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The Disturbing Truth about Your Life (Warning - Read at your own risk)

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Do any of you ever get annoyed by Anderson Cooper's smirk on his face? He has that "everything outside the box is bull#" type of look on his face, which is the total antithesis of truth and freethinking. Ever notice that? It's annoying isn't it? I can't stand seeing him. He like is the total opposite of everything we stand for. He is like 100 percent herd mentality. Ick.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Do any of you ever get annoyed by Anderson Cooper's smirk on his face? He has that "everything outside the box is bull#" type of look on his face, which is the total antithesis of truth and freethinking. Ever notice that? It's annoying isn't it? I can't stand seeing him. He like is the total opposite of everything we stand for. He is like 100 percent herd mentality. Ick.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
You are a slave to your own desires... what is your master is what you are a slave to....not "the system."

If you want nothing and can provide exclusively for yourself, then you are a slave to no one and nothing. That is why some religions and faiths and sects preach austerity, humility, self denial....

A few examples are the Amish, the Shakers, maybe the Buddists...objects and possessions are temporary or serve the material self, true freedom comes from within...the mind and the soul.

There is a common idea or anecdote that " the happiest people I've ever seen didn't have a pot to piss in." That stems from the very notion that material wealth enslaves the master.

Unfortunately, unless we live like Grizzly Adams, Jeremiah Johnson, or some monk on a mountain top, we fall to our weaker desires...a nice house, the need of an automobile or truck, clothes, good foods....

All of these require money...which means we have to work...which means we are giving up an agreed to portion of our time/skills for an equal portion of goods and services... that is called trade, commerce, and basic economic principle. However, the more I want and the greedier I become... the more I have to trade my time and freedom.

You, in effect, enslave yourself.... when you realize can then walk away from that lifestyle...and begin freeing yourself. Good Luck

This is true. For some reason, poor people in third world countries seem happier and have more authentic smiles than rich people in North America. I wonder why that is?

I guess there is some universal law that every time you gain something, you lose something, even if it's your own soul? Thus most people cannot have it all.

To those here who accuse me of plaigiarsm, you are jumping to conclusions without thinking. If you check my post on the David Icke forum, you will notice that my user name is the same as on ATS! Next time think before you jump to conclusions!
edit on 10-12-2010 by WWu777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:57 AM
Some people accept what they are told without thought. Some people analyze what they are told and accept or reject aspects upon their own decisions. Others just reject everything because they are rebellous and too lazy to analyze everything. They go through the school of hard knocks; reinventing the wheel and hurting themselves.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:22 AM
I have to agree with a few of the other posters. If you go through this life and you are happy the majority of the time, you've won the game. Everything else is just how you're choosing to play it.

I'm very content. I live in the system. If you call me a slave, so be it. I'm a happy slave.

Now if you can tell me to secret to flying or something cool, that's a game changer.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 10:30 AM
There are many on ATS that haven't come to the conclusion that is in the OP.
That is evident from reading the posts and threads on this site. Many know things are not right, but they don't understand what isn't exactly right, or don't have words to describe it.

To the OP. Although I don't agree with all of what you said, as a whole, I must say kudos to you. You are not just preaching to the choir.

But don't stop now Neo. The rabbit hole gets much much deeper from here.


posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:34 AM
And the groundbreaking bad news is? I'm pretty sure most of us here feel like this everysingle day. Heres a simple way of looking at it take peace, freedom, health, knowledge, love and truth. Turn them upside down and you get real life... war, slavery, sickness, ignorance,hate and lies.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:09 PM
It matters not how many truths you know, or how many perceived falsehoods you uncover, for that matter. Mark my words; until you are dead and buried, you will never be free in this world! Sorry to sound so macabre, but I have also discovered this through much meditation!

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:23 PM
Real slavery took over when they put a bank on every corner, created a cradle to grave money loaning system, and made income tax manditory out of your pay check.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Logarock

2nd line

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:36 PM
So if we are enslaved what sort of world would be your ideal?
Rather than work for a living, maybe we could just sit with our mouth open waiting for food to drop into it

Or does freedom mean do what you want when you want? Oh but there's a tricky one. Your freedom could end up infringing someone else's rights.
You are making a mockery of the word enslavement. Of the millions of true slaves including women trafficked from country to country, kids indentured into 3rd world sweat shops at 6 years old etc etc. Really half of you haven't a clue. You are confusing so called slavery with conformity.
At the age of 40 I sold up, gave up a good job and went travelling round Africa. My neighbour was shocked and said 'You can't do that'. I said 'How so'? Of course she wasn't talking about permission. She was talking conformity and 'being sensible'. How glad I was that I listened to myself and followed my own path.
Choices do exist. If you want to follow the herd, that's your choice. If you want to live your life in the same job inching up the pay grades till you retire with the compulsory gold watch, that's your choice. If you are happy competing with your neighbour to see who can have the best car, that's your choice. If you let yourself be brainwashed by soporific TV programs, tough.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by WWu777

Originally posted by AlreadyGone

Unfortunately, unless we live like Grizzly Adams, Jeremiah Johnson, or some monk on a mountain top, we fall to our weaker desires...a nice house, the need of an automobile or truck, clothes, good foods....

