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Jesse Ventura On The View: "Bush and Cheney Did 9/11!"

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posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Except that Bush and Chenney are only the face of the many factions involved, already replaced by somebody with more public appeal.

...son instead of, "Bush knew!", what you really should be using as a battle cry now is, "Obama knows!".


posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 06:56 PM
"I stand my my statements that Bush is no longer in the White House; Obama is, and that Obama doesn't take any of your conspiracy claims seriously either."

He also doesn't take your Constitution seriously either, since he has failed to repeal the Patriot Act and has sicked child molesting TSA goons on innocent Americans, among other things.

"The question therefore still remains- why would Obama risk his neck to cover up this supposed massive conspiracy staged by Bush, unless he was in on it too?"

Actually, Obama would be "risking his neck" if he attempted to uncover the 9/11 conspiracy. But that's okay; you've been known to get things backwards like calling Truthers, Trusters.

"If Ventura doesn't realize what the things he's saying actually means, then either he's making up silly things to say without thinking to draw attention to himself, or, he is in fact a blithering idiot for not knowing Bush isn't in the White House any more."

Ventura is mainstream media, therefore, he is your boy, since you are obviously a Truster of the almighty media who believes the garbage they sold to you on 9/11. Obviously, your side has more use for blithering idiots, so do us a favor and keep him over there.

edit on 8-12-2010 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 07:31 PM
How about we reach a comprimise? The government knew/is behind the destruction, the coverup, and everyone in the givernment knows to keep their mouths shut or they will be ruined and possibly die? Does that work for everyone so we can get back to the task at hand which is discussing the possibility of the government staging 9/11 as an excuse to go to war against islam and anyone not of our birth? I mean the whole point, to paraphrase Carlin, is to bomb the brown people isn't it?

Edit to add: BTW goodoldave, i love the "Too stupid to pick his own nose" line, hope you don't mind if i borrow that when my friends come over later.
edit on 12/8/2010 by Finn1916 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 07:43 PM
this guy will say anything to keep his fans salivating for more. he's showbiz, people. its all about the money.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Finished in 1997, a hotel in Las Vegas called New York New York, with a skyline of New York!!!

Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
Yeah!?....without te Twin Towers, how obvious...well, you can't FOOL me!!!

Well i am a just foreiger.....and even 'we' see that 9/11 was a inside job!
How many sheeps are living in the States!
Youre all get fooled bij the US government.....wake up, open your eyes!!

edit on 9-12-2010 by FemaF4Fotoshop because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2010 by FemaF4Fotoshop because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 01:07 AM
I love Jess, but i have to disagree with one thing, the whole 9/11 business was in planning a long time before Bush jnr entered the Whitehouse, so i dont blame Bush for everything. I think Georgey boy was just a pawn pushed around by his daddy and the people with the REAL power.

If George is guilty of anything its being stooooopid.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Actually, Obama would be "risking his neck" if he attempted to uncover the 9/11 conspiracy. But that's okay; you've been known to get things backwards like calling Truthers, Trusters.

How the heck do *I* have things backwards? You're the ones who mindlessly trusts everything Dylan Avery and Alex Jones are shoveling out. How can you even deny this when this very thread is quoting what Jesse Ventura is spouting. For the past few hours, I've been seeing TV commercials for Jesse Ventura's, "Conspiracy Theory" show where Alex Jones is pointing to Ventura saying, "They want you dead, governor". Alex Jones is nothing but an internet talk show host so there is zero, and I mean ZERO, legitimate reason Ventura would ever be talking to that paranoid crackpot for any legitimate research unless he was Jones' acolyte. It would not surprise me in the least if Ventura got into his conspiracy kick because he started listening to Jones.

Sheesh, dude, stop making stuff up.

Ventura is mainstream media, therefore, he is your boy, since you are obviously a Truster of the almighty media who believes the garbage they sold to you on 9/11. Obviously, your side has more use for blithering idiots, so do us a favor and keep him over there.

I have already said countless times that I concur the gov't is covering up a lot of information they don't want to get out so if it hasn't sunk in by now what my position is at this point then it probably never will. You simply will NOT believe anything that contradicts what you want to believe so your claim that I'm some sort of truster when you're the one blatantly operating off some source of faith based logic isn't even remotely credible.

The claim that Ventura is "mainstream media" is beyond ridiculous and I will not waste my time addressing it.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Finn1916
Edit to add: BTW goodoldave, i love the "Too stupid to pick his own nose" line, hope you don't mind if i borrow that when my friends come over later.

