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Give Me Hard Proof Wikileaks or Assange Is NWO, please!

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posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by byteshertz

People would not be taking such extreme measures if history, truth and justice were not being distorted so much. To say the truth should remain hidden because of the security and safety is just a cop out in my opinion - people deserve to know where their money, power and reputation is going.

There's also a pure case for fraud..
A lot of these leaks are from "elected" pollies..
Many are elected because people share their views on many topics including Foreign Affairs..

To now see that what they tell us to get elected is different to their actions once in office is pure fraud..

edit on 6-12-2010 by backinblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:14 AM
We don't have to prove anything O.P - You just want proof. In my case, it's just a suspicion, I can't possibly prove it.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by blackhatchet
We don't have to prove anything O.P - You just want proof. In my case, it's just a suspicion, I can't possibly prove it.

And thats fine..Everyone is entitled to an opinion..
I think the OP is more concerned with all the anti wiki threads where opinions are stated as facts..

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Give me hard proof that the NWO even exists.

(References to historical organisations does not count. Has to be clearly presented evidence. An example could be a document signed by a national leader, of which the term "New World Order" is used in conjunction with "Begin")
edit on 6-12-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

That's right. Most of the topics on this forum have no hard definite proof. These are all assumptions and speculation.
edit on 6-12-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by blackhatchet
We don't have to prove anything O.P - You just want proof. In my case, it's just a suspicion, I can't possibly prove it.

Of course no, no one have to do anything, but with all the claims against wikileaks it would be interesting to see if there was any real evidence of it.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:41 AM
I'm glad someone finally started this thread. Being relatively new to ATS, I remember a certain excitment in the cyber air before the leaks.

I was actually a little shocked when some claimed Assange was a NWO schill. The feeling I got was, almost a bitterness from some who didn't get to see what they wanted. I know personally, I was hoping for disclosure about the ET's.

However, you're right, its about people and the information about the war. After the video wikileaks released recording the deaths of innocent civilians being killed, it opened my eyes about whats really going on, and whats really important. We all know/knew what was going on over there, but most of us choose to bury our heads in the sand. I look to forums like this, for new info, or even to open my eyes a little wider.

I don't believe for one second Assange is part of the NWO or the anti-christ, its ridiculous. I am a little disappointed that some gave in to the pressure set forth from the gov't. Everything ATS stands for (at least for me) and some actually listend to the BS like good little sheep.

I have not read all the cables, but here is what I think so far;

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a threat. (I mean come on, when we are being warned by arabs, someone should pay attention)
The UN is worthless.
and probably most important, the US is looking out for their best interest. (Of couse they are, why wouldn't they?)

Assange is a journalist, I hold a degree in Journalism and let me tell you, its all about ego and possible fame. All he cares about is making a name for himself, but if he releases valuable information in the publics interest, then power to him.

I still have my fingers crossed for ALIENS!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

It's my intuition.

1. The operatives who exposed cables info have the highest access. Too easy to obtain. Too good to be true.
2. Gossips and incitements by world leaders, yet nothing earth-shaking or surprising.Someone said another person fatso blah blah.. some people urging others to attack another blah blah blah.
3. Media conveniently play along with Wikileaks developments. How about ETs/aliens working inside US government? How about 911 insider job? How about Princess Diana assassination? As we know that mainstream media controlled by Zionist tyrants.
4. World government already lose battle on internet freedom and piracy. Wikileaks charade is a perfect excuse = TO ENFORCE GLOBAL/WORLD INTERNET CENSORSHIP.

Dear NWO, PTB, Zionists and freedom-haters, I know what you all up to

edit on 12 6 2010 by wisdomnotemotion because: better remarks

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:24 AM


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

Well, my intuition tells me otherwise.

I really don't care about your inuition, just like you propably don't care about mine. But this thread was started to find evidence of these claims put forth by several members on this site as fact.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:30 AM
Ok one thing i am extremly annoyed over is that people belive in NWO, i cant find any proof at all of its existence. I dont think that there is a group of people that are trying to take over the world or allready have done it. What I personly thik is that everybody beliving in NWO is paranoid, but that is just my oppinion. Think the same thing about 2012 and that the Mayan calender ends 2012, is that supposed to mark the end of the world? naaa my calender end every year at 31 of december and im still alive. I call BS

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Monstret

That's another question for another thread, but I think you are right.

NWO is means New World Order, any significant change in how our system works would be considered a new world order.
To put some conspiracy spin on it, isn't it possible that TPTB have implemented NWO as a scare tactic to scare us from wanting change....

