an awakening to a bunch of BS and confusion as to how we casually let ourselves and continue to let ourselves be taken over. Sure there is an increasing number of awakening folks but ignorance is still running unchecked in the streets.
This is a great post and I agree with it, but what is the alternative? Where is the power? Gandhi changed the lives of many people but the world still appears to be going to hell in a hand basket.

Of all the things I have denounced as programming and brainwashing the Bible still holds true. Just throwing that out there...

True. But at least you can free your mind and become immune to propaganda and mind control. Once you do that, you can find a third alternative to the system set up to give you two choices - become a robot or a bum.

Also it can help you stop living in fear, which is a low vibrational consciousness.

The universe is like a fractal. If you become the change you want to see, it affects the fabric of the whole, kind of like a "hundredth monkey effect".

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:00 AM

But even if there were a bloodbath revolution, like there was in the French Revolution and Russian Revolution, you'd only replace one corrupt tyranny with another. That's what history shows. So what would that accomplish?

People dont need someone to lead them. You dont need a government or king to survive. People will find their own heroes and with it look up to them as those who lead by example. As much as you want to cling to the idea that you need to be ruled over, no matter how small of an influence or power they hold, its simply not true.

You want true freedom? Let the people lead themselves.

I want to continue on this. Throughout history people have been looking for their savior. Christ is the most notable but even today people think that eventually the little green men will come down and save us from ourselves. Even if that were true, what people need to understand is that they have never needed any of this. The believe in God is a human idea created through pure ignorance that only tries to explain the unexplainable. Other animals on this planet dont understand the idea of God. All they know is how to survive and reproduce and they do it without a king or government and without wiping out their entire species in the process. Sure, there is always the 'alpha' in any pack or group, but not one other species on this planet has one set leader for multiple packs or groups but humans.

So whats the point? We are more intelligent than this and honestly more advanced. This whole idea that there needs to be structure and rule for humans to coexist with each other is primitive and laughable at best. Greed is our enemy here not the fact that we're not able to look after ourselves. If people could stop thinking only about themselves and start thinking about whats good for the population as a whole we wouldnt have any of these issues... and guess what? Leading ourselves puts that problem aside because the people that are only out for themselves tend to wither away instead of prosper like in our current situation.
edit on 14-12-2010 by AndrewJay because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by WWu777

Not always. I guess that most would rather be a safe slave than take the chance

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by AndrewJay

But even if there were a bloodbath revolution, like there was in the French Revolution and Russian Revolution, you'd only replace one corrupt tyranny with another. That's what history shows. So what would that accomplish?

People dont need someone to lead them. You dont need a government or king to survive. People will find their own heroes and with it look up to them as those who lead by example. As much as you want to cling to the idea that you need to be ruled over, no matter how small of an influence or power they hold, its simply not true.

You want true freedom? Let the people lead themselves.

I agree. As long as people have an awakened state of consciousness, they can rule over themselves. Very true. But we are not meant to know or realize this.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by AndrewJay


It has always amazed me at how terrified some get at even the thought of people being really free, I seriously doubt it would result in mass raping and looting but that is the first thing they say. Makes you wonder if they say that because that is what THEY would do or if they just dont know better. They also seem to miss the point that there is a sizable portion of the people that act that way now and all the laws in the world will not change it.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by lastrebel
reply to post by AndrewJay


It has always amazed me at how terrified some get at even the thought of people being really free, I seriously doubt it would result in mass raping and looting but that is the first thing they say. Makes you wonder if they say that because that is what THEY would do or if they just dont know better. They also seem to miss the point that there is a sizable portion of the people that act that way now and all the laws in the world will not change it.

Honestly I think this is what we've been working towards the entire time. We went from being true slaves to having a little bit of choice to having a constitution and this is the only logical next step. Its social evolution. The founding fathers had it right every step of the way but the only mistake they made was appointing themselves the nations leaders.

Let the people lead themselves.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:44 AM
Look what someone on the David Icke forum revealed about that dick Anderson Cooper on CNN. haha

Originally Posted by wwu777 View Post
Do any of you ever get annoyed by Anderson Cooper's smirk on his face? He has that "everything outside the box is bull#" type of look on his face, which is the total antithesis of truth and freethinking. Ever notice that? It's annoying isn't it? I can't stand seeing him. He like is the total opposite of everything we stand for. He is like 100 percent herd mentality. Ick.

I can't stand that little #. One of my friends used to work in media and actually worked with him for a couple years. She said he's about the biggest prick you've ever met. He's self-absorbed and his false humility was what really grated on her nerves.

She says he's the fakest person she's ever met. Keep in mind she worked with Wolf Blitzer too.

I don't know if you know it or not, but Cooper is, "the younger son of the writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt, and is a great-great-great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt of the prominent Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune."

No wonder he made it to where he is and why he is such an ass.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 11:18 AM
Here are two paragraphs I added to the essay to close it with a nice touch. I chose to close it in a profound manner similar to the ending of The Zeitgeist Movie

Now, no one is asking you to go out there and awaken or change the world. That would be an unfair burden. But if you can help or awaken even 2 or 3 people among your family and friends, and show them that they can free themselves from living in fear, then you will have done your part and made a difference. If we all do that, and those we help in turn help others, then our awakening will multiply exponentially. You can start of course, by forwarding this essay to everyone you know, to help plant some seeds.

The biggest lie that the controllers tell us is this: They want us to believe that without a ruling hierarchical structure, chaos will erupt and looting will occur everywhere. Therefore, we need to be controlled, like animals. This is pure fearmongering, and nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a population with an awakened consciousness will be fit to rule themselves without the need for coercion by dictatorial rulers and governments. But society has done everything it can to keep us from awakening, keeping us in a state of fear consciousness and stress instead. They don't want us to know the nature of our true power and what we are. But we are consciousness, and we can change that by simply making a choice. The future of the world is in our hands. Will you choose fear or love?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by AndrewJay

The believe in God is a human idea created through pure ignorance that only tries to explain the unexplainable

why does god = ignorance? i think personification of god = ignorance is more accurate. the personification of god was man's biggest mistake. the personification gives us "some one" to blame when things are wrong in our lives. god is everything.

i am not a religious nut or a new age hippie or any other stereo type. i have been searching for the truth, through my own experiences and have come to my own conclusions. we can not comprehend what is really going on with god, but god does exist.

there is a fundamental truth to our existence and that is what i believe. are you an atheist? why did you become an atheist? was it because you were tired of the lies from our man made religions? could they not answer your y's as you went through life?

your atheist view is a natural cycle that you must complete. sometimes you have to be completely disconnected from god in order to realize god's existence. one day something will happen to u that will be so amazing you will acknowledge god. and if you dont you will be shown through death, because that is what happened to me. i wish you luck on you search... but other than the god statement i completely agree with you...

also you don't need a job to get money either...

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Hi all,
This is the OP. I am constantly revising this essay. You can always see the latest version at:

Btw, it's not meant to be a scholarly essay. To me it's like a work of art in expressing my feelings, views and awakening, similar to an artist painting something he/she feels inspired to paint.

Also, for more of my freethinking articles, see these indexes:

Thanks and Happy Holidays,

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