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The Truth about Hair?

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posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Another reason why the 60's were such an awakening?

Perhaps an intuitive way of reaching out towards more natural perceptions?

Who knows, but I can honestly say that I have always felt more in tune with the inner aspects of living while having long hair... and then as soon as I want to "simplify" and feel cleaner, lighter, then I'll cut it back to short... Sort of back to a more isolated, bliss-in-ignorance state...

Interesting... after all, we still know so little about ourselves...

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by RKallisti
Well, that explains why females (generally speaking) are supposed to be more "intuitive" than men. Because men are taught from early childhood that "boys have short hair and girls have long hair", so they are encouraged to keep it short.

Ever seen a politician or an army/navy officer with long hair?

Don't want to ramble on, but I'm sick of this binary gender system!


And yet pretty much all the greatest philosophers and prophets and spiritual leaders are / were men. Schopenauer hated beards and considered them the mark of a caveman or something along those lines. Also if more hair actually equaled more "intuition", men would hardly be at a disadvantage since they can and do grow facial hair and are generally just more hairy than women (well, the manly men at least tend to be). Also aren't children supposed to be more intuitive than adults in general? And yet they're vastly "out-haired" by adults of both sexes...

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by davespanners

I don't think I'd feel comfortable letting my facial hair grow. I don't think my husband would like it either.
edit on 7-12-2010 by Ellie Sagan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by pikappa

Originally posted by RKallisti
Well, that explains why females (generally speaking) are supposed to be more "intuitive" than men. Because men are taught from early childhood that "boys have short hair and girls have long hair", so they are encouraged to keep it short.

Ever seen a politician or an army/navy officer with long hair?

Don't want to ramble on, but I'm sick of this binary gender system!


And yet pretty much all the greatest philosophers and prophets and spiritual leaders are / were men. Schopenauer hated beards and considered them the mark of a caveman or something along those lines. Also if more hair actually equaled more "intuition", men would hardly be at a disadvantage since they can and do grow facial hair and are generally just more hairy than women (well, the manly men at least tend to be). Also aren't children supposed to be more intuitive than adults in general? And yet they're vastly "out-haired" by adults of both sexes...

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:46 AM
woops new to this, didnt mean to repost, BUT was trying to comment on... I think if woman had the chance in the past they may have left more of a mark than some men???

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Something related to hair that new to all of us. Solar power Human Hair. Everything have it's purpose and built by superior design.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by pikappa

Didn't these prophets and philosophers most of the time keep their hairs (and beards) quite lengthy?

I'm pretty sure Einstein, for example, caught some electromagnetic signals with his hairs!

About children supposedly being more "intuitive", I think it is because the fresher you are (in this world), the less spiritually and mentally conditioned/truncated by the world you have been. That's why.

Oh, and the thing about long hair has to do with intuition/sixth sense, it doesn't mean a bald man cannot think or be smart. But they may (and do, as far as I can tell) lack intuition.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by MMPI2

Nonsense, my best friend is close to 60 now, and she's gorgeous, a hair dresser by trade, and a duet jazz blues singer part time. Might I recommed for middle aged and older women:

How To Layer Your Hair - Wispy Layers (Cutting your hair)


Quick Messy Updo Bun

Japanese Inspired Cute Volumized Braids

Buzzbeauty, has lots of messy, casual, whispy type long hairstyles that remind me so much of my friend's style, and they really suit women of ALL AGES.

Men, well they look good layered too, but long and straight is fine as well.

Hair is linked to psi.

I'm sure those females in the video don't use hair product that damagers hair or anything

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by 6205LH

Although I agree that ATS is in deep trouble, this is actually the best thread I have seen in a long while. Although you may see it as stupid, there are many many reasons why long hair may be beneficial and you may learn a little aout in th thread.

Or you could read hundreds of pages of drivel on one of the many pantomimes that are the Wikileaks threads.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by RKallisti

It's an interesting point that you bring up on baldness. I started going bald when I was 18, and I'm 41 now...let's just say haircuts are a rare event in my life!!!

Balding brings about certain emotional responses, and it took me awhile to accept what was going on. The interesting thing is that I've feel more in-tune with other people now than ever before, but that may be due to my experiences over the years benefitting me. I really don't think that it's changed me, making me less in-tune. And, I'm not talking about clairvoyance or anything like that, just responding to people's body language and facial expressions as much as their words.

On the flip side, I'm Syrian Orthodox Christian which is quite similar to Ethiopian Orthodox. Rastafarians (esp. Bob Marley) subscribed to Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, so I'm quite the Marley fan. I truly believe him to be a prophet. But, his lyrics, "We're gonna chase those crazy baldheads out of town..." makes me think a little bit...

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:08 AM
Seeing My Self and My Father have Long Hair , Never Wrapped Banded Braided or Tied and Being part American Native ( Mohawk & Cree ) I do sense of Awareness and Presence But.. When i Cut My Hair I do Feel this Sense Vanishes , To me Having Long Hair feels more Natural and This is coming from someone from a Line of Native American that is Most Famous for a Hair Style Haircut The Mohawk Well maybe its the Reason why the Middle Strip of Hair is Intact as Mohawk's are a Warrior Clan Keepers of the Eastern Door ... Guards ! of the East Side and Famous for it or to Some Infamous

Heres a look at the Hair !

