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The Truth about Hair?

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posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Wow fascinating info in the Op! I wonder if it works the same on dogs?

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by The Adnachiel

This is a good point. I absolutely hate people touching my hair uninvited....I can't stand it. I have to have it tied back at work, which I hate doing, but in some ways it offers protection from prying hands who would otherwise think it acceptable to help themselves to it...there is a lot of it, and it can get in the way of almost anything, so it's easy to touch. With someone I'm close to however, it's a totally different you say, I can pick up all kinds of sensations and emotions from it, much more than one might think logical from "dead" material. But it's still rare that I let it be handled like that.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by onehuman

i suppose this could make sense, but i have a few personal comments on the original post's thoughts that might be of interest to anyone

firstly, it logically makes sense that a person who has had long hair for a long time, apon cutting it extremely short all of the sudden, will be subject to new sensations all over their head, they will have to get accustom to the sensations

i have had long hair once, and then for no reason decided to shave it all off to only a mm or so length, when this is done just the coolness of the air and slightest breeze against the scalps skin are very sensitive, balance changes, hearing changes as well as a few other things that a person normally might not expect just hair to make a difference, it's just a process of relearning your sensitivity to things with a new hair cut

i beleive these 'expert trackers' could have relearned their skills easily with short hair cuts, and that their skills were only lost because they did not have time to get used to their new physical attributes

the reason for my thinking this is that there are many examples of sixth sense powers and expert supernatural skills being used by individuals today with little or no hair

take the Buddhist mountain monks through tibbet and china, renown for their physical abilities as well as their heightened mental and what some would call 'psychic' abilities, they ritually cut their hair and keep it short because they live a monastic lifestyle, and yet they have porbably more superb abilities than one could imagine

we all know about the Ninja, the shinobi of feudal Japan, that have a notorious history of being involved in the occult and the psychic/supernatural training. yes, i know that alot of their abilities were exadurated to create fear in their enemies ( such as rumors being spread that they were half demon/half crow and whatnot ) but there is an underlying truth that they practice some seriously intense esoteric training, i mean they received their knowledge of and for this training FROM the Buddhist mountain monks that immigrated into Japan so it is no surprise.

i think that are more than enough examples out there that actually would argue that super abilities are most present in people with shorter hair! but that is just me based on my own experience with this sort of thing

so to sum it up, i think there is enough evidence that just having long hair does not make you more sensitive, but having long hair for a long time and then cutting it will throw a person off and they will have to relearn their sensitivity to their new haircut, such was the case with the expert trackers of vietnam

interesting original post though, and i wouldn't be so ignorant to think that just the few points i made could really mean that the original post is not true, however, i think the few points i have made really falsify the idea that just having long hair gives you increased sixth sense, abilities of some sort or anything like that

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:16 AM
For those who are asking "why would the army shave heads then?".

First consider that the army is not about creating the best warriors, if this was the case we would still have a warrior caste system.

Secondly the apparent research the army did into this ( if we presume cannot be completely explained by physioology or psychology) concearned perception. Not all out killing a, lets not forget that technology is replacing a lot of these inate abilities.

We may never find an answer though in our current situation as there are too many variables and I get the feeling that the connection between hair and energy is very subtle indeed.

Something is clearly up though because where I live people find it strange for a male, especially a young one, to have long hair. I met Ricky Hatton once and I can only describe his reaction as "mildly creeped out" this was when I had really long hair. People will start fights with you and such because of it although funnily enough I have never lost with long hair even when the odds were stacked. But when skin head, nobody says sh*t t me and I get injured all the time. That people can even have a strong opinion of long hair is indicative of social programming.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by ColeYounger

Maybe they are training their entire body to have these abilities?

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by antar

I know for sure that dogs know when their hair has been cut. One very hot summer, we used shears on my german shepherd/collie mix (she had very long hair and she was miserable) her hair was cut quite short, not short enough to expose her skin to the sun though, and she turned into a completely different dog. She would not be alone and at every moment, she had to be touching one of us (leaning against a leg, etc.) she became very timid. After awhile she returned to her normal self, but I still haven't forgotten how weird that was.. Poor thing.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:21 AM
It all makes sense to me. I have gone back and forth from long hair to short hair my whole life. Generally, when I cut my hair or shaved my beard, it was at the bequest of friends and family, however I always regretted it once it was done....

I just hope my girlfriend doesnt see this and get any ideas. Yikes!

Seriously though, I tend to lean towards placebo effect for the reasons behind this. When we drastically change our appearance, it will make anyone feel "out of sorts" at least temporarily. Especially since native american people probably never bothered to cut their hair prior to joining the armed forces. I bet if you shaved the head of any woman who has long beautiful locks, she would consistently fail tests too...

It stand to reason that the mind, being so powerful that we still cannot comprehend it, may have more to do than simple biological reasons. I bet if you took away their magic walking stick they would stumble through areas they normally could traverse with their eyes closed.
edit on 7-12-2010 by WhiteDevil013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:25 AM
All this reminds me of a recent Ancient Aliens episode on History Channel.

It had a segment about the Vril Society and how the women grew their hair long. Never heard that one before. I did a internet search and found some info.

