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The Toy Robot that Brought Denver to it's Knees!

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

Not to mention it getting caught up in the snow, and then melting into the ground water.

Oh no, they will have to shut down the Coors Factory and we will all have to drink Budweiser instead!

Terrorist scum!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Erasurehead
I think the concerned citizens of Denver should contact the EPA next and have them check for dangerous levels of lead. Those chinese toys are loaded with the stuff.

Ah man...... That was just too much
I swear to god I honestly laughed out loud with that one

I love it! It's funny because it's the same level of paranoia

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by MMPI2
Well, you gotta remember that the SWAT teams, TSA, FBI, Police, special agents, EOD personnel, snipers/countersnipers, etc. gotta make it look good for the press and the taxpaying public and for their wives/girlfriends/boyfriends in order to live up to that "tough guy, roootin' tootin' shootin' hero stuff that they are paid richly for by your and my taxpayer dollars.

You gotta have some time to put on the 5000$ worth of weapons and personal protective gear, use the snazzy communications stuff, jump like Bruce Willis into the 250000$ special operations van, race with siren blaring and lights flashing and tires screaching, pumped up with heroic self-righteousness and vein self-importance, and live up to the action movies we were weaned on, to save the barely capable public that haven't had the training and are incapable of having the expertise we have, coordinating with each other, giving orders, cordoning off large pieces of private property to keep the sheeple safe from the most dire of terroristic threats, doing interviews, taking questions, basking in the warm loving public glow of the GE kleig lights at press conferences, delicately selecting, editing, classifying and sharing bits of or heroism with the blonde newsgirl who's upper lip glistens with dewy hopefulness as she thinks of headlining the evening news with OUR pictures and video of us taking charge, breasts heaving as she looks into "the safety zone" at US pointing, looking through 2000$ binoculars, assessing the danger of the situation and developing the best angle for enfilade with our custom made german submachine guns, then after we have taken charge and eliminated the threat and launched intel investigations into motives of the conquered enemy, bonding together as only men can bond, doing things that men do, so when we go back to our brand new 30 million dollar law enforcement and emergency response center and start shedding our gear and weapons in the locker room, we can look at each others' glistening naked bodies and feel like real, beefy, rigid, proud MEN!!!!

LOL! Sounds like a typical day here in Phoenix with Sheriff Joe and his merry band of goons. Not too long ago, the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office purchased a tank. What is this nation coming to? But it's going to get worse as more U.S. troops come back home from serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and find jobs in police enforcement and such. Welcome to the police state.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:09 PM
You may find zum humor in dis story but I assure you,
this has become, no laffing matter.
Everything has become suspect, everyone is a potential terrorist.
You have money in your vallet? Why do you have money? Has someone paid you to do a terrible thing?
Why are you annoyed with our questioning? They are only questions do you have something to hide?
Only guilty people behave such as yourself, are you guilty of something?

Why, didnt someone just walk over and pick up the toy?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You know Proto, at first this made me laugh but after the absurdity sunk in...I became worried. The chips are falling in to place for us economic free range chickens to be squeezed into a smaller chicken coups. But I'm glad that you give this story a different spin, because in the end, as tragic as the future may be, it is quite absurd and we can only laugh insanely.

Nurse! Where is my Paxil?!....


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Thanks my friend, and I agree, I sure don't plan on letting anyone forget this!

Can you believe according to some of the members living in the Denver area that they were told it was simply a 'suspicious package'.

Even the authorities know this is embarassingly absurd!

Thanks for posting my friend.

I know you didnt mean to do it, but I am laughing so hard my sides hurt. You, PT, are the real terrorist for making me laugh like this.

They really told the locals it was a "suspicious package"? I realize American English is my first language and I have been speaking it my whole life, but wouldn't the toy robot have to be in an actual "package" of some sort to be a suspicious package? I could understand the terminology if the toy robot even had an envelope put over the top of it, but it doesn't. It is simply a toy glued to the ground lol.

