From what I understand, "Creationism" is just another vehicle for "Christianity" to facilitate it's religious ideals into a modern era of
ideologies. Nihilistic Reductionist Materialism offers no other explanations worthy of any factual value short of the working mechanics of systems;
although the underlying processes are still unobtainable by science.
Having no belief in Christianity or any religion for that matter, I do struggle with the underlying idea that we must conform our science to a
religious belief-system and even if there is evidence of a creative intelligence behind the framework of physical reality; does that mean the
"religions" of the world got it right with speculation or should science continue to do what it does best and validate and make factual such
We all know that through technology and information processing, computers etc. Humans are capable of creating very elaborate virtual worlds both in
Video Games and Movies. Every detail of these systems are defined by simple mathematical formulas and processes by which a rule-set governs the
underlying "designer universe" of 3D Movies and Video Games.
It is quite possible, and has been certainly supported mathematically that we may exist in a scaled up, "Designer Universe" or "Simulated Virtual
Reality". "
Digital Physics" certainly supports such a hypothesis. Brain Whitworth is
someone I have been in e-mail dialog with in regards to his publications that detail, "
The Physical World as a
Virtual Reality" and he has many emerging papers in support of this theory:
My interests in VR Theory and Digital Physics stem from underlying personal evidence that a recursive feedback interface exists and is itself
something we are all facilitating from the vantage point of a consciousness observing reality. I strongly support the reality of "Precognitive
Dreams" as an issue of causality and point of origin for "Reality pre-processing".
What makes precognitive dreams so interesting is they have a direct link to a future event. Although scaled down in terms of one's vantage point,
having observed tomorrow, today in a dream is quite revealing of deeper underlying mechanics. Before you scream impossible know that as impossible as
it might seem, our current paradigm is shifting in such a way that theoretically now it's becoming more plausible.
How you might ask?
Just recently, Jeff Tollkasen and his group from Chapman University in Orange County, California have proven that the "arrow of time" can flow
backwards. This is known as Backwards Causality or Retrocausality. It has been reproduced at the University of Rochester and is now becoming
accepted fact that in quantum mechanics at least, the arrow of time points in other directions then what Sir Issac Newton proposed with this theory of
time being forward moving only.
There is another "time" defying experiment conduced that used the old double-slit experiment. “We have complete which-way information and no
which-way information at the same time for the same electron,”
Skeptics have argued that if precognition was "real" then why hasn't anyone ever predicted 9/11. The fact is, one person has had several dreams of
it leading up to 9/11 with timestamped evidence in the form of a compelling painting. His name is David Mandell - The Man Who Dreams The Future. And
you can watch a video documentary covering this, plus the timestamped photo of him and the 9/11 picture in this video:
If you still think there is no evidence of precognition, then here are just two famous cases:
Mark Twain: The American writer, Mark Twain, and his brother Henry once worked on riverboats on the Mississippi. One night Mark had a dream
about his brother's corpse lying in a metal coffin in his sister's living room. It rested on two chairs, with a bouquet and a single crimson flower
in the center. He told his sister about his dream.
Just weeks later, his brother was killed in a massive explosion on a riverboat. Many others died and were buried in wooden coffins. But one
onlooker felt such pity for young Henry that she raised the money for an expensive metal coffin. At the funeral, Mark was shocked to see the coffin
exactly as it was in his dream. As he stood over Henry's casket, a woman placed a bouquet with a single red rose in the middle.
Abraham Lincoln: In 1865, two weeks before he was shot dead, Abraham Lincoln had a psychic dream about a funeral at the White House. In the
dream, he asked someone who was in the casket and they replied, "the president of the United States". He told his wife about the dream but neither
of them took it to heart - for on the night of his assassination he gave his only bodyguard the night off.
J.W Dunne applied the scientific method to his precognitive dreams and detailed this in his book, "An Experiment with Time" in 1927.
Christine Mylius (her stage name) who was a German movie actress. She often had precognitive dreams that had to do with upcoming film roles. She sent
her dreams to Prof. Bender at the Institute for Border-line areas of Psychology for archiving. When later a pre-dreamt film role happened, she could
point him to the dream that presaged it. Her 1974 book is called (appropriately enough) "Traumjournal" [Dream Journal].
And there is more, suffice to say this is just the tip of the iceburg in favor of precognitive dreaming.
I am well aware that about a century ago Russell used Occam’s razor to cut down the idea that life is a dream:
"There is no logical impossibility in the supposition that the whole of life is a dream, in which we ourselves create all the objects that come
before us. But although this is not logically impossible, there is no reason whatever to suppose that it is true; and it is, in fact, a less simple
hypothesis, viewed as a means of accounting for the facts of our own life, than the common-sense hypothesis that there really are objects independent
of us, whose action on us causes our sensations." (Russell, 1912)
Yet, in the above examples and including my own experiences will argue that there is an underlying relationship between dreams and reality. Like
particle/wave duality, there is dream/reality dualism implying an direct interconnection between what is "Real" and what is "Dreamed".
This may seem fallacious and impossible but retrocausality proves that the future already exists. Consciousness scales up from the Quantum into the
macro-universe and is not particle/chemical rather the product of holographic photon packets arranged within the dendril/axion alpha/beta tubulin
lattice within the microtubules found in the exoskeleton of the neuron.
Consciousness itself may be a holographic photon based system where "spooky action from a distance" is just a fact of quantum reality and neurology.
It's already proven that plants use quantum superposition to maximize energy efficiency in photosynthesis. Nature already uses quantum states and
our brain neurology is no exception. Obviously everything scales up from the quantum scale into the macro universe. The Holographic Principle and
Craig Hogan's findings supported with the GEO600 experiment suggests this reality right now could be a Hologram. We could be holographic projections
of ourselves within a holographic virtual world.
Photons clearly exhibit retrocausality as per Tollkasen's findings and our brain utilizes photons as part of our information processing from the
quantum scale up; this may help bridge the paradigm for those of you who think that the future cannot be known. In the world of information
processing and through what evidence there is of precognition (personal and historical) the fact is we seem to already exist tomorrow today. But
somehow filter it out into a chronological order as if we are simply reading a book, or reading a tape-drive accessing the information in a serialized
We already know reality isn't physical, that atoms are merely the smallest matter block that can be reduced through chemistry. Sub-particles start
to behave differently then atoms and break all the rules of Relativity and Newtonian Law, they simply contradict everything we "want" to believe
about how the observed world should work.
Wave-Function collapse and particle/wave duality should inspire you to think past physical objects and start looking at the information system
underlying all of it. An information set that exists in a non-linear and non-localized way outside the restraints of macro systems.
For all we know, reality could be a dream scaled up and or we could all just be players in a cosmic role-playing game. There is so much more under
the hood to what is really going on.
As far as I am concerned, "This is the physical side of dreaming". And it's awesome!