I suppose it's all about what meaning you put into those words.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

maybe its so, but just I got irritated when I began to think about NWO. Well it would be possible but I really think that its not going to happen, cuz I cant see any evidence anywhere.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Monstret

I was just trying to say that it's easy to come up with a conspiracy theory, the proof is always the problem with these over simplified solutions.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 06:40 AM
Well there is another option alltogether. Wikileaks could of course be, being used by the Government. For example I am always suspect of any leaks that come FROM the Government. These new documents did indeed come FROM a source in the Gov. How easy would it be to create a disinformation program that actually helps your own policies, while at the same time U pretend that it is the worst disaster since....well I heard one comentator call this "the 9/11 of Diplomacy". I only suggest this because so far, most of the Documents that have been released are not all that bad at all......not to mention they seem to highlight reasons why we should invade Iran and even N.Korea. Seems the US gov. would be happy about such a thing. Instead of calling for Wikileaks to be Shut Down, maybe they should be giving it a medal! LOL! However in this scenerio (if true) the whole cover would be blown if they didnt pretend to be out for WIkiLeaks blood. The worst part is that Wikileaks may be the "Patsy" of this situation....Set up to take the blame from the begining, all the time releasing EXACTLY what the Gov. wants them to release!!! Keep in mind...I don't necessarily believe all of this......this is simply a POSSIBLE scenerio. Only time, and the release of more documents will tell. But if after they are all released....the situation looks basically exactly the same as it does now.....Little real damage to the US, including actual SUPPORT for our current/future policies (invadine NKorea or Iran) then it might start to look a tad bit fishy!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I can't say this is hard proof, but read this, and draw you own conclusion:

1. It is unthinkable that so many prominent global MSM provide exposure to information that U.S. interests would actually harm. The MSM is in fact completely controlled by the powers that be: that is something that even scientists worldwide recognise. Look how far the prominently New York Times brings this 'big news': Watergate, there was nothing!
And how is the "Wikileaks-clique" of the worlds most 'authoritative' newspapers: NYT, Der Spiegel, The Guardian established?

2. The timing is alarming: just when the world is facing total crisis and speculation from all sides in wars (Iran, Korea), suddenly these hyper-sensitive "documents go exactly on key foreign issues.

3. The Wikileaks documents, including those of the previous class, are in no way a real danger to the U.S. but rather just provide arguments for starting wars against Iran and now Pakistan in particular.
Julian Assange himself has at no time an opponent in war.
Striking is the absence of damaging information about Israel.

4. Julian Assange believes that 9-11 was not a conspiracy, and thus supports more or less the official reading. This is an untenable position. Assange even believes Osama Bin Laden as a mega-terrorist and documents "leaked" that he is still alive and is leading Al Qaeda."
These positions Assange are directly in line with those of the U.S.. He also makes no mention about Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations, the really interesting and important fora in which global politics is shaped.

5. Assange personal history is very poorly documented and includes many disturbing details. He would have wandered through the world with his parents, went to 37 schools, things like that. This makes it virtually impossible to check things from his past. This provides foundation for a sort of secret agent.

6. The ludicrous "counter-information 'as if Assange in Sweden' raped women seems intended to give him credibility as: who is haunted by power, must have the power to disseminate information into disrepute .

7. The site is a mess, you can not even type in keywords.

8.The number of leaked documents is always great so absurd that there can be no question of the 'classical' method of leakage of some sensitive documents. If someone wants to leak documents, he does it to draw attention to specific information. Then you never leak hundreds of thousands of documents, but only those documents that deal with the matter in question. Moreover, the "leak" already announced in advance all the appearance of an "orchestrated" operation.

9. What is the business model of Wikileaks? We see no ads. Assange How does he earn money for all those women to rape and to travel around the world..?

10. Google and Facebook are also intelligence operations from the CIA, as became known this summer. That makes it logical and believable that Wikileaks a CIA invention.

(Sorry for the poor translation, it was written in Dutch..)
edit on 6-12-2010 by Amsterdam because: I tried to fix the faulty translation, where I was able to..

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Monstret
reply to post by SkurkNilsen

maybe its so, but just I got irritated when I began to think about NWO. Well it would be possible but I really think that its not going to happen, cuz I cant see any evidence anywhere.

How many times do Bush and Kissinger have to say New World Order before you'll believe them?

edit on 6-12-2010 by Asktheanimals because: fix video link

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Give me HARD PROOF that you aren't an NWO disinfo agent...or I WON'T believe it.


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Thank goodness the future of our world doesn't depend on ATS.


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by SkurkNilsen
reply to post by hawkiye

How many time do I have to say this...

The files are released slowly to give every file maximum political impact and give the public a realtime release with the MSM, thus making it impossible to hide anything.

Man, I think I've written that sentence 50 times today, but not everyone can find any info for themselves so the heroes have to step up to the plate

No, they just sit behind their computers safely, demanding more, more, more. Just like the banksters, lol!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:45 AM
This amazes me a thread hit front page here for 2 days stating that Assange was NWO. SO much for denying ignorance....
You peeps got to stop the hating.... keep it real and embrace postive change..


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