I could go outside right now, throw a hamburger on the ground and scream at anyone walking by, 'Look Out!! Step around it!! It's the dreaded "Suspicious Package!!! Call 911!!" Anyone walking by would briefly look at me, roll their eyes, and probably wonder what village had just lost it's idiot.

I wonder if anything will be done about this. Surely there had to be a serious cost monetarily on the tax payers of the city. The SWAT team, Bomb Squad, bomb disposal robot, plus the cost to the local businesses in the area that were forced to essentially close down when the area was cordoned off. There has to be a cost and you would think, especially with the other operations and police abuse cases coming out of Denver in recent years, that the tax payers who are footing this bill would be just about all out of "understanding".

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter

Why, didnt someone just walk over and pick up the toy?

I'm sorry but I laughed so hard at this one comment at the end of your post. Such a simple solution, but even as funny as all this is there is a serious side to consider. I did wonder why no one simply walked over and picked it up when it occurred to me, that had someone with common sense simple walked up and picked it up to show them it was nothing, the SWAT teams probably would have shot him before he could get to the toy. Wouldn't that be standard operating procedure in a situation like this from the perspective of Law Enforcement? How scary is the thought of that?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

They really told the locals it was a "suspicious package"? I realize American English is my first language and I have been speaking it my whole life, but wouldn't the toy robot have to be in an actual "package" of some sort to be a suspicious package? I could understand the terminology if the toy robot even had an envelope put over the top of it, but it doesn't. It is simply a toy glued to the ground lol.

Yes believe it or not as you scan through the thread at least two members living in the area mentioned in one case it was simply described as a 'suspicious package' and in the other case an 'incident'.

It just goes to show you whether it's for ratings or political effect, that they spin these stories to make them appear more valid and important than they are. More importantly to obscure how patently rediculous some of them are.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You sir, are a master story teller indeed...just the right amount of tension, a firm eye planted on the facts of this clearly significant threat, and direct quotes from the people involved, who are clearly real American heroes. I will sleep with a certain smug satisfaction tonight knowing our robot overlords will have to wait for another day to begin their reign of terror.

My thanks OP and a star and flag for you. This little gem made my day!

I would like to request that you write one of these little exposes often. Humor is a great way for a message to be delivered.

edit on 3-12-2010 by deadcalm because: fixed spelling error and added another line.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

Why, didnt someone just walk over and pick up the toy?

Most likely because the 'book' said you can't, and once the police were on the scene, they would have basically prevented anyone else from doing so.

The local law enforcement departments get big dollars every year from Homeland Security that they have to spend on specialized training. Once a few officers are 'certified' in certain 'critical' situations, then they basically run everything by the training manual no matter how retarded it is.

While the authorities on the scene said the robot appeared to be glued or cemented to the structures base, chances are some kid stuck it in a wad of chewing gum or spilled slurpy that dried and made it 'stick' to the base, which is why it was probably discarded in the first place.

Chances are there are some more even more embarassing elements to this story they don't want to divulge.

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by deadcalm
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You sir, are a master story teller indeed...just the right amount of tension, a firm eye planted on the facts of this clearly significant threat, and direct quotes from the people involved, who are clearly real American heroes. I will sleep with a certain smug satisfaction tonight knowing our robot overlords will have to wait for another day to begin their reign of terror.

My thanks OP and a start and flag for you. This little gem made my day!

Thanks my kind friend, I appreciate the complimentary words.

I think when we get to the bottom of this we will find out Cyberdine was behind this and this is the first of the Terminator Robots!

The writing is on the wall!

