posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:28 PM
Okay. I get all the things you guys are bringing up...just a short explaination about where I live though..
I live, as I stated, in an out of the way place miles from the city. I just don't think some random lost person would find their way into our
cauldesac checking a map..As for burglaries, I really really hope not. someone looking for internet well..I don't know, maybe? It was really late at
night though, it'd gone 3am when I saw it pull up. But the fact remains the van pulled away just as I called the cops. That could be a coincidence,
but I really don't think so. Then there is the guy who visited this morning. It all just doesnt add up you know? I'll keep you guys posted if anything
else happens..
My avatar is from the german silent film "Metropolis" of the guys in the scene is cut off in the avatar though. Its the reaction of the crowd to
a woman dancing very riske...I'm really not sure why they have those looks on their faces though lol. The other part of my avatar is my own face..I
thought I kind of looked like the ORLY owl
Yes, I am a born and raised Mainer. I've lived in maine my entire life, but I have been fortunate enough to have had a very important event in my life
which allowed me to travel all over the country and in europe. I know that I have had an opportunity that not many people my age have had or will ever
have...It has opened my eyes a LOT and is indeed one of the reasons I now question everything around me. The unfortunate side effect of this is that I
am no longer happy staying in one place and while Maine will always be my home, it just isnt the same.
am going to continue to travel beginning in January..which brings problems for me concerning these recent incidents as I fear maybe they wont let me
travel, or will hold me up at the airports, or any number of difficulties.
Anyway, as I said, I'll keep you guys posted.
edit on 3-12-2010 by Xavialune because: add stuff