I have been thinking about the past lives, the after life, the judgement day etc, the messages which are laid in Quran.
As I was surfing through the Internet I came across this
wild theory
I got the idea that when we die, we are born again, reincarnated if you will. But we are not reincarnated in our own time. What if you are born again
as some one who has already lived. What if every one that has ever lived, is you, just you with a completely different personality.
So what this theory is saying that, when you die, you will be reincarnated in the same life, but this time someone else.
This theory makes sense in the light of Quran, for many reasons.
1. Heaven
If you do good in this life, do not bother people, do not insult them, do not hurt them with intention, do not cause suffering etc, then every time
you are reincarnated you will live a happy life, for ever.
In Quran it states that good people will live in heaven for eternity. Heaven simply means an amazingly good life, a life worth living, without the
pain and suffering of this life. This description of heaven will be met if we realize that good will lead us to heave.
What do I mean by good will lead us to heaven? If we were to take this theory seriously you would assume that every time you do good, you are simply
doing good to yourself because when you are reincarnated you be someone else, but that other person who you were previously, did good to you, and made
life easier for you etc.
Now imagine if everyone of us pursued good, what would the world be like? If this theory was right, I would live in heaven for eternity, that is my
choice, and as the timeline moves forward, what happens? We create the heaven described in the Quran, where all your wishes can come true,
scientifically I can already see that. (DETAIL NEEDED)
Now if were all to be d1ck heads and a$$holes to each other, steal each others properties, continually destroy our own achievements through war, be
greedy bigots, racist peanuts etc.. We are in hell.
According to this theory, every time we are reincarnated, we will be treating ourselves like sh1t therefore will only get worse and worse until we
create the hell which is described in Quran, where we will burn for eternity. It is our own choice.
Every time we are reincarnated we are reincarnated we will cause our own suffering.
Being in hell and heaven is our own choice.
Until we realize that, we will continually be in between.
If we completely forget that, and loose faith, then we are doomed, eternal hell fire.
Right now we are in between.
What are your thoughts on this?