LOL no problem in the least. Saying Bush was too stupid to pick his own nose is as public domain as saying water is wet and mud is dirty.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 07:44 AM
Well the time to do something was many decades ago. There have been many laws and measures that eroded the consitution, like the current us dollar or more precisely the 1913 federal bank act, which removed from congress the control over the money supply and by extension from the American people. What you are whitnessing now is just a continuation of what begun many decades ago.
edit on 13-12-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Seriously Dave I have seen a couple of your posts now. You neither support those who seek the truth behind the events of 911, nor those who support the official story. All you do here is troll. And quite cleverly found a way to spread profanity by slipping it in your avatar. Why are you here? Boredom?
edit on 13-12-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by solarstorm

It's a good video. Jesse came off really well, and hitting the View was a great idea. While the girls may have debated with him, they asked the same questions that everyday Americans would...and they didn't make him look like a nutter.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Seriously Dave I have seen a couple of your posts now. You neither support those who seek the truth behind the events of 911, nor those who support the official story. All you do here is troll. And quite cleverly found a way to spread profanity by slipping it in your avatar. Why are you here? Boredom?

If this is what you believe then you have NOT been reading any of my posts. I have never hidden the reasons why I am here...

a) the conspiracy theorist movement is basing it's angst over 100% foolishness being shovelled out by those damned fool conspiracy web sites. I've even explained as much in this very thread, as the OP is quoting Jesse Ventura claiming, "Bush and Cheney did 9/11" when it's been shown Ventura is simply swallowing the "they want you dead, governor" drivel being thrown out by that paranoid lunatic Alex Jones. I'm here to point out exactly how thsoe conspiracy web sites you're getting all your information from are lying to you. Most of your "questions that need answering" have already been answered years ago, but Dylan Avery, David Ray Griffin, et al certainly aren't going to tell you that. Case in point- did any of your web sites ever tell you that 9/11 commission report documented the fact that Bush actually DID issue a shoot down order for United 93?

b) the bulk of you self styled truthers do NOT seek the truth, so please do not insult my intelligence. It's blatantly obvious your real modus operandi is to convince others that there;s some sinister conspiracy afoot regardless of where there really is one or not. Your side has passed off more lies and distortions than I can count (I.E. no interceptors scrambled, all the WTC bomb dogs withdrawn, no fires in WTC 7, etc) and whenever we show evidence that shows it's wrong you make up excuses on how everyone is some secret agent spreading disinformation to trick you. How is this even remotely, "searching for the truth"? Please, explain that one to me.

c) I personally do want more investigations 'cause there's a lot more that happened that we need to go over. An administration that can't even hand out water bottles to hurricane survivors in New Orleans without slipping on banana peels certainly is goign to be equally as incompetent while handling the 9/11 attack. We invaded Iraq over really bad intelligence and so far, everyone's attitude is, "whoops a daisy!". We need to go over these failures to make sure it can NEVER happen again, but the problem is that you conspiracy people have turned the whole 9/11 research thing into a three ring circus with your crackpot, "secret controlled demolitions", "Lasers from outer space", or whatever. I'm trying to point out that you people are NOT helping.

d) I'm likewise fascinated by the conspiracy theorists' mindless ignorance of what's going on the world. We had one Muslim fanatic who was recently sentenced to prison for trying to set off a car bomb in NYC, another muslim fanatic was arrested for trying to blow up a Christmas tree lighting in Oregon, people in Indonesia are being murdered over using "Allah" to describe the Christain god, over the weekend there was a suicide bombing by an Islamic fundamentalist in Sweden of all places, and let's not forget the entire muslim world went ballistic over something so [censored] trivial as cartoons of Mohammed in Danish newspapers. Muslim fundamentalism is undeniably a severe problem and yet you conspiracy people want to stick your heads in the sand and hallucinate it's the gov't, the jews, secret cults of Satan worshipping numerologists, or whatever, who's out to murder us all. According to you conspiracy people, the only ones completely innocent in 9/11 are Al Qaida and the 19 hijackers. Incredible.

So tell me, if you are genuinely interested in finding the truth, did you ever actually read the 9/11 report or are you simply listening to whatever Jesse Ventura says? Or should I say, whatever Alex Jones says?
edit on 13-12-2010 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Well said Dave!

I was for a brief time, a truther. (2005) When I watched the first PentaLAWN video. I scratched my head and was almost HOPING that Bush was the culprit. I hate the man! Then, I applied a minimal amount of critical thinking to all the "evidence" that the truthers came up with. None of it held water. I agree that there was a cover up. Not to the extent of super dooper secret thermite and things of that nature. There were cover ups to hide the incompetence of those that were in charge. I for one would not support yet another investigation that will cost me more of my hard earned tax dollars so another politician can lie. Sorry woo seekers, it aint worth it!

Now, on to Ventura. How can ANYONE be so blind as to follow a roid infested man that is PIMPING HIS OWN SHOW! That's why he was doing a talk circuit. He is gathering viewers for his disingenuous series. It was proven that on his 9/11 show, the footage was doctored. I will search for it when I get some time.

