reply to post by dontreally
What ethnic cleansing? Can you show me proof that Israel is involved in Ethnic cleansing?
I did an excellent thread on it, back when I first joined ATS and it can be found here:
Israeli - Palestinian conflict by the numbers (The numbers don't lie).
This thread contains all of the data that anyone needs in order to conclude on whether Israel is conducting a campaign of genocide or ethnic
cleansing. In fact, all of the estimations are on the extreme conservative side, making Israel look a lot better than in all probabilities. I did
that, just so that there could be no doubt and I wouldn't be accused of influencing the data due to any personal bias. I suggest you educate yourself
and you can start by reading that thread.
At the end of the day, the palestinians were offered a plan. They rejected it. The arabs started a War, Israel won, and the victor as in ALL
wars wins the lands he gains.
Lol, typical brainwashed ignorance. You think the Arabs started the war? So what, will we just ignore the fact that Israel struck Egypt first? It was
Israel that launched a sucker-punch, sneak attack on Egypt and due to the alliance of the Arab nations, the others jumped in. Israel's sneak attack
basically wiped out the effectiveness of Egypt's air-force, one of the strongest in the region at that time.
In fact, due to what we know now, it wasn't even a pre-emptive strike, so much as an act of belligerent aggressiveness. The Israeli government was
talking to the American government, trying to get permission to strike. The Egyptians were talking to the Soviets, trying to avoid a war with Israel,
who was acting very hostile in the region. America told Israel not to strike, as the Egyptians were trying to avoid war and Israel would be the
aggressor, making it almost impossible for the Americans to come to Israel's aid, if they started to get their but whooped or if the Soviets came to
Egypt's aid. Low and behold, Israel strikes anyway with their sucker punch that we call "Operation focus". Then, almost on queue, the Israelis
conduct an unsuccessful false-flag operation on the US by repeatedly attacking and trying to sink the USS Liberty. It's important to note that not
only were they trying to sink the USS Liberty for hours on end by torpedo boats and unmarked fighter jets, but they were also strafing the life-boats
and deploying napalm on the deck of the unarmed American Navy vessel, in a clear attempt to leave no witnesses. In fact, the ship didn't go down
quite fast enough, due to the dedication and professionalism of the crew and the strong sturdy construction of American craftsmanship, so when a
Soviet warship steamed over the horizon, the Israelis had to call off the attack, more than two hours later. It's also important to note that
American radio frequencies were being jammed by the Israelis during this attack.
However, when the American vessel did manage to squeeze off a mayday call, their fleet carrier launched fighters to go to its rescue. The fighters
were launched, then in an unprecedented move, the Pentagon forced the aircraft carrier to call the fighters back. Never before in history, has an
aircraft carrier been prevented from coming to the rescue of an American navy vessel under attack.
It is pretty clear that this attack came in an effort to give America an excuse to enter the war on behalf on Israel, since Israel was the aggressor
and started the war.
Now they want it back? what kind of garbage is this?
I think the Palestinians would be just happy being left alone. Instead, that's not what happening. They have their land taken away, even unto this
day. They are constantly oppressed by the Israeli and Zionist terrorists, through murder, terrorist attacks, evictions, home demolishing, check
points, occupation, blockades and important restrictions, to just name a few.
You only hear about the relatively harmless rockets flying over the fence, however you never hear what Israel does to warrant those rockets. Israel
will agree to a peace terms, then blatantly break those peace terms and rely on the media to not report it. Instead, we only hear about the rockets,
that usually wind up not even hurting anyone. In the meanwhile, Palestinians are being killed, starved, evicted and generally terrorized. It's almost
as if the Zionists are doing everything possible to make life hell for the Palestinian people. The Palestinians on the other hand are only trying to
preserve their way of life. No Israel terror will equal no Palestinian rockets.
You have to take a step back and look at who benefits from this conflict. It sure isn't the Palestinians. In fact, it is Israel who benefits. They
basically have no down-side to this conflict. It isn't like they are being killed or even seriously threatened by the Palestinians. Instead, they
then have an excuse to cleanse the area and terrorize the Palestinians, so long as the conflict is ongoing.
Also, before you say, "it's all Hamas fault", like ignorance would dictate, just note that Hamas wouldn't exist if it weren't for Israeli
oppression. Yeah, that's right, the whole purpose and charter for Hamas, is to respond to Israel aggression. They aren't like defined terrorist
groups who have some radical political or religious goal. Instead, their entire charter and purpose is to serve the Palestinian people and meet
Israeli fire with fire.
The Palestinians feel as if they have no choice but to fight back because when they don't, they are terrorized anyway. Either way, they are going to
be terrorized, so their only hope is to fight back.
Do you not remember the case in Europe where the Pols and Germans were removed from their lands in the millions, and established elsewhere?
what the HELL? This is a double standard like ive never seen.
