posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 06:11 PM
Originally posted by janon
My advice, get a dog and a shotgun; two of the best security tools you can own.
Yes, this times ten!
We just rescued a wonderful chow/collie mix from the shelter a month ago, and she almost instantly assumed her role of "perimeter alert" system.
Nobody approaches the house now without her letting us know. Great temperament too, and smart.
Start saving for a shotgun, you can find a good used one fairly cheap, or I think you mentioned your dad had one. Even on a tight budget, with a
little determination you can save enough relatively quickly. Sell some stuff on ebay maybe. There's no reason for you to NOT feel fully secure within
your home.
Harden your perimeter by adding motion activated flood lights, if there's all ready lighting installed this can be as simple as a screw in adapter.
It's real cheap. Nobody likes to sneak up on a well lit house.
Pull trash cans and other things that can be hidden behind away from the house, trim bushes that give bad guys somewhere to hide, stuff like that. A
lot of things you can do cost nothing more than a little time and effort. Try to think like the bad guy as you approach your house, where would YOU
hide? How would YOU try to get in, then do something to affect that in your favor.
All the little things add up quickly to make you / your property unattractive to someone looking for some easy pickings. The main thing is to be
pro-active and approach it from that mindset. No need to go nuts and build a safe-room, just a little common sense applied liberally about your place
and a little what-if planning will have you setting pretty, Queen of the Castle, as you should be.