Traditional Mohawk dress

The Mohawks, like many indigenous tribes in the Great Lakes region, sometimes wore a hair style in which all their hair would be cut off except for a narrow strip down the middle of the scalp from the forehead to the nape, that was approximately three finger widths across.[citation needed] This style was only used by warriors going off to war. The Mohawks saw their hair as a connection to the Creator, and therefore grew it long.[citation needed] But when they went to war, they cut all or some of it off, leaving that narrow strip. The women wore their hair long often with traditional bear grease or tied back into a single braid. Their heads were often not covered by a covering or hat, often wearing nothing on their heads in winter.

As you seen in the Quote Connection with the Creator ( GOD ) In touch with God .. as in Leaving the Hair Long ! and Shaving it ONLY for WAR! or Feud Tensions a Cold war as i See too Often Here


posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by kennedy13
woops new to this, didnt mean to repost, BUT was trying to comment on... I think if woman had the chance in the past they may have left more of a mark than some men???

Hmm I think we may end up going off-topic here but just for the record, no I don't buy this whole "the evil man kept us down for all this time" theory. Sorry, but it sounds like bull# to me. Sure many women couldn't get an education and probably just couldn't afford to live the fulfilling intellectual lives they wanted, but then again, neither could most men. It's not like the average man was that "liberated" either. It seems to me, when it came to this kind of choices (lifestyle), class mattered a lot more than sex.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by onehuman

This is some pretty cool stuff. I'm working on regrowing my beard as it is. I don't remember why I shaved it though, but afterwards I regreted shaving it?

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:14 AM
I have to admit I haven't read each bit in this thread as there already are so many, so forgive me if this has been touched upon. I don't buy this one, as fun and cool as it sounds.

One small thing in the story that stuck out was the " official looking folder" what folder of documents doesn't look official ?

Regardless of that this sound completely unscientific. If these findings are true the likely explination is that these native individuals likely had long hair for a long time if not most of their lives. When someones external self identity changes in such a sudden and dramatic way of course the scenes are going to be put out of whack.

I had long hair for many years. I remember when I cut it short for the first time it took a few weeks to get used to my new self. The way the world felt around me and the way in which I was perceived. Imagin that kind of change in appearance, and then being thrown into a war zone.

Jumping to psychic energy and spiritual scaring of some kind is a big leap for a realistic explanation in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Majestic23

So I guess bald headed guys are way frakked. Now does it make any difference to the perceptive mechanism what color your hair is? What if you change the color?

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by RKallisti


I guess this is what happens when someone starts a thread about magical hair properties and people take him seriously basing their own opinions on personal perception and carefully selected anecdotal evidence? Though I must say I'm quite enjoying this.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:24 AM
I understand where the poster is coming from, but i'd like to point out the 'spiritually ascended' have their hair cut real short even bald.

Ever seen a Buddhist with hair?
Ever seen an Indian Brahmin priest with hair?
In eastern culture these are the spiritually endowed people with direct access to the cosmos.
I must also observe they may not be very efficient in combat or tracking or the sort

Very interesting when you think of it, there seems to be something amiss.

Great post

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:24 AM
I watched this on 'Ancient Aliens - Aliens and the Third Reich' 2/3. They talk about the Vril Society, a secret society which believed in the power of the Vril, or Prana (an energy source). The women in this society all grew their hair long because they said it acted as an 'antenna'. Check out 4:30 on the video. Very interesting.

Great find!

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by onehuman

(1) Interesting thread. Plausable story in the context of the US Military's known interest and research in the paranormal at the time. Remote viewing. Men who stare at goats etc. I am sure there are folks on ATS that know a great deal about these efforts.

(2) FOA and declassification should make these research papers available? No?

(3) The skeptic in me immediately thinks about John Brown's Guide to the Wilderness. He was a Native American. I specifically remember him describing how to track escaped convicts easily in forrested terrian.
He explained through spending an enormous time in the woods and being taught the various animal calls (birds, squirrels etc) he could track without tracks.

Ever hear a squirell give off a warning chatter? Ever hear a bird get excited as you approach a nest area?

The concept being that every animal in the forrest has subtle and sometimes not subtle warning calls to other animals letting them know intruders are present.

A Native American that has been trained by thier elders to recognize the various warning calls can listen to the forrest and quickly determine which way someone has passed....assuming they have passed recently. Then you tie in actual "tracks"..prints, broken branches etc. reading the landscape and figurring out which way would be easiest for a man to pass...

Is it possible that Native Americans, being unfamiliar with the wildlife in Viet Nam were less effective because they were unable to "understand" the "intruder" calls of the unfamiliar wildlife?

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
I felt this was obligatory


why did the man in the background ( pink pants ) take his pants off?

lol nothing to add just found that a bit "queer"

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