I laugh when the truthers call us sheep; yet some of them donate money to charlatans like Richard Gage...not because he offers anything new...but he is the leader of their flock and "spreads the word" for all truthers. It is VERY similar to Televangelists. You keep giving to the Lord and I will be able to continue to spread His word! Truthers are followers of a cult. Plain and simple.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Sig, if you're for Dave then that's all I need to know about you. You say that 'another investigation' is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Well, you've made your point now why don't you leave the rest of us alone while we pursue the truth. We know where you stand.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by dillweed

Hi Dillweed ~

You are not looking for anything. You are biased to a conspiracy. As most other truthers, you will not listen to anyone but those that support your conspiracy theory.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
Sig, if you're for Dave then that's all I need to know about you. You say that 'another investigation' is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Well, you've made your point now why don't you leave the rest of us alone while we pursue the truth. We know where you stand.

...and here's yet another dishonest trait of the conspiracy people. Noone is saying you conspiracy people don't have freedom of speech to pursue your conspiracy stories, and in fact ATS recognizes free speech is essential to "deny ignorance" (which is another reason why I like it here) so you're at liberty to conjure up whatever half baked conspiracy claim you wish. What YOU don't understand is that people like Six Sigma also have the right of freedom of speech, so he has every right to point out, "hey, that doesn't make any sense" when you conspiracy people post something that doesn't make any sense. If your posts are so weak that they need to be protected from the criticisms of others, then all that means is that the material you're posting doesn't hold any water. It ain't a trick question.

So tell me, how do you believe you're genuinely searching for the truth when you're telling people like Six to go away and leave your conspiracy claims alone? The truth never needs to run and hide from falsehoods. It's always falsehoods that need to run and hide from the truth.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
Sig, if you're for Dave then that's all I need to know about you. You say that 'another investigation' is a waste of taxpayer dollars. Well, you've made your point now why don't you leave the rest of us alone while we pursue the truth. We know where you stand.

A short while ago, on the 50 Facts Concerning 9/11 etc thread, you said there was "no wreckage" at the Pentagon. That statement flat contradicts a huge volume of eyewitness, physical and photographic evidence to a degree which is absurd.

So when you say you are pursuing " the truth " you are joking, right ?

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I'm sick and tired of you guys telling me to look at the facts. I have, and I don't buy them. Why do you people who who support the OS get so violent in your opposition to investigation? Why do you keep saying that we're hung up on conspiracies? I've never said anything about a conspiracy! Why do you keep bringing up Dylan Avery? He's old news, man. For the last time, there is no way that an airliner crashed into the Pentagon that day. That's my view, and until someone shows me film of that happening it won't change. so to all of you who keep trying to enlighten me, get bent.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
I'm sick and tired of you guys telling me to look at the facts. I have, and I don't buy them. Why do you people who who support the OS get so violent in your opposition to investigation? Why do you keep saying that we're hung up on conspiracies? I've never said anything about a conspiracy! Why do you keep bringing up Dylan Avery? He's old news, man. For the last time, there is no way that an airliner crashed into the Pentagon that day. That's my view, and until someone shows me film of that happening it won't change. so to all of you who keep trying to enlighten me, get bent.

Just so I get this straight. It doesn't matter to you that scores of eye-witnesses saw a jetliner hit the Pentagon. That lots of wreckage was recovered from the scene entirely compatible with a Boeing 757, that dna identified body parts of passengers and crew were recovered from the scene, that radar, air traffic control and a nearby C130 placed AA 77 at the scene, that the aircraft's flight data recorder placed it at the scene ?

So far as you are concerned, if it is not on film it didn't happen ? Rather obliterates most of history doesn't it ?

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by dillweed

Right you are sir...

I will go two steps further, since no one posting here has mentioned the obvious. Which is: hardened steel does not melt at kerosine burn temperatures. Unless, the entire physics theories which took us to the moon and operate the ISS space station are a lie, then kerosine or airplane fuel can not possibly melt steel here on earth in this time and place.

Therefore, the OS has to be a lie, since steel does not melt at 2000 degrees, and of course, we are talking a flash burn not a continuous steady heat burn.

Given the OS is a lie because the official story violates several known physical laws, anyone supporting the OS is either a fool or a co-conspirator or paid disinfo shill agent.

I can not for the life of me understand why any explanation of an event or accident which violates known physical laws is ever believed as plausible, possible or even likely to happen again.

The official story is total fabrication, lies, disinformation, and rife with obfuscation of every sort.

go to Youtube and look at SEPTEMBER CLUES a nine or ten part video of 10 min. ea.

Back to this poster...I do not believe any planes hit any buildings that day, and also the only known proof of anything hitting the pentagon is the remains of a global hawk engine.

Also, since the pentagon hole is too small for a big jet that is yet another physical law broken for the sake of explanation...if the hole is too small for a jet, then a jet did not make the hole...duh!

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