Absolutely it is a double standard, as the Israelis and Zionists get to behave and act just like the Nazis, without the world intervening. However,
this doesn't mean that the world isn't trying to intervene. In fact they are and it is the US who is blocking every single resolution in the UN that
is against Israelis atrocities.
Do you know the only difference that I see with the Nazis and Zionists? Is that the Zionists are getting away with it and probably because they
learned from the mistakes of the Nazis. Other than that, they are both equally as evil and they both hold the same value for other groups of people
than their particular ethnicity.
Right now all americans occupy stolen land. Wheres the reparation to the native indians?
There are many differences. One being that we aren't terrorizing the Native Americans. We aren't evicting them, bombing them or demolishing their
homes. We are starving them to death or preventing them from farming or getting around. We aren't oppressing or terrorizing the Native Americans. If
we were treating the Native Americans like the Israelis are treating the Palestinians, then my stance would be the same for Native Americans. Another
difference is that the Native Americans were booted off their land generations ago and they weren't terrorized nearly to the degree in which the
Palestinians are terrorized. Furthermore, America didn't try to hide how they were treating the Native Americans, at least to the degree in which it
is happening in the Middle East. Americans and westerners are having the wool pulled over our eyes and sadly, it is because of us that this happening,
as we not only pay for this terror, but we also sanction and protect it.
They would be allowed to live in any of the 22 arab countries around them - BECAUSE THEY ARE AN ARAB PEOPLE - from the transjordan.
Where do you live? Lets just suppose that you live in Texas or Arizona. Then, what if some foreign people came in and under the justification of their
religion they take your state. In fact, not only do they take your state, but they are aggressive while doing it. Then then give you and your
neighbors (millions) Galveston Island, otherwise you would need to claim refugee status somewhere else and leave your ancestral lands. However, once
you pick up and move to Galveston, you quickly realize that this aggressive and belligerent power really doesn't even want you to live in Galveston,
though they only gave you Galveston Island because of international pressure and you realize this because of the daily terror and oppression that is
projected on you and your neighbors. Then, while you are being terrorized, this foreign power influences the media to make you look like the
terrorist. Life becomes a living hell, as you can't do anything, much less feed or protect your family.
Millions of your old neighbors did flee and took refugee status in other states or countries and due to the large number, you would basically be
shoved in a camp somewhere or forced to start over. Would you be so happy to just quick up and move or would you fight? We all know what cowards would
Furthermore, using the excuse that they could all just leave is ridiculous. Do you also use that excuse for the Jews who were caught up in the
Holocaust? Hitler and the Nazis also gave the Jews time to flee before they started to put them into camps. Is it then the fault of the Jews for being
thrown into camps and murdered in mass?
Frankly, that excuse is just ignorant.
Jews are Hebrews. They come from this land. They have prayed for 2000 years to come back, they won the land in '67 fair and square yet STILL,
the Jew cannot get a break.
Actually, Jews don't come from this land. Instead, on their exodus from Egypt, they invaded and murdered the Canaanites for that land (among others).
This is even after god supposedly gave Moses the 10 commandments which specifically state that we shouldn't kill or steal. So, right after god tells
us not to kill or steal by giving us very clear rules, we go kill and steal both, ultimately winning us the prize of Israel.
However, the Jews left Israel and the Arabs settled there (more or less), well over a thousand years ago. Therefore, the land is no longer ours. We
gave it up. Can I go on and find out where my long lost relative lived, then lick the current occupants off and move in?
Finally, before the modern era of Zionism, there were Jews living in Palestine, along with Christians and Muslims and for the most part, things were
going very good. Jews would babysit Muslim children and vice-versa. Dinner would take place between Muslim, Christian and Jew. Everyone got along. It
wasn't until the Jews wanted to completely take the land over and turn it all Jewish, that conflict arose.
You can't just say, "my god gave this land to people of my religion thousands of years ago, therefore it is mine now so get out". It doesn't work
that way, at least not in our day and age. Could you imagine Iran doing that? What about Cuba? We would have blazed in there, weapons hot. Only
terrorist thugs who harbor racist evilness would agree to such barbaric measures. Absolutely disgusting.
I do not support the liberal, secular government in Israel. Im a religious zionist, and zionism is religious, and zionism IS
Zionism is not Judaism. I'm Jewish and I can tell you that my god does not approve of the evil committed by the Zionists, just has he didn't approve
of the Nazis and their evil against my ancestors. Zionism is the cancer that is eating Judaism. It is a farce on our religion, a phony way of using
excuses to act out in evil ways and exercise the hate in those peoples' souls.
Those phonies and crooks are only there to give real Jews a bad name.
You said it perfectly.
The sad fact of the matter is that most people don't agree with what the Nazis did to the Jews, so why on Earth they would agree to what the Zionists
are doing to the Palestinians (and others), is beyond rational, though it is most likely due to simple ignorance. Sadly, this is done in both the
names of Americans and Jews. Until people can deny ignorance, this won't stop and Jews will continue to be falsely dragged down with the