posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 07:39 PM
Here is what Joni Patry writes on her web site (
"12/21 Full Moon 5 degrees Gemini, Mrigashira nakshatra: This is a Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the United States. This is a powerful Lunar
Eclipse, for the Sun is now conjunct these potent planets in Sagittarius (Mars, Rahu, Pluto, and Mercury) and opposed the Moon with Ketu. The Full
Moon of this lunar eclipse is conjunct the potent fixed star Betelgeuse which is an alpha star in the right shoulder of Orion. Astrophysicists have
recently determined that this bright star may turn into a supernova in a few years. Many believe the occurrence of this event indicate a turning point
in our destiny. This star is known for fame and recognition but also calamity, danger, violence treachery and poison. It is important to know that
this Eclipse occurs close to Ketu which is in the nakshatra Ardra, which means “the moist one” and is ruled by the storm god Rudra, the symbol for
this nakshatra is a tear drop which incurs sadness. There will be many devastating events tied into this eclipse period which on January 4th 2011
there is a Solar Eclipse. Events will involve water in some devastating way, bad or impure water, violent storms, earth quakes and attacks. It can
involve ships or airplanes. I believe these attacks will be in more than one place, Europe and America are very susceptible."
I found her predictions ususally hit the mark - So are we up for a major event?
The energy is odd here where I live.