All of them were young ladies, which among other things were against the arising fashion of short hair-styles for women. Both Maria and Traute were beautiful ladies with very long hair; Maria was blond and Traute was brown-haired. They had long horse tails, a very uncommon hairstyle at that time. This became a disctinctive characteristic in all the women who integrated Vril which was maintained till May 1945. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond. In public, however, they hardly ever exhibited the hair in horse tail style.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:29 AM
Many people have short hair because the older longer section of hair is in a poorer condition, having been exposed to a longer chemical assault.
I have overcome this problem by only using liquid castille soap (the only natural soap) and combating any dryness with application of a few drops of apricot seed oil whilst still wet. Allowing hair to dry naturally helps too.
It takes a few weeks of this regime to get rid of all those nasty chemicals and have soft healthy hair. It is 8 months since I had a haircut, and I always had it cut short. Now I am growing it to its natural length with the knowledge that it wont look 'tatty'.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:29 AM
Very interesting theory. I've always thought there was something more than meets the eye to hair. I have also always thought the answer to aging and longevity would be found in hair. Think about it.. everything that is living that dies does not continue living and begins to decompose. Hair, on the other hand, continues to grow long after you are dead. Ever wondered how the body can die but yet the hair can keep on living? Fingernails do the same, also.

As a side note, I've always liked long hair and had long hair most of my life as well as being intuitive. I feel better with it long and I dunno how else to describe it. Maybe there is a "power" or 'strength' in it as per the Samson mythology.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by onehuman

Good post.
You have already put the bit about samson and delilah.
Hair may act like an antenna, for receiving and transmitting.
I also have reason to believe that this renders the hair susceptible to black magic,
in the sence that some girls can cause some man they choose to lose most of his
hair on the head despite any contrary heriditary tendency. I wish there
was a way to undo such black magic

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:41 AM
I had long hair for the longest time and about 3 years ago I joined the Army. Don't ask me why? LOL I was always very quick witted and intuitive...until, you guessed it, I cut my hair. My wife even said that after that I seemed to be more dense. LOL Got to love the honesty of a spouse.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Reminds me of cat whiskers. From

"Whiskers help the cat feel his way around. Whiskers are so sensitive that they can detect the slightest directional change in a breeze. At night, for example, this helps a cat slink its way through a room and not bump into anything. How? The air currents in the room change depending on where pieces of furniture are located. As the cat walks through the room and approaches the couch, he'll know which direction to turn based on the change in air current around the couch."

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:47 AM
Maybe hair serves as a form of antenna. It does come out of the head ya know.

The closer the end of the hair to the scalp the more erratic the signal

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by margaretr
Many people have short hair because the older longer section of hair is in a poorer condition, having been exposed to a longer chemical assault.
I have overcome this problem by only using liquid castille soap (the only natural soap) and combating any dryness with application of a few drops of apricot seile soed oil whilst still wet. Allowing hair to dry naturally helps too.
It takes a few weeks of this regime to get rid of all those nasty chemicals and have soft healthy hair. It is 8 months since I had a haircut, and I always had it cut short. Now I am growing it to its natural length with the knowledge that it wont look 'tatty'.

I totally agree with you. I stopped using castile soap and just use regular glycerine bar soap (with sandalwood) and use rosemary oil to condition. The peppermint is awesome for your scalp though, as is rosemary. I also have beautiful, soft, thick, silky hair. Gosh, I am so not being modest, not like me I swear!!! Another thing is you can't be washing your hair everday, I wash it in the bath or shower without soap throughout the week and wash it with soap once or twice a week. It does the trick and it never smells bad or looks bad. I am training my friends to do the same and they are all very happy with the results!

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Try a personal experiment (men): Go out to a bar/club/social scene where there are a lot of single ladies. This experiment assumes you're straight. I guess it would work for gays, but let's not overcomplicate this. Go to a singles scene and do your best with what hair you have now. Next, get your head shaved completely OR AT LEAST a dramatic haircut where you lose most of what you have. Return to that singles scene the next day, or shortly after your haircut. How successful were you when you had your normal hair versus post shaved head? NEXT... buy a wig of thick, long hair (male, of course, male styled). Put it on, make sure it looks natural, like you're Fabio or someone. Return again to the same singles venue and see how successful you are with all of this long, fake hair. At the very least, if you are single, you might pick up a date and meet someone very interesting. Also, you'll have a great conversation piece, --should she decide to keep you around.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:00 PM
Hey OP you just reminded me of an old thread on ATS written 2 years ago.

Increasing Your Abilities - Human Antenna

That ALLis0NE character knew important things, and hinted about them in various threads.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:22 PM
I remember reading a study that hairy men were more intelligent. I'll look for a link.
Please hold.

Not sure of the source but here goes...
edit on 7-12-2010 by realeyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by jessejamesxx

HAHA! Beat me to the punch! Great read too.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy
Hey OP you just reminded me of an old thread on ATS written 2 years ago.

Increasing Your Abilities - Human Antenna

That ALLis0NE character knew important things, and hinted about them in various threads.

Well looking at that link, ALLis0NE got verbal R@ped by the other posters because he was basing his views on anecdotal evidence lol. But really people the idea that having hair makes you have super powers is pretty redonkulous. I Laughed when everyone chimed in saying "OH Yeah I’m clairvoyant and my powers disappeared when i cut my hair!" or that their mental powers decreased. There is no scientific Basis for hair affecting someone in that manner. If anything its more Psychological effects related to self image not actually the hair itself having direct correlation to spiritual energy or elemental powers or any kind of pseudoscience of that manner.
edit on 7-12-2010 by solids0be because: Spelling

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