posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 02:30 PM
I first must say I enjoy all of the posts in this thread and the others that cover similar topics. There are few things that seem to be missing from
the conversation that might help some of the experimenters.
1. Habituation. The human brain has a bad habit of fixating on things which can be helpful but is most often not. Repeating the same thing over and
over does not necessarily create an evolutionary effect. Repetitive beats, ala the Beat-les, is a way to entrain the system to be open to subliminal
programming. In the case of the Beatles*** and other such bands, the entrainment comes from the beats and the programming comes from the words. With
TV, the entrainment comes from the flickering light, the programming from the visuals. If you are entraining yourself, you need to also be
"programming" or reprogramming. Simply listening to something over and over without some clear intent will produce little in the way of growth and
it may cause more problems if you are picking up on some other programming that might not be good for you.
I would suggest that the note sequence in question here might be more useful if different harmonies were added - less habituation. Think monks here,
who all chant the same note, but have different timbres in their voices creating something that is not repetitive, but has more life to it. Possibly
even starting notes on different tracks just out of sync to create a more life like effect. I would also suggest using the note sequence as a base to
help reprogram yourself, so think a new thought or idea that you wish to introduce to yourself. You might write it on paper and hold it if that works
for you, or record it in the music itself - quietly.
2. Growth is slow. We are used to taking drugs that give us an immediate alteration of the physical chemistry in us. We have been told and taught that
this altered state is valuable, and in a handful of cases it might be, but for the most part the alteration is simply physical chemistry going awry.
What happens is the chemical balance is disrupted to the point of creating conflict with the primary 5 sense process. The conflict is what we call
being high - this is not a growth state, but simply and conflict state created by the chemical imbalance.
This is what we are trained on and we "think" that if we don't get this "high" we are not accomplishing anything. This is simply not true. You
may open things up a bit using the notes or any other expansion technique and effects from the process will take some time to show itself. Folks above
reported how a high does of '___' might give you a bad trip - proving useless or even destructive, as a way of getting instantaneous growth. So to
protect yourself from yourself, the system will reward expansion processes with a progressive evolution, not a car crash style. So you may listen to
the beats for a while, "feel" nothing, but two weeks later you notice react differently to a certain scenario, or your awareness has increased - you
notice things you hadn't seen or felt before. In order to fully understand the process you need to track how your perception of realty changes over
time, not how it changes over minutes.
3. There is no abrupt path to expansion via notes, drugs, chanting, climbing mountains, so placing that expectation on these notes and not getting a
result is consistent.
4. Frequencies of all kinds to alter your being. The holoforms frequency generating system is quite remarkable, when used with the above in mind. has an extensive list in the lunar light section. You can incorporate some of those frequency sequences in your music and be
just like the big boys - modulated is better, not necessary to hear them to be effective. has some interesting sequences - again
not the end all be all.
5. Think of things this way. A hammer is one tool you use to build a house - 1 of maybe 150 tools. You cannot set out to build a house and say "well
I have a hammer, that is more than enough." The same is said for the note issue, you cannot evolve your entire consciousness on a "A" played over
and over again any more than you can build a house with only a hammer. This of course does not mean that the notes can't be a valuable addition to
your tool kit.
There is an interesting youtube comparison of a Pink Floyd Track with 440 and 432. The difference in "feeling" is striking. 432 is more heart
centered, one is more able to be with the music, while 440 is more head oriented. 432 is subtle, which for the "get high" crowd is not appealing at
all, 440 is very heavy handed. Is one evil and the other not? No, they are just different if you are aware of the issue.
*** the issue of repetitive beats and the effect is remarkable. In the doc section of "Hard Days Night" it is noted by one of the staff working the
Beatles appearance that the girls went nuts, screaming, fainting and total chaos. Pretty cool, except the girls had never hear the Beatles before. To
go nuts and faint over something unknown is rather odd, but at the time, the efforts laid down in those songs was pretty powerful to a naive nation of
evolutionary rubes. Things aren't that much different today, separate out the almost universal base/beat track in most rap music and listen to it
over and over again, you'll feel sick - now add the killing, drugging lyrics and viola'.
Thanks for listening.