Thanks for posting!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Seriously, think about it!
I must be so rare of a man anymore that maybe I should apply for antique license plates to wear on my pants bottoms.
All this trembling and panic and shaking and elevated levels of fear constantly wearing at peoples common sense and ability to function, it is insanity that has become acceptable, almost desired by what would appear to be the majority.
If SWAT protocol would be to shoot, then I guess I would have been shot, I would have walked over to the toy and picked it up.
Am I the Terminator, Swartzeneger, Willis, Stallone action figure? No sir, not at all,
I'm just not made of cake.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:58 PM
OK, this is wrong on so many levels. First off any one that plants a bomb DOES NOT want it to draw any attention. They want it to be "invisible". This robot draw a more attention than King Kong. A real bomb would not be noticed until AFTER it went off. What are they going to blow up next? Oh, I know. Some one will leave a soda can on the park bench and out comes the bomb squad or the wind blow some trash out in the road and out comes the bomb squad. It is getting crazy. What if you car brakes down on the road side? Do you have to worry about the bomb squad blowing it up before you can come back with help to get it? I bet the real terrorist are laughing thier asses off about stuff like this.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

You know what you just brought up a good point.
As this keystone kops krap is televised all over gods half acre of planet earth, all of the potential nut bags out there are getting nothing less than a great tutorial on what to do and what not to do, as far as driving the public and these fumanda cheese agencies crazy.
Very poor showing of broadcast responsibilities!
Very Poor!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:11 PM
Homeland Security 1 - Skynet 0. Perhaps, this will be the story next time?

On a serious note, this has got to be one of the most ridiculous stories I have ever seen! What a great use of resources and taxpayer funds. People ought to be screaming at the top of their lungs over stunts like this and others. What gives? Some child misplaces their toy robot, and every government agency known to man thinks it is a bomb or something of a sinister nature? Talk about make a mountain out of a mole hill. As they are playing action figures in the streets of Denver, I bet the criminals and real conspirators are having a field day.

The nonsense has got to stop, and this self-imposed paranoia needs to be lifted, because we have a heck of a lot of other serious matters to contend with. Like the Fed committing financial terrorism behind everyone's back, potential hostilities on the Korean Peninsula, joblessness, government waste and corruption, astronomical spending, and other departures from normalcy and prosperity. Great find, Proto! Definitely a sign of the times.
edit on 3-12-2010 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Kratos40
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You know Proto, at first this made me laugh but after the absurdity sunk in...I became worried. The chips are falling in to place for us economic free range chickens to be squeezed into a smaller chicken coups. But I'm glad that you give this story a different spin, because in the end, as tragic as the future may be, it is quite absurd and we can only laugh insanely.

Nurse! Where is my Paxil?!....


Chances are these dark days will get far worse before they get better, and in the end common sense and decency will prevail again after being rediscovered and relearned the hard way. It will last for a generation or two and then the cycle will start all over again.

There will probably be days so dark we will wish for these days again in comparison.

It's not easy being free, and it's a lesson that people soon forget as they start trading them for security and conveniences, and it usually takes a good little bit for them to realize that nothing is that convenient or that secure about what they got in exchange for the freedoms they gave up.

It seems throughout history every few generations has to learn that the hardway.

This is our turn.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

That's it, that's the Robot I saw officer, he was breathing fire, and shooting like a bazillion rounds a second from some out of this world gun, and there were some dragons, and pixies, and pink elephants trying to stop him.

Come quick please!

Great video Jake!

I think the officer on the Bomb Squad's name was John Conner!

Coincidence? I think not.

Thanks for joining in.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

good training exercise, better than paying for the training directly.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I had to chime, because you my friend have found a gem showing us just how crazy this terrorism paranoia has become. This story should be all over the mainstream news and the "so called," commentators should be analyzing this latest foray into government waste and ineptness with a fine tooth comb. We are destined to fall off the cliff into oblivion if the nonsense continues. I would like to know how much that police action cost the taxpayers or how much commerce was lost by downtown businesses who could not conduct business during that lock down? I swear people's cheese have fallen off their cracker. From full body scans, toy robots being a threat, and other knee-jerk reactions, what is next? Again, great story, and a sign of our time.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Erasurehead

Not to mention it getting caught up in the snow, and then melting into the ground water.

Oh no, they will have to shut down the Coors Factory and we will all have to drink Budweiser instead!

Terrorist scum!

nooooo!!!! budwiper gives me gas and that could lead to another explosion. We all need to run away, run away here comes the killer rabbit.

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