Originally posted by WashingtonGrewHemp
reply to post by dontreally
I appreciate you trying to help educate me, but I assure you it is unnecessary. First off, Pagans don't hate all Jews. Second of all, saying that
Romans were closet Pagans is weird, because they were overtly Pagan before Constantine converted them to Christianity.
Are you Jewish or something? I may be Pagan-leaning, but I certainly wouldn't hate you just because you're Jewish. It's not the Jews fault that
Rome decided to slaughter half of Europe to convert them to Christianity. Sure, Christ was Jewish, and it's an Abrahamic religion, but in my opinion
it's far less benign than Judaism.
The one main problem I have with all the Abrahamic faiths is that they all exhibit a spiritual egotism that says "if you're not one of us, we don't
care about you." A Pagan is more likely to be a Pantheist, as the Founding Fathers of the US were, believing that all creatures are part of the
Jews have a word for non-Jews, don't they? Goy or Goyim, right?
That says a lot about their insular tradition.
And yes, it was partially their fault that my ancestors were systematically slaughtered when they didn't convert to Christianity. Honestly, Mary
should have used a coat hanger.
edit on 11-12-2010 by WashingtonGrewHemp because: wrong word
Goy in Hebrew means 'nation' or 'a person of the nations'. And goyim is the plural.
Thats the big misconception about the Romans. Why would rome, which had persecuted the Jews and despised their religion, who themselves had espused
the philosophy of Greece, and indeed romanized the greek religion by substituting Greek gods with their roman versions ie; Aphrodite became Venus,
Hermes became Mercury, Dionysus = Liber, Ares, = Mars, Zeus = Jupiter/Jove, Cronus = Saturn etc etc, if they didnt have a deep theological and
philosophical kinship with the greeks, and indeed, with all pagan religions (in mesopotomaria, Egypt, and the east)
What motive is there in the whole roman empire converting to a Judaism like religion? If they hated the idea of law. Especally controlling their
sexual urges?
It doesnt make sense; and it shouldnt, because its patently false and untrue.
Christianity is allegorical, and symbolic, like all religious traditions.
For instance, take the 3 magi. It should be mentioned that Christianity imitated the Jewish tradition, though certainly did not espouse the same
The 3 magi are 3 Zoroastrian mystics from Iran. What do 'presents' represent? Well in the bible, 'maton' presents, were what Abraham had given to
his second wife Keturah when he sent her and her children off to the east - "to the land of the East". This is persia. In Christianity, these same
'presents' are returned, and given to christ from 3 zoroastrian magi. The presents themselves refer to a occult knowledge or wisdom.
To one who has studied just a bit of zorastrianism, you would see that Christianity is a virtual replication of its dualistic theology. Ormuzd vs.
Ahriman became G-d vs. Satan. And "Ahura Mazda" equals the gnostic Abraxas, or as some gnostics supposed, YHVH.
In any case, the religion created the by the christian fathers was for the masses; and not the "initiated". This is proven by the fact that the
Christian proseltyized by making agreements with other peoples that they could continue their normal pagan practices, except under the garment of the
christian tradition. Saturnalia was practied in Asia minor until 1000 CE. It was also practiced in Rome and the other provinces of the Roman kingdom.
You should read how about how seamlessly the celectic and germanic tribes integrated christianity with their own tribal beliefs. It wasnt a problem,
because they understood that the allegory, and myth fit their own traditions.
There is clearly some agenda on the part of the Roman elite, and european aristocracy to create a great and pervasive movement to control the minds of
the masses. This began around 250 CE, picked up great steam around the first crusades, and christianity became firmly established around 1200 CE.
Thats when the dogmatism and lies most christians believe today were promoted. It was simply for the purpose of controlling, and using them as a way
to advance their manifest destiny agenda. Its led to where we are today. And as we can see, they are slwoly shedding their christian garb. The
protestants started this shift with their loosesning the hold that the church had on them. Calvinism further depreciated and liberalized christianity
by developing pessimitistic dogmas like 'predestination' and 'total depravity'. And now we are here today. Paganism completely revealed, and free
to impose its influence on the masses.
And in this atmosphere, who would want to resist it? It appeals to ones natural desires. One can be liberal and do as he pleases 'as long as others
arent hurt'. Christianity destroyed, completely petrified and mutlilated the Judaic and Hebraic theology which was meant for all mankind.
Christianity was a ruse to defeat Judaism; and they have done that. Most people are christian or muslim (Islam to is in this category) with a very
small minority of Jews. Judaism has been cast throughout history as a outsiders religion; theyve been made to look like miserly sneaky scoundrels, and
the christian world imposed havoc on the Jews whereever they lived. In the orient; in spain, central europe, eastern europe. Everywhere. In every
generation. Now we the children of yesterdays antisemites have inherited a cultural outlook which looks down upon Judaism, and sees it as outdated, or
at the very least, completely irrelavant (since christianity and islam have much greater numbers). And so were all naturally suspicious of the Jews,
and of Judaism. Were like this because of the collective psyche, which compels us to think thus.
Anyways. I appreciate those pagans who look kindly upon the Jews. But if they knew that Judaism challenged their outlook, and sought to end their
bohemianism...would they still like the Jews? or would they adopt the Nazi/Catholic church attitude. Get rid of them. They spoil our fun.
In anycase. Judaism seeks to do G-ds will. Love and being kind and good, and helpful is what every people sould want. But we should also know that
there are limits to certain actions. For instance, being sexually depraved and promiscuous, Judaism, and the 7 laws of noah strictly prohibits. and
other idolatrous practices like worshipping of culture in general. I dont think many enlightened new agers/neopagans would have a problem with
Judaisms vision for the world aside from its attitude toward sexuality; which they believe people should show a power and control over. Not flaunt
themselves in improper and indecent ways. when you you puts things into context. G-d didnt create this world so we can worship sexuality, as the
egyptians and pagans did. But to worship him. And what he desires from us is that we master the natural, and animal parts of ourselves, and not
succumb asnd shamelessly induldge in them. There is something very unseemly, and lawless about that that i feel is very bad.
And im not a Jew.
Im just a student of religion. I love to read, and i feel like i have pretty good understanding of these things.