This is true. For some reason, poor people in third world countries seem happier and have more authentic smiles than rich people in North America. I wonder why that is?

I guess there is some universal law that every time you gain something, you lose something, even if it's your own soul? Thus most people cannot have it all.

edit on 10-12-2010 by WWu777 because: (no reason given)

folks in the 3rd world are closer to the earth in so many ways. The earth itself is a slavemaster and the closer to the earth one is the clearer the reality of interaction is. You learn being close to the earth that there is no escape really. From dust you came and to dust you will return. The cost of survival is also clear and it is required for life to carry on. Crops, livestock, shelter, living off the earth brings one to certain realities.

As far as Jeremiah Johnson remember what the old man said "the mountains have their own ways" its own demands for life, for not frezzing to death, for eating for everything. You can run off to the mountains to escape the "mans" game but you will pay the mountain piper.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by starchild10
So if we are enslaved what sort of world would be your ideal?
Rather than work for a living, maybe we could just sit with our mouth open waiting for food to drop into it

Or does freedom mean do what you want when you want? Oh but there's a tricky one. Your freedom could end up infringing someone else's rights.

Yea right. There is always some exchange. one cow for 5 pigs.

Now having said that there are plans afoot that have eyes on the home garden here in the US anyway. When the G starts to mess with a common mans right to grow crops and livestock on his own little spread then that is the sort of slavery you are talking about no? When they tell you that you cant trade 1 cow for 5 pigs to the guy down the road then you are in a state of "slavery".

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by WWu777

I read your long winded post. I have a few questions. How old are you? I ask this because your writing comes across as someone with a very difinitive opinion on things. I've found that most people's opinon at 15 will be different at 17, 20, 25, 20 and so on.

What events do you think have led you to these thoughts?

What part of the country do you live? Have you traveled much? I'm asking these questions because it will help me understand what may have influenced your opinions.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:51 PM
While I agree with the OP, what we must understand is that the majority of the population PREFERS to live in this type of existence. It would be too much work for people to be self sufficient. They would just give up. Soe some reason, and I have not figured it out yet, but a large portion of the population does not gain any pride in themselves from taking actions for themselves.

The other thought I had is that if all the elites were to vanish from the face of the earth today, there would be another batch waiting to take their place. The human race shares a lot with the class structure of the animal kingdom. We are just evolved animals. We still have our pack leaders and followers. I dont ever see this changing. Thats just who we are. Untill everyone is able to take responsibility for their own actions, we will always have the need for a structured society to control (and to take care of) those that choose not to be responsible for themselves.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Then I suppose the main question would be "Who are the true slave masters?" If they are as you say, then they are clearly not human, because humans thrive on peace and love, not on death and destruction such as the ones controlling us. Just something to think about.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by smokinsinger

if humans thrive off peace and love then my old man was not human! does that make me non-human also? poster although what i write is sincere i am pulling your chain!
to me slavery is being nailed down by the vices and material wanting to an extent one is imprisoned by ones lifestyle and/or debt through ones own choice.
that is about the best i can come up with being and having been a small part in the machine.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 02:51 PM
your just now figuring this out? All you had to do was read up on the implementation of the federal reserve in 1913.

The biggest prize of all, the absolute and complete control of all the money in America which means control of all America and with it the power to make slaves of all the people.


posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by WWu777

You say we cannot possibly understand, comprehend Their plans, They have always from birth enslaved us. I will say yes to this of most people. However many of US enslaved minds have managed to wake up and see through their dasterdly ways. I am no slave to THEM anymore. I can handle any and all information of what their plans would be of us for I probably already understand most of what is happening . I see clearly what they are doing, I am not asleep I am not blind. I am peaceful, empathetic, and most of all I am stronger then they would ever imagine one be. One by One we awake, One by One we take them down.
I have a grandson 8 years of age, He is learning know to wake. take the me`s and toss us around, one by one we take them down.

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

edit on 14/12/10 by argentus because: removed huge quote of entire OP and replaced with 'reply to'

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 03:08 PM
As a college student going to school to be a high school teacher, I'll just say this. Remember all the negative connotations you place on "school" and "work" as you drop your children off to "school" and drive off to "work". Life is what you make of it. I enjoy mathematics, which I refer to as the universal language. And having worked with children most of my young adult life, I can't imagine anything other than being a teacher. Here's the thing, could we do better in our schools? Sure. But the fact of the matter is a majority of parents play no role in the schooling system, when all the proper organizations are there already for them. Schools have turned from educators into babysitters. I'm all for going against the system, but the implication that an education and a job is bad confuses me. I grew up in a military family so my views are probably biased.

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